Sunday, November 14, 2021

Acceptable Service


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2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1(NLT) Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the Lord. Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you. And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.
Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God.

If you want to feed a dog from a plate, you might not need to wash the plate and ensure it is sparkling clean, just make sure the food is accessible to the dog, even if it is on a dirty or dented plate, the dog wouldn't mind, it would gladly eat the food. But when you want to eat, you don't go to the kitchen sink to pick an unwashed plate with which to dish your food. You'd take time to wash the plate you intend to use if all the plates in the kitchen are dirty.
In like manner, God doesn't use just any vessel in His house. (See 2 Timothy 2:20 - 21).

We serve a loving God who has bought us with a price and brought us into his household (1 Corinthians 6:20). In order for the Lord to be able to use us for His good pleasure, we need to let Him sanctify us by the washing of water through His word (See Ephesians 5:26).

We serve a Holy God, and as we present our lives to Him in worship and service, if we must be acceptable, we must be holy. Romans 12:1 says we should present our bodies to Him as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable...

God cannot use just any vessel for His good works, He can only use holy vessels. From today's Bible verse, we see that the onus is on us to cleanse ourselves from everything that defiles. There are TV shows and movies that defile, there are thoughts and imaginations that if not cast down, they defile. There are communications that defile and corrupt, indeed, evil communication corrupts (1 Corinthians 15:33).

Go into today remembering that God's great promise of practical sonship can only be appropriated by those who walk toward complete holiness. Holiness is what happens when righteous people sanctify and separate themselves unto God and His use alone. Believers who still want the best of both worlds(the world and the kingdom) cannot experience the power and beauty of practical holiness.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please help me understand that you are enough. Help me separate myself unto your use alone. Help me live a truly holy and powerful life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: Psalms 119 (In Today's Audio)

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