Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Elijah’s Meal in the Raven’s Beak

Broadcast 3453

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1 Kings 17:6 (GNB) He drank water from the brook, and ravens brought him bread and meat every morning and every evening.

Everyone knew that Mayowa was quite meticulous and it showed in his studies and even in how he handled his finances too. He had a habit of drawing up a budget that contains his projected expenses as well as the expected inflow of funds, and so it was no surprise when Eddy walked in on Mayowa fussing over some sheets of paper with a blue pen, a red pen and a pencil littered all around.

“What now Mayowa?” Eddy enquired, “Don’t tell me you are still trying to figure out that Math problem from class?”

“You wish”, Mayowa responded, “I am battling with something more serious here”.

“What could be more serious than getting the A grade for Mayowa the scholar?”

“Listen Ed, I am grappling with a decision here and trying to make sense of it all so I can know what to do”

Upon further inquiry, Eddy discovered that Mayowa was struggling with obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit to be a blessing, financially, to a Fellowship brother who was in a different unit and department. However, he was wondering if he was wrong about the said promptings considering that he clearly still had some need for money and therefore it didn’t make sense to him that God would ask him to give the said money to another without even as much as a whisper on how He was going to replace the said money or meet the need it was supposed to supply.

Eddy, though from a different fellowship, was also a Christian and he provided some counsel to Mayowa that helped him take the right decision.

He took Mayowa’s mind to several portions of scripture including today’s text. From today’s text he pointed out how that God’s vehicle of supply to meet Elijah’s food needs happened to be ravens who are omnivores and eat meat and bread just like humans, however, they stayed true to their assignment of feeding Elijah morning and evening and it had nothing to do with whether they were filled or hungry.

Likewise, we don’t become instruments of God’s supply only when all our own needs have been sufficiently supplied. In fact, that which we are to supply might be the very thing that could meet our own needs. But the Bible says, “it is required in stewards that they be faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2).

Go into today determined to make obedience and faithfulness to the Lord our mandate even in the most inconvenient of times.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Bible in 1 Year: John 13-15 (in today's audio)
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