Thursday, October 14, 2021

Do Not Leave The Throne Of Grace

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Psalm 23:6 (KJV), “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."

Opeyemi became a child of God because submitting herself to God was the only way to being delivered. No lady in her family could get married; everyone who tried died. After consulting with many witch doctors and couldn't get delivered, she met a prophet of God who told her that “only Jesus can give her freedom", she accepted Jesus, got married, had children, and didn't die. After many years passed, her love for God waxed cold; she wouldn't attend church meetings regularly and couldn't remember the last time she had a serious time of fellowship with God. She noticed that the nightmares returned; sleep was now a great dread, three of her four children were involved in an accident but escaped narrowly death was everywhere around her. It was at this point that she began to fervently seek the face of God again. After she was restored, her troubles ceased.

Many believers are like Opeyemi. They are serious with God when in trouble, but as soon as they breathe the air of freedom, they'll abandon him until trouble shows up again.

Unlike these believers, who quit the throne of grace after enjoying God's goodness and mercy, the Psalmist in today's text chose to dwell there forever.

Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, we who have put our faith in God can dwell forever in the house of the Lord (throne of grace). But, this is a matter of decision. One believer may choose to visit only when in trouble and another like the Psalmist may choose to dwell there forever. But lasting freedom is guaranteed only for those who are dwelling in the house of the Lord (see Psalms 91).

Go into today knowing that if you won't quit the throne of grace, you will enjoy a never-ending supply of grace.

Prayer: I come boldly to the throne of grace today and I will never quit again in Jesus' name. Amen!
—Dr. Emmanuel James

Bible in 1 Year: Titus (in today's audio)

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