Saturday, December 31, 2022

In Whom Is Your Confidence?

Broadcast 3532

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Psalm 27:3-4 (KJV)Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.

George awoke from his dream afraid and trembling, "thank God it was a dream he exclaimed"!. In his dream, he saw one of his very respected relatives and wanted to show her courtesy when this woman suddenly turned into a dog, chased after him vehemently, and gave him multiple bites. George woke up and started praying in the spirit.

Someone might ask: was George not a child of God, why then did God not stop the dog from biting him?

You see, even as a Christian, a host may surround you and war may rise against you, but the state of your heart is most important. In whom is your confidence?

One of the strongest wiles of the devil is fear, he knows that as long as a child of God is confident in God and fearless, he will have no place in him no matter what machinations he tries. He hence seeks every means to introduce fear. One of the easiest ways he can do this is through dreams. 

David in Psalm 27:13 said, "I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.”

Go into today putting all your confidence in Jesus, believing that you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Trust in what God says concerning you more than what any dreams say concerning you.
—Dr. Emmanuel James

Yearly Bible Plan: Nehemiah 1-4 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Friday, December 30, 2022

The Spirit of Truth

Broadcast 3531

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John 16:13 (ISV) “Yet when the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own accord, but will speak whatever he hears and will declare to you the things that are to come.”
Every single day presents us with opportunities to make choices and decisions. Where you are today is a result of all the choices and decisions you made in past years. As a believer, you will daily be confronted with opportunities to choose or decide to stand for the Lord Jesus or to turn your back on Him. In that very hour when you come face to face with such options, the decisions you will make will be dependent on the truth you know.

When you succumb to temptation and sin, you are turning your back on Jesus. When you decide to honor the Lord Jesus and refuse to give in to that temptation no matter the cost, you have chosen to stand for the Lord Jesus. But, you see, in the hour of temptation, the devil does not fill your mind with hatred for God, but rather he makes you forget the laws of God temporarily. If you forget the word of God in the hour of temptation, it implies that the word of God is not dwelling in your heart richly, and you are defenseless against the devil.

One of the reasons you need the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth is that He will bring to your mind the truth you need just at the very minute you need it, whether little or much. All the forces of darkness want to obscure the truth in the hour of temptation and confuse you. But the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, will bring to your remembrance whatever measure of truth you need to be faithful and choose Jesus above every other thing no matter the cost. This will only happen if you allow Him to lead you.

Dear believer, open your heart to Him today and welcome Him. He is the Spirit of Truth, He will lead you into all truth.

Prayer: Ask that the Holy Spirit will fill your heart today, and lead you
—Ubokudom Otuekong

Yearly Bible Plan: Deuteronomy 20-22 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Actualizing your new nature 2

Broadcast 3530

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2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

When the Lord returns to take over the governments of this earth, he will rule over the nations for 1000 years. He will establish his kingdom over every square inch of territory on the earth and those who belong to Him will rule and reign with Him.

Before we begin to reign with the Lord, something very important will happen to physically change us into the nature of Christ. It is called the first resurrection; it is called so because there would be another resurrection after it, but this first resurrection is for those who are in Christ (see 1 Thessalonians 4:16, Revelation 20:4-5).

So glorious would be the reign of the Lord over the earth that a 120-year-old person would be considered young because of the great health care and life expectancy His government will give the people of the earth(see Isaiah 62:20). The rulers and judges over the territories of the earth will be the saints (see 2 Corinthians 6:2-3). The saints will never grow old, sick, or ever die because they would have a glorified body just like that of Jesus Christ(see Philippians 3:21, 1 John 3:2), but the people we will rule over will just be like we are right now (before the resurrection), having mortal bodies.

During the millennial reign of Christ over the earth, it will become much clearer that those who are in Christ are new creatures. They will have different kinds of bodies and destinies from those who are not in Christ– those they will rule over.

Go into today remembering that in the next 20000 years, you will still be alive, either with Christ in a glorified body or far away from God in a place of torment.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: 1 John 1-3 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Knowing The Lord

Broadcast 3529

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Daniel 11:32 (KJV) And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

Sandra was now a threat to the witches in her neighborhood because she was now getting spiritually strong. The reason for this strength was her growing knowledge of the Lord.

