Friday, July 16, 2021

The Believer's Mindset

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Galatians 3:13-14 (NET) Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us (because it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”) in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham would come to the Gentiles, so that we could receive the promise of the Spirit by faith.

Jim, Andrew, and Benjamin were close friends in college. With time, Andrew who was a believer observed that Benjamin had a certain sense of superiority. He actually believed that he was better than everyone around him and that whatever he did would prosper. As Andrew continued to observe, he noticed that Benjamin believed so much that he would be successful and excel in what he does because he was a Jew and he believed that he walked in the blessing. As things turned out before everyone's eyes, Benjamin was always the most successful one in the lot.

It was clear to Andrew that there was a spiritual force working for the favor and success of Benjamin in all things. As Andrew studied the scriptures and prayed about this, he found that as a believer in Christ, he had more access to the blessing of Abraham than a Jew who does not believe in Christ. What the unbelieving Jew has is the shadow, but what the believer in Christ (whether Jew or Gentile) has is the fullness of the blessing. This blessing produces peace and prosperity and gives us the inheritance of eternal life.

As Andrew changed his mindset, and like Benjamin, started believing that he was blessed indeed, he noticed that the blessings started manifesting in his life. He even noticed that the manifestation of God's grace and blessing in his life was stronger than what Benjamin had enjoyed all these years.

Go into today remembering that in Christ, you have the fullness of God's blessing and have been redeemed from all curses. This blessing is activated in your life by faith. Start expecting things to work well because of you. It is the expectation of the righteous that is not cut short, not merely his desires.

Prayer: Lord, help me walk the earth with the right mindset. Order my steps in Your word. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Exodus 37-40
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