Wednesday, May 26, 2021

They That Say Such Things

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Hebrews 11:14 (KJV) For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.

It was a great prayer meeting filled with energetic praying and prophetic utterances. Mayowa was not surprised though, whenever Eddy led a prayer meeting you could always expect the atmosphere to be charged, even during Bible Study, his contributions were always profound, and his eloquence always displayed. What did surprise Mayowa however was the disjoint between Eddy’s church activities and his daily living.

It was difficult for Mayowa to reconcile the capable prayer leader Eddy was in the church and the get-rich-quick scheme champion that he was outside the church. But then, he chanced upon Eddy trying to sign up yet another prospect to his latest scheme, and when a friend of Eddy’s prospect challenged Eddy asking him what business a youth prayer leader of a church had to do with the Make Mega Money scheme. Eddy’s response was that you give unto Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar and that his business had nothing to do with his being a Christian much less a youth leader.

Our words are very revealing, they betray our heart convictions and dispositions. In Hebrews 11 verse 13 and 14 we see that men who looked forward to the heavenly city each had similar things to say, namely that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. They took every opportunity, by both words and actions, to declare that they did not belong to this world system and that they belonged to another kingdom and looked forward to the time when that kingdom will take over this earth.

You can evaluate your heart by the things that you say in varying circumstances, they are the ‘confessions of faith’ or the ‘professions of fear, doubt, and unbelief. What do you find yourself saying amid great trials? What about when sickness tries to prevail? Or during economic hardship? Or even at the crossroads of decision? If you observe that your confessions do not reflect faith in God or the tenets of the faith, the solution is not to try to consciously change your confession; it is rather to retreat and begin to consciously fill your heart with the word of God, reading, studying and meditating upon it. In time, this will influence your confession and align it with faith in God.

Go into today with a consciousness that we belong to the civilization and kingdom of God and hence we must learn to be comfortable being different from the world. Let your heart know this and your lips utter it.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Yearly Bible Reading: Mark 9-10
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