Some of the women in the neighborhood who used to be very nice to her suddenly became unpleasant and rude. One of them told her to her face, "shouldn't you be worried that you are not yet married at your age?"

They observed that Sandra was growing in the knowledge of the Lord and they wanted to slow her down by making her depressed and frustrated. But their plan did not work because the Lord told her she would be entering a relationship very soon and getting married soon. If they were able to succeed to get her into depression, they would have been able to slow down her growth and growing strength.

The devil understands that the more you spend time with the Lord, the more you will know Him, and you will be more powerful as a result. He will do everything to detract and discourage you from the place of fellowship. We should not be unaware of the devices of the devil.

Go into today remembering that no matter what happens, your time of fellowship with the Lord should not be compromised. Don't let the devil discourage you through circumstances or people who are under his control.

Prayer: Lord, help me give myself consistently to disciplines that will help me grow in my knowledge of you. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Acts 17-18 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Holy Spirit

Broadcast 3528

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Romans 8:9 (KJV)But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

When you believed, you received the Lord Jesus as your personal Lord and savior. This means you now allow the Lord to rule your life through His Holy Spirit that is now within you.

If a person claims to be born again but is not practically submitted to the Lordship of Christ over his life, that person is a baby Christian at best or is not born again at all. Now, being a baby Christian should be a very temporal state in the life of a believer because it is a very dangerous place to remain as a believer. This is the reason why a believer can still be under the oppression and authority of demons and demonic circles and patterns may still find expression in his life.

Every believer has the Holy Spirit, and the Kingdom of God is administered in his life through the Holy Spirit. The most important mark of being a believer is the Holy Spirit living within you. The Holy Spirit dwells in you and administers the kingdom and government of God within you. He controls you, teaches you, counsels you, and comforts you. He intercedes for you with groanings that cannot be uttered (see Rom 8:26). He is the earthly executor of the heavenly ministry of Christ; He appropriates everything that Christ is to you and for you (see John 16:13-14).

Go into today knowing that you cannot be a Christian without the Holy Spirit. Christianity without the Holy Spirit is nothing but religious legalism void of the life and power of God that produces true holiness.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to fill you with the Holy Spirit again. Ask God to help you always remain in the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit (see 2 Cor 13:14). Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Zechariah 8-14 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Monday, December 26, 2022

Actualizing your new nature

4`Broadcast 3527

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2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

If a newborn baby was lost in the woods and somehow adopted by a band of gorillas and is successfully nursed to maturity by them. Even though that child is a human, he would not be able to speak, read, write or understand human language. He would most likely be jumping on his hands and feet like gorillas do, eating what they eat, and making noises like them to communicate while being unable to comprehend human language. Even though that person is a human, he would live and die like a gorilla if he is never exposed to other humans.

We were all like the gorillas, but the new birth in Christ gave us new life so that we now have the nature of God and are no more to be behaving like mere mortals. If we refuse to separate ourselves from the world but continue to think and behave like them, we would not grow into our potential as sons of God.

If such a man raised among the gorillas discovers that he is not one of them, and has the privilege to be exposed to civilized man, he would have to leave the band of gorillas and join himself to human civilization; be educated by the civilized men, etc. In no time, he would be able to speak like a man and actualize his potential as a human. That cannot be said of the gorillas. No matter how much they try, they would not be able to speak, read and write, and do the things that men do.

Because of your new birth in Christ Jesus, your nature has changed from the limiting sinful nature to the divine nature of God. While separating yourself from the world and fellowshipping with God's word will make you walk in the nature of God, that cannot be said of unbelievers. No matter how much they try, they cannot help but be sinful at heart.

Go into today thanking the Lord for paying the price for you to receive the superior divine nature. Ask the Lord to help you separate from the world and walk in the divine nature.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Ecclesiastes 9-10 (In Today's Audio) 
Credits: Bible(Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Believer and His Tradition 2

Broadcast 3526

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1 Corinthians 11:2 (NET) I praise you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions just as I passed them on to you.

