Thursday, June 9, 2022

Love: The Key to Promotion

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1 Corinthians 8:10-12 (NET) For if someone weak sees you who possess knowledge dining in an idol’s temple, will not his conscience be “strengthened” to eat food offered to idols? So by your knowledge the weak brother or sister, for whom Christ died, is destroyed. If you sin against your brothers or sisters in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.

When Kemi visited the campus for the first time, she was amazed at how there were so many wonderful vibrant Christian fellowships on that campus. She met sisters who were so prophetic and on fire for Jesus that it almost blew her mind. (In the community she was raised in, the sisters in the church were very unassuming and didn't walk in any spiritual gift - - that was a preserve for the male folk only). She was so excited and glad to be there, and she started growing and walking in her spiritual gifts.

Clara who hosted her while she wrote her entrance exam knew prophetically that Kemi was going to get admission into that institution. She also knew the Lord wanted her to mentor Kemi. Because she was fully aware of Kemi's Christian background and the very conservative setting of her Christian upbringing, Clara decided that because of Kemi she would no longer dress in a certain way that Kemi would have considered "ungodly". She did this because she loved Kemi and she knew that if she was going to be able to mentor Kemi into a deeper knowledge of the Lord, Kemi needed to have an open mind towards her. And she knew that as long as she used hair extension and dressed the way she normally dressed(which was not bad in itself), Kemi would never listen to anything she had to say.

Because of the wisdom that Clara deployed in dealing with Kemi, she succeeded in mentoring her and leading her to know the Lord more intimately. In a few months' time, Kemi became a powerful tool in the hand of the Lord. Through her, all her siblings came to know the Lord, and her family was delivered from limitations imposed by demons. She was also now enlightened enough to know that the way Clara dressed originally was not going to lead her to hell nor was it ungodly. Clara succeeded in mentoring Kemi into spiritual maturity because she was willing to sacrifice her dressing for a season. Clara testified that she was greatly promoted in the kingdom of God because of this. It didn't look like much to others, but it was a  sacrifice for Clara to change her mode of dressing. The Lord noticed her sacrifice and promoted her.

Every time we walk in sacrificial love as believers, we increase our rank in the kingdom.

Go into today remembering that walking in the light is the basis for increased and deepened fellowship with God. This fellowship is the secret of multiplied grace(see 2 Peter 1:2).
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Exodus 21-24 (Available in Today's Audio)

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