Thursday, March 31, 2022

Company and Destiny

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1 Corinthians 15:33 (NET) Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.”
When Seyi got a job and moved to the city, he wasn't diligent to watch his company, but just rolled with his colleagues and joined them every now and then in the bar. Even though he never joined them to take alcohol, he later noticed that unwholesome words started coming out of his mouth. He observed that he started using a certain dirty four-letter word and was now struggling with great lust in his heart.

Wondering why his heart was now filled with lust and weakness, 'I thought I've passed this stage in my walk with the Lord' he said to himself when it dawned on him that his good morals were being corrupted by the bad company he had been keeping.

Seyi first realized that things were not well with his soul when he noticed an inappropriate four-letter word coming out of his mouth consistently. He was uncomfortable because he understood that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Matt 24:34) and that we would give account to the Lord for every idle word that comes out of our mouths (see Matt 12:36), how much more for every corrupt dirty word?

Go into today remembering that the company you keep as a believer goes a long way in determining your destiny (see Psa 1:1-5). Many destinies have been marginalized because good morals were corrupted along the way. Also remember that the words that come out of your mouth drive your destiny (see James 3:2-5, Prov 18:21). Be careful that your words are seasoned with salt and filled with grace (see Col 4:6). This is one way to ensure that your life is filled with grace.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in one year: Genesis 32-35
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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Last Enemy

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1 Corinthians 15:25-26 (NET) For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be eliminated is death.

After Salma believed in the Lord Jesus, she realized that she now had the ability and power to say 'no' to sin. One thing she found very difficult to say before was 'no'. But because she was now in Christ, she received the power to become a child of God. This power gave her the boldness to escape the corruption in this world through lust.

Salma observed that the more she said 'no' to sin, the more she could say 'yes' and 'amen' to the promises of God and walk in the divine higher life she received through the new birth.

It is only those who escape the corruption in this world through lust that can partake in God's divine nature by appropriating His great promises (see 2 Pet 1:4).

From today's Bible verse, we see that the last enemy that the Lord would defeat is death.

The way to eliminate death is to get rid of sin because it is through sin that death came into this world--the wages of sin is death (see Rom 5:12, 6:23). As long as there is still sin, there would be death.

The new heavens and earth that would replace these old ones would be free of sin and death (corruption). It would never grow old like this present earth because there would be no corruption (decay) in it. Corruption and death are byproducts of sin.

Go into today remembering that even while in this body of flesh, we can begin to walk in a foretaste of our divine life. But this is only possible as we escape the corruption that is in the world through lust, and stand on God's promises. God's promises are the vehicle through which the realities of the divine life are appropriated.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in one year: Matthew 20-22
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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Word Sanctifies

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John 17:17 (KJV)Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

Fabian: Pastor, I don’t think I can ever be holy like you. I have been bad all my life. I have never loved anyone. My heart is full of immorality and I can’t help it. I am selfish, that’s how I’ve been for as long as I can remember. I don’t know how to make myself become holy.

Pastor: you are not the one who will sanctify yourself, God is the one who will sanctify you and make you holy. He sanctifies you through His truth.

The reason why you were unholy is that there are many things you believe that are not true; they are not God’s truth. As soon as you begin to believe and walk in God’s truth, it will sanctify you and make you Holy. God’s word is truth.

Fabian: I do not understand, sir.

Pastor: for example, one of the reasons you have not been able to conquer sin is because you believe it is impossible for you to conquer sin. Even though that was your reality as an unbeliever, now that you have received Christ, God’s truth is that you have power over sin. If you believe this truth, you will see the manifestation of this power in your life.

The more you align with God’s truth, the more holy you become. The way God sanctifies us is by His truth. His word is truth, it washes us from our filthiness and makes us clean.

Go into today knowing that the way to walk in holiness is not by depending on new rules, it is by feeding your spirit aggressively with the word of God. The Word changes the way you think and changes the way you behave.

Prayer: Father, sanctify me by your truth. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Isaiah 40-44
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Monday, March 28, 2022

Christ Would Reign on This Earth

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1 Corinthians 15:24-25 (NET) Then comes the end, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father, when he has brought to an end all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.

I was discussing with a beloved friend not long ago when I realized he was not acquainted with the fact that the Lord Jesus would reign over this earth for a thousand years with His Saints before this entire earth and the heavens are destroyed and replaced with new heavens and a new earth. He believed that the earth and the heavens and all who dwell in the earth who are not believers would be destroyed with the second coming of the Lord.

I had to show him from scripture (starting with Revelation 20-21) that the Lord would indeed rule over this earth for a thousand years before the new heavens and earth would replace it. Today’s Bible verse talks about the reign of Christ before the new heavens and a new earth in which there is righteousness (2 Pet 3:13). Psalm 2 talks about this reign that the kings of this earth would not be able to resist, even though they would try.

According to Revelation 20-21, the destruction of the heavens and this earth described in 2 Peter 3:10 would happen after the physical millennial reign of Christ over this earth. Every believer (whether great or small in the kingdom) would be a part of this. But not every believer would be part of this first resurrection and reign of Christ over this earth, because those who would partake therein are the first fruits; they are not those who simply escaped hell, but those who are chosen to reign because of their faithfulness to the cause of Christ during their stay in this body of flesh (see Rev 17:14). They are those at the highest level in God’s kingdom. Height and greatness in the kingdom is attained by faithfulness and obedience (see Matt 25:21).

