Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Giving God True Honor

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Romans 12:1 (NET)Therefore I exhort you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a sacrifice – alive, holy, and pleasing to God – which is your reasonable service.

Amaka habitually dishonored her husband by talking to him rudely in the presence of her family members. She did this again and again but didn't seem to agree that she was doing anything wrong. When her husband was tired of being dishonored by his wife in public, he became cold towards her and wouldn't eat her food nor discuss with her like he used to. In order to appease him, Amaka used all her savings to buy him a pair of expensive shoes he had always wanted. He didn't accept them because she refused to apologize and accept that what she was doing was wrong. It took the intervention of their pastor for this matter to be resolved, and it was resolved.

Our gifts of honor are useless when our character continues to dishonor.

More important than the sacrifice of our money to God is the sacrifice of fleshly pleasures and our will as an honor to Him. Everyone is familiar with the reality of honoring God with money, but the sacrifice of the flesh and will are underemphasized, and that is why many do not walk in the blessing that comes with honoring God.

In Genesis 4:5, we can see that God was not pleased with Cain and with his offering. If a man’s life is not acceptable before God, his offerings would not be acceptable to God.

Go into today remembering that honoring God with your body is more important than honoring Him with your money. Anyone can easily part with some money, but the man who truly honors God would part with fleshly pleasures that war against his soul (see 1 Pet 2:11)

Prayer: Heavenly Father, give me the grace to honor you in truth, in Jesus' name. Amen.
—Utieyin Uduaghan & Abraham Dami Arigi

Bible In 1 Year: Mark 3-4

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