Thursday, October 13, 2022

Spiritual Stability

Broadcast 3454

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Proverbs 24:16 (NET)Although a righteous person may fall seven times, he gets up again, but the wicked will be brought down by calamity.
Ejura was tired of the constant rise and fall experience in her walk with the Lord. It started looking to her like her spiritual life was going in circles. There were many things that the Lord had spoken to her concerning life and ministry, but it appeared that her spiritual instability was hindering them from coming to fruition.

A day came that she became totally tired of it all and decided to discuss her frustration with her discipler. He discerned that she was now getting discouraged and wondering if God still loved her because of all her failures. He took time to help her understand that the fact that she had fallen did not mean God no longer loved her. He helped her see that there were demons delegated to frustrate believers and cause them to fall and not rise again. But that it was a miracle and the work of God’s great love and grace that has ensured that she rose again each time.

He went ahead to show her that there was a difference between the works of the flesh and the manipulation of demons, that if against a believer’s will, she appears to be in bondage to any work of the flesh, a demon is usually involved. While the remedy for the flesh is the cross, the remedy for demons is expulsion by the authority of Christ.

He continued by telling her that one reason many believers keep rising and falling is that "the zeal of God’s house" has not consumed them. They are not yet consumed by the work of God such that they know they cannot afford to keep falling. He discerned that Ejura needed to be delivered. He cast out the demons that kept Ejura in bondage and unable to grow spiritually. From that day, Ejura was free. She started enjoying stability in her walk with God and started growing rapidly.

Go into today remembering that anyone in Christ is free indeed. If there appears to be any bondage in your life keeping you from spiritual stability, you have the authority to expel demons and walk in constant spiritual liberty.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: Titus (in today's audio)
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