One thing quite sure in scripture is that those who would be martyred for Christ would reign with Him in His millennial reign on this earth (see Rev 20:4). Those who suffered for/with Him in this present world would reign with Him in this present world for a millennium (2 Tim 2:12).

Go into today thanking the Lord for the privilege to be a sharer in his sufferings and the incomparable glory that would follow. Ask the Lord to help you see life from the perspective of God's kingdom. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi.

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Bible in one year: Job 15-16
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Sunday, March 27, 2022

Staying Sanctified

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Haggai 2:12-13 (NET) If someone carries holy meat in a fold of his garment and that fold touches bread, a boiled dish, wine, olive oil, or any other food, will that item become holy?’” The priests answered, “It will not.” Then Haggai asked, “If a person who is ritually unclean because of touching a dead body comes in contact with one of these items, will it become unclean?” The priests answered, “It will be unclean.”

Jide wondered why each time he spent time with his old friends (who were unbelievers), he came back spiritually weaker and was more susceptible to spiritual attacks and falling into temptations.

He always assumed that his contact with unbelievers should help further sanctify them, and not the other way round. But his experience made him realize that his assumption was wrong.

Today's Bible verses reveal a very profound but fundamental spiritual principle. Here the Lord told Prophet Haggai to ask the priests if contact with a Holy thing made other things holy. The answer was no. But it was revealed that contact with defiled things make undefiled things become defiled. This is a principle that God’s people in the time of Haggai needed to remember, and it is a principle God’s people need to remember today.

Mixing clean clothes and dirty ones don't make dirty clothes clean, it would only dirty clean clothes.

Go into today remembering that you are not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers (see 2 Cor 6:14, James 4:4). This does not mean you are not to talk to them, be helpful to them or work with them. This means you are not to make unbelievers your close friends and confidants with who you share matters of your heart.

Prayer: Lord, help me to live a sanctified life. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi.

Bible in one year: Psalms 21-23 (In Devotional Audio)

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Every Believer Would Be Resurrected

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1 Corinthians 15:22-23 (NET) For just as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ, the firstfruits; then when Christ comes, those who belong to him.
Because Gloria understood the teaching about the resurrection, she didn't mourn like the rest when her grandmother slept in the Lord. She knew she was going to see her grandma again, and this time they would see to part no more.

Jesus died and his disciples mourned Him and were depressed, but when he resurrected, their joy became full again. They saw Him, touched Him and ate with Him. The difference this time was that they knew that the new body he now had could never die again.

So it would be for every believer who dies in the Lord. They will resurrect with glorified bodies and be reunited with their loved ones who would also resurrect with glorified bodies that can never die, so long as their loved ones are also believers in Christ.

Go into today remembering that just as Christ was resurrected, you too would be resurrected into glory and honor. You would resurrect into everlasting life in the glorified body.

Prayer: give the Lord thanks for giving you the privilege of the resurrection. Pray for your loved ones who are not yet in Christ; that the Lord would have mercy on them and cause them to be saved so that you would spend the rest of eternity with them as resurrected human beings.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi.

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Bible in one year: Judges 12-16

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Friday, March 25, 2022


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1 Thessalonians 5:23 (ESV) Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sharon would say, “It is my flesh that committed that sin, my spirit is holy and cannot sin”. Even though this sounds ludicrous, Sharon was correct to an extent, but she was fundamentally very wrong because man is not judged for what his spirit did or what his flesh did, man is judged for what he did. Whether it was your flesh that committed the sin or it was your spirit, you committed the sin.

A sin like hatred is never really committed by the flesh, but by the spirit. It is a defilement of the spirit that ultimately leads to the defilement of the flesh when blood is in the hand of the hater because of murder. That is the same with the sin of malice that leads to hatred, and can ultimately lead to murder.

It is very important to note that God does not look at the body, but at the heart when he is dealing with man. Every uncleanliness that is manifested in the flesh is because the seed was left to grow in the heart. Immorality is a very good example. No one just falls into immorality without the seed of lust allowed to grow in his heart.

The old covenant saints only knew how to sanctify the body, their spirits were as unclean as they could be, that was why it was possible for them to hate and kill Jesus.

Go into today remembering that the Lord has done what you could never do. He has sanctified your spirit and this is the reason you can fellowship with the father and receive grace for the sanctification of the soul and the body.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for sanctifying me. Help me walk accordingly in Jesus' name. Amen.
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—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Genesis 28-31

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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Walking in The New Life

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Matthew 12:33 (NET)“Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is known by its fruit.

After Gbenga accepted the Lord Jesus, he noticed that there was now great resistance in his heart to continuing in his sinful ways. He started seeking for understanding on how to overcome the sins that seemed too powerful for him because unlike before, they now made him feel uncomfortable and miserable.

He devoted himself to discipleship because he was now tired of living a miserable life.

Somehow Gbenga understood that if he continued to violate this [new fragile] conscience that he had received with the new birth, he would deaden it one day and go back to how he used to be.

