Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Do Not Trespass!


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Ecclesiastes 12:1 (AMP) Remember [earnestly] also your Creator [that you are not your own, but His property now] in the days of your youth, before the evil days come or the years draw near when you will say [of physical pleasures], I have no enjoyment in them—

Have you ever seen one of those signs they put up on certain properties? “Do Not Trespass”?

A trespass usually occurs when a person encroaches into the property of another person, or a violation of one’s right, especially as it concerns one’s property. Close to the concept of trespassing is transgression. When a law has been violated, or an act has gone past the set limits.

One question every believer must have a firm and accurate grasp of the answer is “Whose, exactly am I?”. Who owns you? Is your life yours to direct and determine its course as you please?

On the road to Rome amid a storm, Apostle Paul said something that is quite profound. He said,

“For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve,”

You see, the understanding of whose you are will greatly influence who and how you serve. Do you know that you have been bought with a price and that you are no longer your own? (See 1 Corinthians 6:20). Has the truth sunk into your subconscious and risen into your active consciousness? Or is it just one of those ‘meaningless’ religious mantras to you?

Truth is, when a man (Christian) devotes all his life to serving the will of God, he is not doing anything so spectacular deserving of some special accolades, he is just using his life the way he ought to, and according to its maker’s design. When the lyrics of your life song rhymes with the words and spirit of the hymn, “Take My Life and Let It Be”, you are not doing God a favor; you are just doing the right thing.

Your life belongs to the Lord, your body is his temple, the Holy Spirit dwells within you, not as a tenant, but as the landlord. Next time, before you draw up all those wonderful plans for your life and decide to ‘compensate’ God with some time and service in return for his goodness to you, think again! You don’t compensate a person with his property; you are trespassing, you are transgressing.

Have this attitude instead, the attitude of seeking Him, seeking to know Him and to know His will for your life. Once you discover His will and plans for you, set your face like a flint and follow His plans with doggedness and perseverance, regardless of what the world says or thinks. Always remember, the saying “you belong to God” is not a figure of speech but a clear statement of fact.

Go into today knowing that God owns your life and therefore seek to (always) know and do His will for you.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Bible In One Year: Daniel 1-6 (In Devotional Audio)

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