Thursday, October 6, 2022

Not Upended

Broadcast 3447

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Psalms 16:8 (NET) I constantly trust in the Lord; because he is at my right hand, I will not be upended.

This was Tobi’s first travel on water. Uncle Kenny had promised to give him a holiday treat, and Tobi mentioned how he had always wanted to experience a boat or ship ride to enjoy the sea. Thankfully, Uncle Kenny was a man of great resources, he pulled a few strings and three days into the holidays, he and Tobi were on a 4-day round sea trip to a tourist destination.

The second day into the journey, they encountered a storm, the captain and his men battled the storm and finally threw their anchor into the sea, which when it hit the seabed, helped to steady the cruise ship even in the midst of the storm.

We live in a world that has a lot of uncertainties and has no short supply of pressures and storms. These pressures hit us as waters hit the side of a ship in the storm, swaying it side by side threatening to upend it and completely overturn its contents and passengers.

We face pressures that threaten our peace, joy, security, and indeed our very life. Many a man, in the midst of the storm, lose themselves and are left off like a ship drifting on the sea with no rudder or anchor to give it direction or stability. However, there is hope, a sure expectation, which trusting in the Lord produces that acts as an anchor for our soul. It is a blessed assurance that the One to whom we anchored is greater than every storm and is dependable for all times and in all seasons.

When we trust in the Lord, we can be sure that not only can He deliver us from storms, but that He can also be with us in the storm and enforce calm to the raging winds. The Psalmist said, “I constantly trust in the Lord”. This kind of trust is the product of a constant healthy relationship with the Lord. Where you hear the Lord’s voice in a constant reverberation in your heart and soul. This keeps you alive to God and builds your trust.

Go into today determined to maintain a constant healthy relationship with the Lord where you hear him daily by His word and fellowship constantly with the Holy Spirit in prayer. You shall never be upended even in the midst of the storms.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Bible in 1 Year: II Timothy 3-4 (In Devotional Audio)

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