When you became born again, one of the most important things that happened to you was a change of heart(see Heb 8:10). God gave you a new heart that is able to receive and understand the spirit of His law (not just the letter). Because of this new heart you received from God, you are to live a new life as His child. Whenever a true believer sins, he cannot be comfortable because sin is contrary to his new nature within. The only reason why it is even possible for a believer to sin is because his body has not yet been changed, and until the resurrection when it would be changed, he can still sin. That's why we have been admonished not to walk in the flesh but to walk in the Spirit(Gal 5:16). Righteousness is in your renewed spirit, but sin is still in your flesh, so you are to reckon yourself dead to sin and deny the flesh (Rom 6:11).

They that continue to walk in the flesh will die spiritually and go back to how they were before they were saved (see Romans 8:13). But those that put to death (abandon) the works of the flesh shall continue to live. The only way to successfully put to death the works of the flesh is through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. He makes it possible for you to ignore the cravings of the flesh and walk in the righteousness of your renewed spirit. He has the ability to quicken our mortal bodies so that we can walk in the newness of life.

Go into today remembering that the only way to conquer the overpowering influence of the flesh is through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (see Romans 8:13). You give Him entrance and ‘administrator access’ in your life through the entrance of the word of God. Applying your heart to understanding the word of God is the way to give the Holy Spirit access to empower you over sin that is in the flesh. One way He does this is by furnishing the understanding within you that you have died to sin (see Romans 6:2, 11), and are now made alive unto righteousness.

Prayer confession: Sin has no dominion over me. I am dead to sin and alive unto righteousness.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi.

Bible in one year: Romans 15-16
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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

As A Man Thinks

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Matthew 12:35 (NET) The good person brings good things out of his good treasury, and the evil person brings evil things out of his evil treasury.

I was recently watching some of my friends as they played scrabble. I observed that the person who won the game was the one convinced that he was going to win, even though from my estimation, the other person knew more words and really understood the game. Prosperity is spiritual, and it begins with the way we think.

What you believe about yourself is very important, and it goes a long way in determining your destiny. This is the reason why God does not draw back from reminding us time and time again that we are blessed people as His children (see Gal 3:9, Psalm 134:3, Eph 1:3, Deut 28:3-6, among others). He knows that we would begin to walk in that reality when we actually believe it.

The treasury of a man is his heart. As a man thinks in his heart so is he (Prov 23:7).

People who always have negative and bad thoughts of suspicion end up as bad people, but people who have good thoughts of love and goodwill will end up as good people.

I have realized that the same situation would produce different outcomes in different people because of the way they think. What some may see as a terrible setback to destroy them, others would see as a challenge for personal growth and victory.

A man already defeated in his heart is a defeated man in reality.

It is an aberration for a disciple of Christ Jesus to believe that he is under a curse. Refuse such thoughts no matter what you see to the contrary, and let your faith in God's Word [that says you have been blessed] crystalize the manifestation of the blessing.

Go into today guarding your heart with all diligence. Ensure that the negative thoughts of defeat do not reside there.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please help me discard all negative thought patterns and have the mind of Christ. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi.

Bible in one year: Matthew 17-19
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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Honor Your Father and Mother

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Ephesians 6:2-3 (KJV) ‘‘Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise). That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.’’

The following conversation ensued between Ayo and her friend Joy:
Ayo: My network is bad, please can I borrow your wifi?
Joy: What do you need the internet for so urgently?
Ayo: I need to send some money to my parents
Joy; Oh, Okay O.
Ayo: Hope you’ll send something to your Mum too?
Joy: No, I won’t. She’s not born again and I don’t want to be involved with her.
Ayo: Ah! She’s your mother! Remember she’s a widow and you’re her only child.
Joy: So? see, I don’t know what she'll do with the money, she often visits witch doctors.
Ayo: You can call her at least and send her some foodstuff and groceries.
Joy: I can’t Ayo, don’t you get it? I'm in the light and she’s in darkness, we don’t have anything in common.

Ayo tried to convince Joy but couldn't. Even when she told Joy that honoring her mother is a command from God, joy would not budge. Joy was a regular victim of demonic attacks because her life was ruled by fear and not by God's word. A true believer who walks in the light[of God's word cannot walk in any bondage.

Just like Joy, so many are violating the Lord's commandment today and wouldn't take care of their parents. They do this claiming that darkness and light have nothing in common. Note however that the Scripture didn’t say "obey your unbelieving parents, instead, it says, "honor [them]". One of the ways to communicate honor is by giving your substance (Proverbs 3:9). Even when your parents are rich and do not need you to take care of them, it is still required that you honor them (give them a regular honorarium) because they are your parents.

Go into today knowing that if you don’t honor your parents, you’re disobeying God (Leviticus 19:21). Read Exodus 20:12. Obeying this commandment of God comes with a promise of blessings(see Ephesians 6:2-3).

Prayer: Ask God to forgive you if you have not honored your parents in the past. Make amends and begin to walk in the light of God's word and glory.
—Dr. Emmanuel James

Bible in one year: Isaiah 34-39 (In Devotional Audio)
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Monday, March 21, 2022

Be Careful How You Build

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1 Corinthians 3:15 (NET)If someone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss. He himself will be saved, but only as through fire.

When Tobin saw in a dream that she had been building with hay since the day she started doing ministry work, she was very disturbed because she had just read in a book about how the Lord will judge our work, and those whose works are tried by fire and get burned will not be rewarded. She knew she was saved, but she did not want all her effort in the kingdom to amount to nothing. She started asking the Lord what was wrong with the way she was serving Him. It did not take her time to realize that the Lord was not pleased with the direction her ministry was going. She was more interested in healing people and making a name than in saving souls and making a convert. Her members knew her and feared her more than they knew and feared the Lord. She also realized that the desire to gather more money was now her driving force in ministry.

