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Daniel 12:3 (EasyEnglish) And those who are wise will shine like the bright sky. Those who help many people to obey God will shine like the stars always.
Pop Culture (Popular Culture) has greatly elevated the place of fame and fortune in society not minding so much how you come about them. The road to stardom has been paved into massive and broad highways much wider today than in past generations and many aspire greatly to be counted in the number, refusing to be deterred even when sometimes the prize comes at the price of defiled consciences and a loss of self and identity. So great is the allure that people go to ridiculous lengths to become one. It becomes more precarious now when notoriety is now tantamount to popularity and clout-chasing is sometimes rewarded with primetime social media coverage and eventually with the coronation of being an ‘influencer’.
George stared wide-eyed with surprise and shock as he viewed the Instagram upload of Tomi. The notification had popped up on his device and out of curiosity he had clicked it. He had immediately called Tomi, who happened to be one of the teenagers he was overseeing in church, and she bounced his call. After the third try he stopped calling and chatted her up instead.
GEORGE: Tomi, I just saw your Instagram upload now, and frankly, I was a torn between being shocked and being disappointed.
TOMI: But what exactly have I done wrong now sir?
GEORGE: Do we have to do this again? The last time I tried to talk to you about a similar issue you blocked me from viewing your Whatsapp status. Tomi, you are a child of God, there are trends and challenges that you should not be a part of at all. You should not be jumping into trends that do not glorify God, talk less of challenges that outrightly promote sensuality and nudity.
TOMI: Sir, I don’t see what I did wrong, its not like I was all exposed and naked. I only participated in the Hourglass Challenge to build my followership so I can get more likes and become an influencer. The bum-short and tank top I wore are just for the challenge's sake, I don’t wear them out.
GEORGE: You want to be an influencer…well God wants you to be an ‘Influencer’ too, but just not this type. Can I call you? It will be easier for me to explain certain things to you via call, chatting can be exhausting.
TOMI: (after some delay) Yes.
God’s kingdom has stars, they are those who turn many to righteousness, their feet are called beautiful (Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:15), they are termed wise (Proverbs 11:30) and their labor brings about celebration in heaven (Luke 15:10) and these stars will shine forever and ever. Join God’s array of stars today, submit yourself to Him and join the work of soul-winning now. These stars take up the “Challenge” of sharing God’s word online and offline. They are always part of the never-ending trend of praying for and witnessing to family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues.
Go into today reminded that you are a light to the world. Shine your light so that the world will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
—Ikechukwu Mpama
Yearly Bible Reading: I Samuel 26-31 (In Devotional Audio)
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Yearly Bible Reading: I Samuel 26-31 (In Devotional Audio)
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