Akogun became so sick that it was looking like he would die. This illness started after he came back from his journey to the village for the holidays. As the intercessors in the church prayed for him, someone saw a vision that revealed that the reason he was afflicted was that he exposed himself to certain elemental spirits when he innocently partook in some cultural practices for a festival in his village during the Christmas holidays.

I have heard of believers who got themselves into big trouble because they exposed themselves to some pagan traditions of their culture of birth after becoming believers.

When you became a believer in Christ Jesus, you became reconciled with God through faith in Christ Jesus. Because of this, you became a friend of God. But this meant you also became an enemy of the world- the prince of this world (the devil) and his company.

Traditions that were born out of pagan worship were designed to connect people with demons and keep them under the domain of principalities. If through a cultural practice, a believer (who is now an enemy of the devil and his kingdom) brings himself under their authority, he would be greatly attacked. Some believers have fallen asleep before their time because of this.

Before the coming of the gospel, every ethnic group on earth had a culture, and these cultures were shaped by their religion and gods. The only group of people who were relatively free from cultures and traditions inspired by demons was the people of Israel because they worshiped the one true God.

Being an apostle to the Gentiles, there were many things Apostle Paul had to teach and explain to the Gentile believers because they grew up in cultures that were antithetical to the divine life.

In discipling people, it is expedient that you are diligent to identify unwholesome cultural practices and traditions that the enemy may seek to use to trap them. When you take away a bad tradition, it should be replaced with a good one.

Go into today remembering that because you are of a kingdom that is higher and better than any other, you are not to submit yourself to any cultural practice that does not glorify God and uphold His righteousness.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to deliver you from falling into the trap of practicing demonically inspired traditions.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Psalms 134-136 (In Today's Audio) Credits: Bible(Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Saturday, December 24, 2022

Love is the greatest

Broadcast 3525

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1 Corinthians 13:12-13 (NET) For now we see in a mirror indirectly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

When Deola was a little girl, she believed Christmas was magical because of the lights, beautiful music, and holiday cheer. She actually believed Santa was mystical and that the elves were real, but as she grew older, what she appreciated about Christmas changed to more real and enduring things. It was now a time she looked forward to because of the joy, the family reunions, the gifts— the show of love.

What really made Christmas so special was that it was a time of love and goodwill. This was demonstrated in her family through the sacrifices made for the sake of fellowship. Family members traveled great distances just to be with each other that season.

As Deola became older and wiser, many of the things that used to matter to Deola about Christmas no longer did, but what did matter was love.

From today's Bible verses, we can see that what endures beyond this time and age will be the love [in our hearts]. What truly matters is love. When all is said and done, the real test for those who would be with God and inherit his eternal glory will be love. The love you have for God now will never cease to exist, and your love for God will demonstrate that you belong to him and are his heir.

Now, the thing about love is that it is best developed and demonstrated in weakness, not strength. It is proven in harsh weather, not fair weather. We demonstrate our love for God now when it may not look admirable to the world around us, and loving Him may seem to cost us, but those who love the Lord are those who will inherit His kingdom. Remember, "[e]ye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him" 1 Cor 2:9.

Go into today remembering that in the midst of all that is happening in the world today, the things that really matter are the things that demonstrate your love for God.

Prayer: Lord, please help me love you in truth. Deliver me from all entanglements and allurements that seek to steal your love from my heart.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Ezra 6-10 (In today's audio). Credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Friday, December 23, 2022

The Believer and His Tradition

Broadcast 3524

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1 Corinthians 11:2 (NET)I praise you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions just as I passed them on to you.
Sandra had a lingering misunderstanding with her mother-in-law because she and her husband were believers and they decided not to follow certain traditions that were not spiritually edifying. For some reason, Sandra’s mother-in-law insisted that Sandra was to blame for this (because she was from another ethnic group). With patience, great wisdom, and show of love, Sandra succeeded in winning her mother-in-law’s heart.

There are hundreds of different traditions and cultures in the world today, and many of them stem from the religion of the people that practice them. It is often said that culture is the cloak of religion. For the believer, every tradition must be screened through the lenses of scripture. If a tradition or custom is contradictory to the truth of God's Word, it must be discarded by the believer. But if a tradition is not in contradiction to the truth of God's Word, it shouldn't be discarded.