She decided to go on a retreat and seek the face of the Lord for the direction she would go in righting the wrongs in the way she was building her ministry.

Like Tosin, many have been warned by the Lord concerning the way they are building, but some ignore such warnings and despise the people through whom such warnings come. The Lord is good and He would not allow any of His servants to continue to build wrongly without sending a word of warning and correction.

Go into today remembering that one of the greatest hindrances to acceptable service in God's kingdom is when the love of money comes in.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Job 13-14
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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Christ the First Fruit

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1 Corinthians 15:20 (NET) But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
A few days ago I was looking at some mango trees with most of their fruits yet to mature, but these same trees already had a few mature and ripe fruits. Even though most of their fruits would not be ready until at least two months, there were some of them with few ripe fruits already. Those few ripe fruits are what is called the first fruits. The other remaining fruits are yet maturing but the first fruits have already been harvested.

When you see the first fruits, you are sure that the other fruits will follow in due time.

Jesus Christ was raised from the dead as the first fruit of those who have fallen asleep. This term ‘fallen asleep’ is only used for believers who are expected to ‘wake up’ during the resurrection.

We believers in Christ are sure of our resurrection because Jesus has already resurrected as our first fruits, and because he has resurrected, we too would resurrect.

Go into today thanking the Lord for the privilege to partake in the resurrection. It is our resurrection that would usher us into the fullness of our glory as sons of God and literally set the whole of creation free from corruption (see 1 Corinthians 13:9,10,12, Romans 8:21-23).
Living with the consciousness of your coming resurrection is the way to live as a believer. This consciousness would put all things into perspective and reduce the inflated perception of the temporary glory of this present world to its real size.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the assurance of resurrection into glory just as my Lord has resurrected into glory. Please help me live with this hope, and experience a foretaste of this glory in this present life. Thank you, Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in one year: Psalms 18-20 (In Devotional Audio)

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Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Hope of the Believer 2

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1 Corinthians 15:19 (KJV) If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

When Debo started going to church, he did so because he was told that people who go to the church succeed in their businesses, and he wanted to succeed.

Each time a testimony of financial breakthrough was given, he wanted to key into it by doing what the people who gave the testimony did.

But as Debo continued to go to church and listen to the word of God, he believed in the Lord Jesus and his hope in Christ shifted from earthly prosperity alone to true eternal riches.

God indeed blesses His people. But if earthly blessing is all we hope for in Christ, we would live miserable lives as believers because we would still be under the influence of the prince of this world who can steal earthly treasures and break our hearts (because our heart's affection lies where our treasure is (Matt 6:21)). But if we shift our focus from earthly riches to true eternal riches, we would be invincible to the kingdom of darkness. You can use your faith to lay for yourself only earthly treasures that cannot resist the prince of this world. But your faith is powerful enough to lay for you eternal treasures that give you a voice in the spirit which the kingdom of darkness cannot resist.

Go into today remembering that as a believer, your hope and faith in Christ is much more powerful than merely securing your life here on earth. It has the ability to secure your entire eternity. Don't live a miserable life by squandering your faith only on earthly things that the devil can steal, let your faith be used in serving God’s kingdom that rewards with eternal treasure.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible in One Year: Judges 7-11
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Friday, March 18, 2022

The Hope of the Believer

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1 Corinthians 15:19 (KJV) If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

When Charles became a believer in the Lord Jesus, he was already making a lot of money from being a fraudster. He was already driving a brand new Mercedes Benz and had started building his first house while still a teenager in his second year on campus.

But he accepted the Lord Jesus and knew he had to forsake that life of fraud. He left the life of fraud because of hope in Christ. He understood that there was nothing of this world that was too big to give up for inheriting the kingdom of God. He knew he could not continue in his life of sin and inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6:9-10). Because of sound teaching, he knew that all the wealth in this world put together was not sufficient to pay for the eternal glory of God’s eternal kingdom that he was called to inherit. But he also knew that this hope that made him forsake his ungodly wealth was not in this life of flesh and blood but in the life that is to come.

For Charles, if his hope in Christ was only in this life, he would have been most miserable because he forsook a life of affluence and embraced the kingdom life of selflessness and sacrifice.

Believers in Christ are those who set their affection on things above and not on things of this world (see Col 3:2). This doesn't mean believers would not be relevant in this world. As a matter of fact, the more we focus on God's kingdom and set our affection on things above, the more relevant and impactful we would be in this world because that is when our light would shine.

Go into today remembering that as a believer in Christ, most of our hope is towards the eternal glory that would shine brighter even when all the glories of this world have failed and expired.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible in One Year: Genesis 24-27

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Thursday, March 17, 2022

Some Fruits of False Teachings

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1 Timothy 6:3-4 (NET) If someone spreads false teachings and does not agree with sound words (that is, those of our Lord Jesus Christ) and with the teaching that accords with godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing, but has an unhealthy interest in controversies and verbal disputes. This gives rise to envy, dissension, slanders, evil suspicions
Before Charles met some sound believers on campus and became a believer in the Lord Jesus, he did not like charismatic Christians at all. He was not interested in being a believer because of his elder sister. Before she started attending a certain charismatic church, she used to be “nice” and “normal”. But as soon as she started attending that church, she became very suspicious. She would pray in tongues with fear, sprinkle anointing oil on even cockroaches, and say "no one knows how they (my enemies) can come". She wouldn't travel anymore to the village because of fear, and she became very stingy because she said she didn't want anyone to use her gifts and money as an evil point of contact against her.

