Saturday, November 19, 2022

Trust God 2

Broadcast 3491

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Isaiah 26:3 (KJV) Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

It looked like all was going well with Arnold, but each time he thought about his finances, he lost his peace because he knew that all was not well. He had invested a lot of money in a real estate deal, but the investment was looking as if it was not going to pay off when there was a flood in that part of the city. Arnold lost his peace and could not sleep. He needed to be on prescription drugs in order to get a decent night's sleep.

One of the most treasured desires of the heart of man is peace. The usage of Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid 50 times stronger than Heroin has become a global epidemic because the more people repel the knowledge of God in their hearts, the less peace they find, and the more they would need to seek it in things like drugs.

Unfortunately, there are many believers whose hearts are nearly as troubled as the hearts of those who have no God and no hope. They live like the waves tossed to and fro the shores because they have not learned the secret of receiving God's perfect peace.

Today's Bible verse reveals that it is those whose hearts are stayed on God that would enjoy perfect peace. The truth is that your heart cannot stay on God if you don't trust in God.

God is all-powerful and He is involved in our lives. But when we doubt Him, we limit Him in our lives. Nothing conditions the heart against trusting God like iniquity. A man who walks in iniquity cannot trust himself. A man that cannot trust himself will find that he doesn't have the power to trust anyone else, not even God.

Many people say that they trust God, but their actions reveal the opposite. The Israelites that came out of Egypt wanted to believe in God when they saw the consequences of their unbelief, but they could not find the ability to believe in God, so their boldface did not produce any results (see Numbers 14:40-45). Their hearts had been conditioned against faith because of iniquity. This was demonstrated in the fact that in just a few weeks Moses was not with God, they had slid into blatant idolatry and whoredom.

Go into today remembering that you need to trust God in order to walk in His perfect peace. Trusting God from us is not a luxury, it is an important necessity. 
— Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible: II Chronicles 21-24

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