As believers, we are a Holy nation (1 Pet 2:9), and we have our own traditions that are peculiar to us everywhere. Even though some outward interpretations of them can vary because of cultural influences, the spirit of every Christian tradition must be understood and upheld by believers. Walking in these ensures that we walk in the blessing.

The underlining principles and pillars of the Christian tradition are virtues such as love, honor, kindness, diligence, compassion, self-control, moral purity, justice & fairness, patience, humility, and orderliness. Any human tradition that contradicts any of these principles should be discarded.

Go into today remembering that you are first and foremost a citizen of heaven. Every custom and tradition you practice must be vetted by the truth of God's Word and not be found wanting. Some traditions must be rejected and done away with because they are mediums through which demons invade people's lives.

Confession: I am a disciple of  Christ Jesus. His Word dictates my culture and traditions.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Deuteronomy 16-19 (In today's audio) Credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Being Sober and Vigilant

Broadcast 3523

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1 Peter 1:13 (NET) Therefore, get your minds ready for action by being fully sober, and set your hope completely on the grace that will be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed.

Deril was removed from his role as a pilot because he failed the weekly drug tests twice. Even though he was one of the most talented pilots in the company, his boss had to let him go because he was no longer sober enough for the sensitive job of a pilot.

He was going through a major frustration in his personal life and the way he felt he could find comfort was through drugs.

The Company understood that their pilots need to be most vigilant, and a pilot who is high on drugs cannot be vigilant enough, no matter how talented he is. An aircraft can crash if the pilot is not sober enough to observe the slightest warning signs and signals.

In order to be truly vigilant, it is necessary to be sober(see 1 Peter 5:8). A distracted and troubled mind cannot truly be vigilant. One of the biggest enemies of us being sober is anxiety and fear. An anxious and fearful mind cannot be truly vigilant.

When our hearts are fully set on the grace that we will receive when the Lord appears, it will help us keep our priorities in the right place and the prince of this world would not be able to sway us with things he can control. A secret to spiritual stability is having our hope fixed on the grace and glory we will receive when the Lord appears.

Go into today remembering to cast your cares and anxieties upon the Lord. Let the joy of the Lord fill your heart. Watch and pray always.

Prayer: Lord, please help me to be sober and vigilant. Deliver me from all my fears. In Jesus' name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: II Peter (In today's audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Do Not Quench The Spirit

Broadcast 3522

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  1 Thessalonians 5:19 (ESV) “Do not quench the Spirit”

Romeo and Miller were discussing while driving home after a Church meeting when suddenly Miller began to sing and pray in the Spirit. Because of this, he couldn't continue with the ongoing discussion. “Did you know I was offended when you suddenly started singing and praying instead of continuing the discussion?” Romeo asked after some minutes. “Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to be rude, but I needed to respond to the prompting I got in my spirit”, Miller responded.

Miller chose not to quench the Spirit. You quench the Spirit when you refuse to respond to His promptings.

In Acts 8:29 (KJV), The Spirit said unto Philip, “Go near, and join thyself to this chariot." He responded instantly; he did not quench the Spirit. Peter would have quenched the Spirit when he responded, “not so, Lord" (Acts 10:14) to God's instructions except that he eventually obeyed God and went to Cornelius' house.

Many are quenching the Spirit today because they have not learned to respond to God's promptings within them. This has been the reason for many failures, disappointments, sicknesses, and even untimely death.

In Isaiah 30:21(ESV), the Lord says, “And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it, when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left."

The Spirit has been given to us as a guide (John 16:13), whenever we refuse to respond to His speakings and promptings, we miss our way.

Go into today determined not to quench the Spirit by choosing to respond to every prompting you get from Him.

Prayer: thank you Lord for giving the Holy Spirit to me as a guide. Help me to always hear, listen, and obey Him. Amen!
—Dr. Emmanuel James

Bible In One Year: Acts 15-16
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Power of Doctrine

Broadcast 3521

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2 Peter 2:1-2 (NASB)But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. 2 Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned.

When Bidemi and her fiance traveled home to see her parents, her stepmother found a way of letting him know that Bidemi was not a legitimate child. She also told him that Bidemi was pregnant when she was 16 and aborted it. Unknown to her stepmother, Bidemi and her fiance had no secrets between them, so her wicked plot did not work.