Even though she became a believer, these manifestations of fear and suspicion in her life were a product of false teachings. Some fruits to show that a believer has been feeding on false doctrines is that he becomes more fearful and suspicious.

Sound doctrine should build faith, courage, and strength in your heart. It shouldn't make you more fearful or suspicious. Even though we are to be sober and vigilant (by being prayerful), believers are never to be more fearful than unbelievers. Unbelievers should look up to us when they are afraid because we are the ones serving the living God.

Go into today remembering that God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind (see 2 Tim 1:7).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please deliver me from every spirit of fear. Please fill me with your Spirit of power, love, and self-control. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in One Year: Romans 13-14
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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Resurrection of the Dead

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1 Corinthians 15:42-44 (NET) It is the same with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.

When the Lord Jesus resurrected from the dead, His disciples at some point found it difficult to recognize him until he revealed himself to them. What was it about the resurrected body of our Lord?

The Lord Jesus is the first to resurrect with the glorified body. He is the first to experience the resurrection of the dead. Many have died and have been raised, but with the same kind of body that they died with. But the Lord Jesus resurrected with the glorified heavenly body that cannot grow old, die, can relate with heaven and the earth, but yet can walk among us and eat physical food.

Notice that after the Lord resurrected with the glorified body, he no longer needed the door in order to enter a building. He would normally pass through a wall, appear and disappear, and do all these things in his natural state. The glorified body is a visible human body, but it is a supernatural one. This is the kind of body we all will receive when the Lord returns and the dead in Christ rise first (see 1 Corinthians 15:51-52).

Of all the foundational truths of the faith, I believe that the resurrection of the dead is one of the least understood, and yet it is so important. Believing in the resurrection (that God raised Jesus from the dead) is one of the conditions for receiving salvation. Believing that God raised Jesus from the dead is in effect believing that God will also raise us too from the dead during the resurrection(see 1 Cor 15:13-14).

Go into today remembering that the resurrection of the dead is something that you will experience if you remain in Christ to the end. It is what will reveal our unlimited glory as sons of God (See 1 John 3:2, Romans 8:23). Setting your heart on this hope will empower you to live a pure, holy, and powerful life (see 1 John 3:3).
Prayer Confession: I walk in the power of His resurrection. I am unstoppable
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Matthew 14-16 (In Today's Audio)
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Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Let Us Have Grace 2

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Ephesians 2:8-10 (KJV) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

George grew up in a Christian home. He didn't remember exactly when he accepted the Lord Jesus because he had known the Lord from when he was a child.

Because he had lived a morally upright and disciplined life all his life, he started taking the grace of God for granted and giving his upbringing all the credit. Because of this, he became a very religious person with no spiritual power. He was afraid of witches and demons and was even now being tormented by them in his dreams.

But after remembering and acknowledging the grace of God as the reason he was a believer and an upright person, it was as if a door was opened for him to know the Lord and grow in grace and spiritual power.

One of the signs that a person has laid hold on the grace of God is that he would not be able to boast about his good works, he would rather give all the glory to God because he acknowledges that they are a product of God's ordination long ago. Such a person would not be judgmental and would be quick to forgive because he realizes that if it were not for grace, he would have been as bad as anybody. That's why those who cannot forgive cannot continue to grow in grace (see Matt 6:15).

Go into today remembering that it is expedient that we walk in grace and not in our own works because the only way we can serve God acceptably is through the empowerment of grace (Heb 12:28). Those who acknowledge the grace of God as their source of strength would continue to advance in it.

Prayer: Father, thank you for your grace that saves me and empowers me to do your good works. Please help me grow in this grace and in the knowledge of you (2 Pet 3:18). Amen.

Want to be saved? Click here:
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In One Year: Isaiah 29-33 (In Devotional Audio)Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let's touch lives together.

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Monday, March 14, 2022

Let Us Have Grace

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Hebrews 12:28 (KJV) Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear

After Terso believed in the Lord Jesus, he met some brethren on campus who had much grace to pray and fast. Because he was close to them, he also received this grace to pray and wait on the Lord. Because of this, there was great power in their midst, such that through them great miracles were performed.

But as Terso left the country to another country for studies, he found that the grace he enjoyed while on campus seemed to be waning. He could no longer pray the way he used to, and his spiritual adventure appeared to now be an uphill battle.

He had routines and disciplines he trusted to keep him in grace, but that was where his problem came from, he trusted in systems rather than in Christ for grace.

You are saved by grace through faith, not of yourself and not of works lest you should boast, but it is the gift of God (see Ephesians 2:8-9).

Whenever you see a man under grace working hard, it is because grace is empowering him, and he would not be able to take credit for it but would attribute it to the grace of God (see 1 Cor 15:10).

When you see a man begin to take credit for the work of grace, he is beginning to fall from grace and walk in disgrace. This was exactly what happened with the people of Israel. By the time the gospel was revealed, they had forgotten that their election as God's people was simply because of God's grace and not the works that followed. They could not receive grace because they were already full of trust in their own works and routines.

