Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Quench Not The Spirit

Broadcast 3389

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1 Thessalonians 5:19 (KJV), “Quench not the Spirit".

Oh! I understand now! Exclaimed Cole after he heard a preacher preach on today's topic.

Cole struggled with a sinful habit. He knew the habit was evil and wanted to quit, but for many years, freedom seemed impossible and this was because he had been quenching (neglecting) the Spirit. He'd had experiences of waking up from his sleep with songs, scriptural verses, and instructions impressed upon his spirit. This happened more whenever he engaged in serious spiritual activities like praying, fasting, studying the word of God, etc, but he never paid attention to them. It was after he listened to the said message that he began to pay attention to the impressions of God on his spirit, and suddenly, he got his freedom. Whenever he woke up with a song, for instance, he sang it throughout the day and even for weeks, then he searched for scriptures that were projected in the song and prayed with them.

Just like it happened with Cole, the only way to redeem your day and lead a victorious life is by daily obeying the instruction, “quench not the Spirit".

Because God knows all things, he prepares us for what the day holds(good or bad) by giving us a dream, impressing a song or a verse of the scripture upon our hearts, and by certain other feelings or sensations like uneasiness, loss of peace, discomfort, etc. But if we neglect these promptings, we can become victims of the day's evil.

Go into today knowing that if you will always yield to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, you will always be victorious.
—Dr. Emmanuel James

Bible in 1 Year: Ezekiel 19-24 (In Devotional Audio)

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