Bidemi’s stepmother was a leader in their church. She was very committed to the church, but she was not truly a Christian. This was not entirely her fault, it was the fault of the false teachers that they had in their church.

Because of her stepmother, it was initially very difficult for Bidemi to accept the Lord Jesus. She thought Christians were like her stepmother. But thank God she had the opportunity of meeting real Christians later in her life.

False doctrines usually have many followers because they are usually more appealing to the flesh and to the carnal believer.

Go into today remembering that the easiest way to identify false prophets and false teachers is by their fruits (see Matthew 7:15). The fruit of a person’s life is his character and his integrity. The fruit of a ministry is the quality of disciples produced through that ministry. If you observe that most of the members of a particular ministry you know are bankrupt in morality and integrity, please stay away from that ministry.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Zechariah 1-7
Credits: Bible(Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Monday, December 19, 2022

The gospel of God

Broadcast 3520

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Ephesians 3:4-6 (NET) When reading this, you will be able to understand my insight into this secret of Christ. Now this secret was not disclosed to people in former generations as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit, namely, that through the gospel the Gentiles are fellow heirs, fellow members of the body, and fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus.

When God called father Abraham, He called alone(Isaiah 51:2). There was no other version of Abraham in any other race under heaven. Abraham was to be the father of a separate race of people who would be so sanctified by God that they would be counted worthy to inherit God's kingdom. These people were to be God's own people on earth. God was to be their Lord and ruler. Their laws and customs were to come from God and not from demons(other gods) or common sense. When they misbehaved God disciplined them but never left them because of His covenant with Abraham(Jeremiah 46:28). 

As Abraham walked with God, he understood that his inheritance was beyond anything the world could build. He was willing to live as a wanderer because he knew he was receiving a city whose builder and maker is God(Hebrews 11:8-10). He rejoiced to see the Lord’s day: when the messiah is revealed and all things restored. God compensated him with visions; he saw the Lord’s day and was glad(John 8:56).

A proper Jew lived with a superior mentality because he understood that, unlike other nations, his own God is the creator and owner of the universe. He also understood that one day, God Himself would come and rule over the nations through His messiah, and the Jews would be by His side ruling and governing the universe from the administrative headquarters of Jerusalem(Isaiah 2:2, Zechariah 14:9-10).

The Jews understood that when the Messiah comes, He would establish his kingdom over the nations and they would be by his side. They understood that the coming of the Messiah is what would reveal their superiority over other races, and they lived in this light. But what many of them couldn't fathom was that the Gentiles too will be part of God's kingdom.

Now understand that the Gentiles were idol worshipers whose culture and conduct was not coherent with that of God's Kingdom. But through the power of the grace of Christ, those who were considered outcasts now have the privilege to have the divine nature and culture, and thus inherit the kingdom of God.

Go into today remembering to be thankful to God for including you in the covenant and blessings of Abraham. Because you are in Christ Jesus, you get to receive the gift of the Spirit and be an heir of God (Romans 8:17, Galatians 3:13).
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in one year: Ecclesiastes 7-8 (In today's audio) Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Sunday, December 18, 2022

Staying Free

Broadcast 3519

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1 Corinthians 10:13 (NET) No trial has overtaken you that is not faced by others. And God is faithful: He will not let you be tried beyond what you are able to bear, but with the trial will also provide a way out so that you may be able to endure it.

Each time Ikenna read this Bible verse, it seemed untrue to him because of his experience. He had found temptations that he could not overcome but kept falling against his will. It appeared that these temptations were beyond what he could bear.

After Apostle Paul admonished the Corinthians with the example of the people of Israel who were judged in the wilderness because of their unbelief, rebellion, and disobedience, he went ahead to remind them that there is no temptation they face that they are not able to overcome. That with every temptation, God would provide an escape route. This is an admonition to normal Christians who are not slaves to sin but are now free.

When a Christian finds that he is having temptations that are so compulsive that it always ends up as if he has no way out, and he keeps falling against his will, it may be an indication that he needs to be delivered and set free from the bondage of that sin.