Go into today remembering that grace produces good works but trusting in good works do not produce grace, only trusting in Christ alone imparts grace(see John 1:16). Grace is received and multiplied by trusting in Christ and abiding (knowing and growing in) in Him (see John 15:4, 2 Pet 1:2,).
Want to be saved? Click here:
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In One Year: Job 11-12
Judges 1-6 (In Devotional Audio)Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let's touch lives together.

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Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Resurrection Doctrine

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1 Corinthians 15:12-13 (KJV)Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen

It surprises me that there are some people who say that they believe that there will be a resurrection of the dead, but they don't believe that Christ was raised from the dead nor was He the Son of God. I find it hard to believe that such people truly believe in the resurrection.

The reason believers in Christ Jesus believe in the resurrection is that we also believe that our Lord and Savior resurrected bodily, and because he resurrected, we as members of His body are assured that we too will resurrect. The same scriptures that foretold His death, burial, and resurrection also say we too would resurrect (see Isaiah 53:3-6, Psalm 16:10, Psalm 22:7-8, 18, 16, 31, Job 19:25-26, etc). Since Christ truly died and resurrected (according to what the scriptures foretold), we too would resurrect like Christ (according to what the scriptures foretell).

For a person who does not believe that the Lord resurrected, there is no basis for him believing that he would resurrect.

Go into today remembering that without the teaching and understanding about the resurrection, your gospel is not complete (see 1 Corinthians 15:1-22). It is because of an understanding of this truth that believers can live holy contented lives in this present world. It is because of the understanding of the glory that the resurrection would reveal in us that believers do not serve mammon like the rest of the world.

The devil has been trying since the beginning of the church to obscure this truth from the believers because he knows the power this truth activates.

Prayer: Pray for yourself and for the Christians in your nation, that the truth of the full gospel will bring divine transformation.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Judges 1-6 (In Devotional Audio)Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let's touch lives together.

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Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Resurrection 2

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Philippians 3:20-21 (NET) But our citizenship is in heaven – and we also await a savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform these humble bodies of ours into the likeness of his glorious body by means of that power by which he is able to subject all things to himself.

Before Adam and Eve sinned and fell short of the glory of God, they were glorified and could do many things today’s fallen man cannot do. Adam was the one who singlehandedly named all other living creatures on the earth; he gave them their working manual (See Genesis 2:19). Collectively, fallen man is still discovering aquatic species even today, things Adam already singlehandedly named.

Jesus, the last Adam, came to redeem man and bring us back into glory. He already has the glorified body since his resurrection over 2000 years ago. That's why he could ascend bodily into heaven (flesh and blood cannot do this). When He returns, we too will be changed into the likeness of His glorious body. This is when we would be able to walk in our fullness as sons of God (See 1 John 3:2, Romans 8:23). This is when creation will also be redeemed from the bondage of corruption.

The fallen man is no match for the glorified man. That's why when the Lord returns to the earth (and we His glorified saints with him) to take over the government of the earth, the people of the earth still in this beggarly state would try to resist, but it wouldn't be much of a contest. They would have no choice but to submit to Christ as their king, and we as their rulers(see 1 Corinthians 6:2, Daniel 7:22, Jude 1:14-15, Revelation 20:4).

Go into today remembering that because you are in Christ, you will inherit eternal glory during the resurrection. The best this present world has to offer is no match for the least we will get in the coming kingdom.

Prayer: Lord, help me live in the consciousness of your great eternal plans for me. Deliver me from worldliness and help me set my affection on things above.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Judges 1-6 (In Devotional Audio)
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Friday, March 11, 2022

Principle of Kingdom Greatness

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Matthew 18:4 (NET)Whoever then humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

As Amaka started reading the Bible for herself and growing in the knowledge of the Lord, she discovered that she was being transformed by the renewing of her mind through the word (Rom 12:2, Col 3:10). This manifested in her becoming more humble and gentle, and more fruitful in serving the Lord.

She realized that she was becoming greater and greater in the kingdom as she was being transformed more and more into the nature of Christ. This greatness manifested also in the way demons now feared her and angels esteemed her. She was now closer to the Lord and could more easily get heaven to intervene in situations (see John 15:7, John 14:23).

In Matthew 5:19, we see that those who influence people for righteousness the most are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. They do this by making disciples; teaching them to observe all the commandments of the Lord (see Matt 28:19-20). Please note that these commandments are not the Lord's commandments as presented by Moses, but His commandments as presented by He Himself (when He came as flesh), and by His apostles later on.

In Matthew 18:4, we see that the greatest people in the kingdom of God are those with childlike humility. You cannot serve God fruitfully without this kind of humility because you would need grace (divine empowerment) to serve fruitfully, and those who enjoy grace are those who are humble (see 1 Pet 5:5, James 4:6).

Go into today remembering that greatness in the kingdom of God is infinitely better than greatness in this world. God wants us all to be great in His kingdom, but this is attained through a humble heart that is willing to learn and serve.

Prayer: Father, please help me to be great in your kingdom and do exploits.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Genesis 20-23 (In Devotional Audio)

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Thursday, March 10, 2022

Do You Want God To Lead You?

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Isaiah 8:13 (KJV) “Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread."

Vandenberg: No, I don't give bribes, I am a child of God.

