Monday, August 9, 2021

Our Strongest Advertisement

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John 13:34-35 (KJV) A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

When Lisa moved to the city and had to live in an apartment for the first time, she noticed that the people in the city were very paranoid and independent. It was so difficult for her to make new friends, and she also observed that even her neighbors did not know her nor did they care to know her. But with time, she observed that in spite of how closed-hearted the people in the city were, there was a group of people that were really warm and open-hearted. They visited each other and truly cared for one another. She also observed that after Jake, her former colleague, joined them, he became warmer, nicer, happier, and he now had visitors in his apartment and friends who truly loved him. They were the only ones who took him in when he lost his job and became temporarily homeless.

As Lisa observed that these people truly loved one another, she wanted to be part of them because she too wanted to be truly loved.

The sincere love among the Christians in her neighborhood was what brought Lisa to the knowledge of Christ. She knew that it had to be the power of God at work for them to be that real and loving. She had been a member of many societies and community associations, and she had seen first hand how the best of human arrangements to create an environment of love had failed woefully. She had also been a member of other religious groups before she became a secular humanist, and the fact that the Christians were the only ones who actually succeeded in achieving a community of sincere love was proof to her that Christ is the way.

There is a power that we have as people born of God that cannot be found anywhere else. It is the power to love in truth(1 John 4:7). Without the divine life, the best version of love man can exhibit would prove to be self-centered and inconsistent. But those who are born of God have the capacity to truly love and truly forgive.

Go into today remembering that when you walk in love, you're obeying the Lord, and obedience is one of the strongest keys to promotion in the kingdom of God. When we love one another as believers, we are demonstrating that we are truly born of God, and this is actually our strongest advertisement to the world (both spiritual and physical).

Prayer: Lord, help me walk in love and be a good advertisement of Your nature to the world around me. Amen.

Bible in 1 Year: Proverbs 7 (in today's audio)

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