Lasting deliverance from any kind of bondage is received through the knowledge of The Truth (see John 8:33-34). This knowledge is facilitated by devotion to the ministry of the word and prayer.

There is a place for the deliverance ministry; indeed, the Lord has commanded us to cast out demons (Matt 10:8). But in order for the believer to be free and stay free, through devotion to the word and prayer, he must be filled with the Spirit of Truth--and thereby have no more room for the demon of bondage which would seek to come back to its old home (see Matt 12:43-45).

Go into today remembering that you have been given the authority to cast out demons. Any recurring temptation that seems overpowering is most likely facilitated by a demon that must be cast out if there must be freedom.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for coming to set me free. Help me to stay free indeed. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in one year: Psalms 131-133 (In today's audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Living Circumspectly

Broadcast 3518

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Ephesians 5:15-18 (KJV) See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit

Dara attended a very good church assembly where they were trained to live Spirit-filled lives. Whenever he attended church services, he usually came back home filled with the Holy Spirit. But in just a matter of hours, he would lose that infilling and be ordinary again. He struggled with depression, but he realized depression disappeared when he was Spirit-filled.

Dara wanted to know why he couldn't live a Spirit-filled life even though he sincerely wanted to. As he sought the Lord to understand why? The Lord revealed to him that it was because he wasn't living circumspectly but carelessly. When he got back home from church and put on the TV, most of the programs he watched were worldly(godless) programs that, unknown to him, drained his spiritual power. Even though his closest friends were professed Christians, they were very worldly believers whose value system was the same as that of unbelievers. His communion with them was a drain on his spiritual life. As Dara made the appropriate adjustments, he was now able to remain filled with the Spirit and live a fruitful life.

It is instructive that today's scripture admonishes us to be careful to walk circumspectly before admonishing us to be filled with the Spirit. A believer who doesn't walk circumspectly cannot stay filled with the spirit. Careless living drains the power of the spirit within the believer. There are things you can say that would drain you fast. There are TV programs and movies that if watched would drain you. There are thoughts and imaginations that if accommodated would drain you and keep you from living a Holy Spirit-filled life.

Go into today remembering that your fruitfulness depends on your being filled with the Spirit. Being careful to only do and say the things that please the Lord is the way to keep your spirit from draining the power that makes for fruitfulness.

Confession: I live a Spirit-filled life. I cut off everything that drains my power. I am fruitful in every good work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Ezra 1-5 (in today's audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan), Music(Maranatha Praise Band - I Will Trust In You)

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Friday, December 16, 2022

Live Ready

Broadcast 3517

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2 Peter 3:14 (NET) Therefore, dear friends, since you are waiting for these things, strive to be found at peace, without spot or blemish, when you come into his presence.

Derek had a dream in which he saw the Lord Jesus return, but he was not prepared and was not raptured. It was not a good experience. He woke up with so much fear and terror that he could not eat. He thus went into a fast and started examining his ways and making the appropriate adjustments. There were relationships he knew he had to sever, inordinate affections he had to terminate, unjust business dealings he had to forsake, and laziness towards the things of God he had to repent of. His neighbors and friends called him pastor, but he knew that he was not truly ready for the Lord's return. But after he made the right adjustments and began to live in the expectation of the Lord's return (which motivates holiness), his friends and neighbors did not merely call him pastor, many of them were now convicted and brought to the point of repentance because of the Lord's glory that was now radiating through Derek's life

Unfortunately, many believers are like Derek who needed a wake-up call to be alert and live ready for the Lord's return. Living ready does not mean living in fear and uncertainty, it means you're living in faith and having a clear conscience before God and before man. It means you're living in obedience to the Lord and there is no known sin staining your spiritual garment.

Go into today remembering that God has supplied all the grace you need to keep your garment spotless and free from every blemish. A blemish is an imperfection you were born with, but a spot is an imperfection you adopt along the way. The blood of Jesus is strong enough to deal with both spots and blemishes. The key is remaining in Christ.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, please help me always live ready for your coming. Deliver me from every manipulation of the devil.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Deuteronomy 13-15 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible(Bible Experience, Zondervan), Music(Maranatha Praise Band - I Will Trust In You)

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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Grounded In His Love

Broadcast 3516

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Ephesians 1:5-6 (KJV) Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

Bidemi grew up with a feeling of worthlessness and insecurity because she was an "illegitimate" child, and her stepmother made sure she understood that. Because of this, she would react harshly to situations and would be very rude and difficult to communicate with. She always felt like she was in a deep dark pit, and could amount to nothing in life. But this all changed when she accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior. For the first time in her life, she knew she was accepted. She no longer felt like her life was a mistake, she knew God had a purpose for creating her, and she was happy to be alive.

