Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Submit to God

Broadcast 3361
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James 4:7 (YLT)Be subject, then, to God; stand up against the devil, and he will flee from you

When Clara became born again, she did not realize that accepting Christ as Lord meant she was to be subject to the government of God. She was still the ruler of her life. Because of this, she did not have spiritual power and authority. She would attempt to cast out demons, but they would not answer and the situation would remain the same. She knew this because she was still tormented by demons in her sleep.

She realized one day through the study of the word that she was not truly subject to the lordship of Christ. Her life was not regulated by the Spirit of Christ and she knew it. She repented of this and started to live her life according to God's word. It wasn't easy at first, but she found that as she became more and more subject to the authority of Christ, she could wield more and more spiritual power. A time came that even the weather would respond to her prayer. She also observed that the demons that tormented her were just no longer there.

Many Christians do not walk in their spiritual authority because they do not live under the authority of Christ. The degree to which you are submitted to the authority of Christ is the degree to which you will also use spiritual authority. Christ rules your life by His Word and by His Spirit. If there is anything in your life that is contrary to His word, it is a sign that your life is not fully submitted to His authority.

Go into today remembering that it is God's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. This means God wants you to have access to the authority and power in His kingdom.
Ask the Lord to help you totally submit to His authority and walk in it too.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Plan: Lamentations 1-5 (In Audio Devotional)

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