Pastor Pedro: I am a Pastor and you know that. I'm only trying to help you. You need this promotion brother. Remember, this opportunity comes only once. Even God will be angry with you if you throw this opportunity away in the name of 'I don't give bribe'. Don't be foolish bro.

Vandenberg however insisted on not giving a bribe to get ahead. That cost him the opportunity of becoming a regional manager. He however had this testimony: he couldn't be corrupted. Vandenberg became the standard for judging integrity in that organization. After two years, he became the overall manager of the same company. The same integrity that cost him an initial opportunity got him the bigger one because the board of directors had insisted on getting a trustworthy person for the job. The fear of the Lord qualified him.

Psalm 25:12 says: "What man is he that feareth the Lord? him shall He teach in the way that he shall choose". This verse reveals that fearing the Lord qualifies one for being led and taught by Him. You are not led because you profess Christianity, neither are you led because of the name you bear or the position you occupy. It is not even by asking God to lead you that guarantees you being led. You can be sure to be led by the Lord if you choose to fear him. Being born again makes you a potential candidate for God's leading. This potential will only come to fruition when you fear the Lord: when you choose to obey God above leisure, gains, and "opportunities".

Go into today remembering that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Psalm 111:10).

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I ask that you help me to fear and obey You, so that I can be led by You. Amen!
—Dr. Emmanuel James

Bible In One Year: Romans 11-12 (In Devotional Audio)

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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Cast Not Your Pearls before Swine 2

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Matthew 7:5-6 (KJV)Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Mr. and Mrs. Akowe were Marriage ministers who had a very great track record of success. They had seen the Lord use them to restore many wounded and broken marriages in the church.

But they recently discovered that they were no longer fruitful in their ministry.

As they waited on the Lord to know why they were no longer succeeding in healing marriages through their ministry, they discovered that it was because they were now hypocrites who refused to remove the beam in their own eyes. There was now deep-rooted recentness they had towards each other, but they both covered it up and continued with the ministry. This was the reason they were no longer fruitful.

In today's verses, the Lord says we should first cast out the beam from our own eyes before we can see clearly to cast out the mote in our brother's eyes. He then goes on to say that we should not give that which is holy to dogs and our pearls to swine. There are a number of lessons here:

One is that it is impossible for a hypocritical believer to successfully remove the impurities and specs in the life of another believer. It’s a spiritual principle. See 2 Corinthians 10:6.

Before you begin to attempt to help remove the mote in your Christian Brother or sister’s eye, you must be sure that the one in your eye has been removed or you would never succeed in helping.

Another lesson is that the person whose eye you are to remove the spec from should be your [Christian] brother, not an outsider- for outside are the dogs (Rev 22:15).

In removing the mote from your brother’s eyes, you are giving that which is Holy and precious. This kind of painstaking task is only reserved for your [Christian] brother and not for the metaphorical swine and pigs: those who do not care about God.

Prayer: Lord, show me the log in my eyes and help me be fruitful in ministry.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Matthew 11-13 (In Devotional Audio)

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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Cast Not Your Pearls before Swine

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Matthew 7:6 (KJV) Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

After Henry believed in the Lord and was delivered from many dangerous habits like smoking and gambling, he now saw more clearly how those habits were destroying his life before he believed. Because of this, he tried persuading his old friends from such habits, trying to show them how bad these habits are for their health and even their finances, but they laughed at him and hated him even more. All he tried to do was to help them, but it was working the other way round.

We can see from scripture (see 2 Pet 2:22) that the metaphor of dogs and swine are used for rebellious 'believers' (who would not be corrected because they have turned from the way and are not deceived or ignorant but know what they are doing) or unbelievers. We are not to expend our teaching, counseling, prayers, and time on such believers who have denied the faith (see 1 John 5:16).

There is no need to waste your time to convince an unbeliever about the dangers of his habits (he most likely already knows), what he needs is the gospel. It is when you see a speck in the eye of your [Christian] brother or sister that you can expend your resources and time in removing it through prayer, teaching, and loving counsel. But you can only be effective in this when you have already removed the log in your own eyes (see Matt 7:5).

Go into today remembering that you have limited time on this side of eternity. Make the most of it for God’s kingdom profit (see Eph 5:15-16).

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you to be more fruitful in His kingdom this new week.
Want to be saved? Go here:
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 23-28 (In Devotional Audio)
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Monday, March 7, 2022

Be Quiet or Shout Louder: Your Choice

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Mark 10:48 (NET) Many scolded him to get him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Do you remember the parable Jesus told in Luke chapter 18? It is the story of a woman who brought a petition to a very hard judge. The judge had no fear of God nor of man. He refused to hear or heed the widow’s petition, but as a result of the widow’s importunity, that is her persistence to the point of wearing him out, he gave in and heard and heeded the widow’s plea. The Bible tells us that Jesus told this parable to the end that men ought always to pray and not to lose heart (Luke 18:1).

When you are at the point of need, you will always encounter voices that seek to disparage and discourage your faith. Bartimaeus was no stranger to such voices/influences. He was crying out for help to the one who could help however the crowd will have none of it. “Keep quiet!” they scolded him, “Don’t create a scene,” they said. At that point, he had a choice to make. Act sophisticated and remain blind or be branded uncultured and receive your sight. You might still refer to him as Blind Bartimaeus, but I tell you, he shouted all the louder and was healed of that blindness.

