Saturday, June 4, 2022

Filled with Praise

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Psalms 150:1, 6 (KJV) Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
Angie and Martha were both friends who accepted the Lord Jesus the same day and attended the same church. Angie lived a defeated life filled with depression while Martha lived a joyful victorious life in Christ. Even though they were both born again and had been believers for years, it was clear that there was something missing in Angie's life.

Angie always assumed that Martha didn't have life rough like her because Martha didn't have a wicked family background like her. Angie was from a family of warlocks and idol worshipers and she believed her problems stemmed from her family background and foundations. She was wrong.

A time came when Angie had to follow Martha to her village for her younger sister's wedding. While they spent some days together, Angie observed that Martha never once complained about anything but always looked for an opportunity to give thanks and praise to the Lord. Angie observed that unlike her, Martha was very cheerful and had a light and happy countenance. What surprised Angie most was the discovery that Martha's parents were idol worshipers. It now became clear to her that Martha had a more wicked background, but this did not stop her or affect her destiny because she lived a life that was filled with the presence of God.
Angie understood that weekend that Martha's life was filled with the presence of God and victory because instead of always complaining like her, Martha's heart [and countenance] was always filled with praise and thanksgiving to God.

As believers, we understand that we are the temple of God. Our bodies are the sanctuary of the living God (see 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19). As we see in today's Bible verses, we are expected to praise God in His sanctuary. This does not just mean praising God in the church gathering, it means praising God in the sanctuary of your body. One of the easiest ways to be always filled with the presence of God is to be a person of praise and thanksgiving(Ephesians 5:18-20). The Lord inhabits the praises of His people(Psalm 22:3), and His presence fills the lives of believers who are filled with praise and thanksgiving.

We are also expected to praise God in the firmament of His power. As long as we breathe the free air of God's firmament, we are expected to be praising Him and giving Him thanks. This means we are not only expected to be thankful and praise God in the sanctuary of our bodies, but we are also to raise our voices to praise the Lord and give Him thanks at every opportunity we find. Let the high praises of God resound from your vessels from time to time. This is the recipe for perpetual victory (see Psalm 149:6)

Go into today remembering that living a life of thanksgiving and praise is the secret to living a victorious life in Christ. It is practically impossible to complain and give thanks at the same time. Get rid of complaining and let your life be filled with praise and thanksgiving, for praise is comely for the upright(see Palm 33:1).
Prayer: Lord, please help me that from this moment, I will always be thankful and full of praise for you. Amen.
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—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: II Samuel 5-9 (Available in Today's Audio)
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