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Songs of Solomon 2:15 (KJV) Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.
How can love so sweet ever taste so sour?
This was Casper’s thoughts as he pondered on the wreck his relationship with his wife had become. Nostalgia pierced his heart as with a thousand sharp needles as his mind went back to happier times. Times when the mere thought of Shandra was like the light and warmth of the sun to a dark room, times when the sight of her alone would lift his spirits, times when just a smile from her felt like therapy, soothing his aches and lessening the burden of the day. He'd text her constantly from work, telling her sweet little nothings, looking forward to clocking out so he could be with her again.
But all of these has changed, and he wondered why. If only he could take his mind back to his mother’s counsel and lingering concern before her passing. “Casper, you need to learn to make allowances for people’s faults and to stop counting and keep a long record of them. You hurt people who love you when you don’t let go of faults”. You see, Casper had stifled the life out of his loving relationship with his wife because that little habit of his had made his wife feel more and more inadequate and unloved.
It is most interesting that when the Bible spoke extensively about love in 1 Corinthians 13, it never talked about love notes and fun outings in exotic places with fancy dishes. Not that these are wrong, but that true love has roots, it is when these roots shoot downwards that its expressions thereof spring upwards. That is, a love that will stand the test of time and fire will possess and exhibit the characteristics of love as enumerated in 1 Corinthians 13.
How do you handle little character flaws especially when those with whom you share a relationship of love, honor or mutual respect bring it to your attention? Do you simply wave those concerns aside or you take actions? Little foxes can and do ruin to tender grapes. Watch out for their little signs and take steps to put them out.
Go into today with a commitment to grow in all things into loving maturity.
—Ikechukwu Mpama
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