Many today will crumble under the weight of the pressure to fit into people’s expectations to the detriment of their faith. That is not for you child of God. The righteous are as bold as a lion, importunate in prayers, persistent in faith, holding fast their confession of faith until they through faith and patience obtain the promise of God over their lives.

The victorious Christian has settled it in his heart that there is nothing to be ashamed of about his faith in God. He will pray in tongues without self-consciousness, he will boldly affirm that God reigns in the affairs of men, he will continually stand upon his watch to hear what God has to say to him. He doesn’t wish to the mountain, he says to it, “Be moved and be cast into the sea”, not fearing what people would say.

That was Bartimaeus story, what will yours be? Quiet or louder?

Go into today determined to always pray and not to lose heart.

Pray like this: Lord I thank you for your word is true. Therefore, I will be importunate in prayer, persistent in faith and continual in thanksgiving.
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—Ikechukwu Mpama

Bible In One Year: Job 9-10 (in Devotional Audio)
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Sunday, March 6, 2022

Laying On Of Hands 3


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Hebrews 6:1-2 (NET) Therefore we must progress beyond the elementary instructions about Christ and move on to maturity, not laying this foundation again: repentance from dead works and faith in God, teaching about baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.

Kemi was confused and disappointed with the conduct of Ben, her colleague, who was a pastor. He was a cheat, a womanizer, and a liar. When she could take it no more, she found the church that ordained him and reported him to the leadership. He was put under discipline and was stripped of his title until his repentance was evident.

The church felt so embarrassed because they were now associated with the bad name of Ben. They now knew that concerning Ben, they were too hasty to lay hands on him.

In 1 Timothy 5:22, Paul instructed Timothy not to lay hands on anyone hastily so that he would not identify with their sins.

Kemi could help Ben by reporting him to the people that ordained him because even though he had a call upon his life and was now operating independently as a pastor, he could be traced to an apostolic community that he was still accountable to.

After the period of Ben's discipline, he was restored and later became eternally grateful for the bitter process that brought about his restoration.

Go into today remembering that the doctrine of laying on of hands, when properly understood, would safeguard the Lord's sheep from wolves in sheep's clothing. If a person comes as a servant of the Lord, but cannot be traced to anyone or a group of known accredited people of God to whom he is accountable, it is a danger sign.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please help the church in my generation awaken to all the preserving truths you have given as our safeguard, in Jesus's name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Psalms 12-14 (In Devotional Audio)
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Saturday, March 5, 2022

Laying On Of Hands 2

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Acts 13:2-3 (KJV) As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.

What is the difference between a prayer group or Christian fellowship and a local church? A local church is a community of believers who have [Church] government. This is appointed by the Apostolic ministry or Presbytery of an existing approved church community. Originally, local church government was appointed by either the apostles who took the gospel to them or the elders/Shepherds/presbytery of another established accredited church community responsible for the establishment of the new church group.

Timothy, as an apostolic representative, was to go and appoint elders over certain Christian groups in Ephesus so that they would become bonafide churches(see 1 Timothy 3). He was instructed to lay hands on no one hastily (1 Timothy 5:22).

The doctrine of "Laying on of hands" establishes that before a person can be approved as a minister to the body, they need to receive the “right hand of fellowship” of an existing established church/apostolic community through its leadership. We call it ordination these days. A Minister should be ordained.

Does this mean God cannot call a man without the involvement of any church? God certainly does, but that call will have to be confirmed by other approved ministers of God on the ground if the call is genuine.

Apostle Paul's call into ministry was very unique and peculiar. See what he says in Galatians:
Galatians 2:2 (KJV) “And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain.”

Apostle Paul understood that despite His true and unique call from the Lord, he would have run in vain if he did not get the approval of the Apostles that were there before him. It is because of this approval that his writings were accepted into the Canon of scripture.

Go into today remembering that the church of the living God is very well ordered and guided. Any minster that cannot get the approval of other minsters that were there before him, is not safe.
— Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Joshua 21-24 (In Devotional Audio)
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Friday, March 4, 2022

Water Baptism

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Matt 28:19 (NET) Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Sandra: Junior, why do you have to brush your teeth every morning?
Junior: I don't know, but daddy says I should.
Sandra: it is because you can have tooth decay if you don’t brush your teeth.
Junior: what is tooth decay?
Sandra: Tooth decay is...Never mind, just keep brushing your teeth every morning.

Even though he didn’t know what tooth decay meant, Junior's teeth was kept from tooth decay because of his obedience.

Many Christians have downplayed baptism and say it is not really important. But we see that baptism is an instruction from the Lord (see Mark 16:16).

I have seen many who have downplayed water baptism do so and quote Paul in 1 Cor 1:17. There Paul said Christ did not send him to baptize but to preach the gospel. But they fail to realize that even though Paul didn't baptize most of the Corinthians, it was clear that they were baptized by someone else because in 1 Cor 1:13 Paul asked them if they were baptized in his name [or in Christ’s name]. The point Apostle Paul was making was that he brought the gospel to them, but they were discipled by Apollos (see 1 Cor 3:6). Paul’s converts were not left unbaptized.

If the Lord insisted that people who are saved are to be baptized, it is because baptism is important. I believe that there are benefits of water baptism that we may not fully understand now, but if the Lord says to do it, we should do it.

Go into today remembering that obedience is a safeguard for ignorance because there are many things we do not know now.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

YBP: Genesis 16-19

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