One thing we must never forget as believers is that God accepted us before we accepted Him, that is why we could accept Him. Your salvation was not your own idea; it was God’s idea before you were born. This knowledge will help you rest in God’s love. It is very important that believers are grounded in the love of God.

Many times, before the devil can get a believer to fall, he will first get him to doubt the love that God has for him. This he does because he knows the power the knowledge of God’s love produces in the life of the believer.

See what Ephesians 3:19 (NLT) says: May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Go into today remembering that you are beloved of God. You are accepted in His beloved family.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: I Peter 4-5 (In Devotional Audio) Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan), Music(Maranatha Praise Band - I Will Trust In You)

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Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Staying Spiritually Strong

Broadcast 3515

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Ephesians 6:18 (KJV) Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints

Bayo experienced a great revival during his days as a youth corps member for his country. During this period, he became trained in the way of prayer and the ministry of the word. After he finished his youth service, he continued to grow and enjoy God’s presence through the ministry of the Word and prayer.

He got a very high paying high demand job. Because of the nature of this new job, he had to leave the house very early in the morning and get back home at night. This started telling greatly on his prayer and word life. He could no longer pray as before and had no time for Bible studies during the week. Apart from the fact that he now had less time to pray, the zeal and desire he used to have for prayer and fellowship with the Lord seemed to have vanished.

This continued for weeks and months. He knew he was waning in spiritual strength when the temptations he had overcome long ago started overpowering him. He now knew he needed help.

No matter what heights you have attained spiritually, if you take away prayer and the ministry of the word from your daily disciplines for long, you will eventually fall. The devil understands this too well, that's why he would do anything he can to distract God's people from consistency in the word and prayer.

The Lord knows you cannot survive without a prayer life, that's why there are numerous instructions to us in the New Testament concerning praying always (see 1 Thess 5:17, Col 4:2, Phil 4:6, Jude 1:20, Luke 18:1,21:36, Mark 14:38, 1 Pet 4:7, Rom 12:12, Eph 6:18).

Go into today remembering that praying always for the believer is not an option, it is the only way to excel in spiritual life.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: Acts 13-14 (In today's audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Being Born Again

Broadcast 3514

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1 Peter 1:23 (KJV) Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.

Justin was the captain of his school's football team. The coach preached the gospel to him and because he wanted to be in the good books of the coach, he said the sinner’s prayer and started attending church services with him, but he didn't truly believe or care about God or religion. When it was time to be baptized, he was baptized and he started attending discipleship class.

Because the fellowship he was attending was very sound in the ministry of the word, he could not but come in contact with the living Word of God during the services and discipleship classes. Even though at first, Justin told his coach he now believed because he wanted to be in the good books of the coach, he was now hearing the word of God, and through it, faith was building in his heart. Eventually, he truly accepted the Lord Jesus and became born again.

From today's Bible verse we can see that what makes us born again is the seed of God's word that has been sown within us. Without the word of God, no one can be born again because the new birth is a product of the Word(water) and the Spirit(see John 3:5, Ephesians 5:26, John 15:3). If a believer does not continue in the word of God, he cannot be a disciple of the Lord and experience true freedom (John 8: 31-32).

Today's scripture reveals that being born again is not a one-off thing but a continuous process through the word of God. Your spirit was regenerated when you first believed, but you (your soul) are being born again.

We must allow the seed of God's word to continue to grow and bring forth fruits. The more we allow the word of God to shape our worldview and choices, the more fruitful we will be. There are many things competing with the word of God in our hearts and if we are not careful, they will choke the seed and prevent fruitfulness.

Go into today remembering to guard your heart with all diligence. Reject and resist any philosophy that competes with the ideals of God's word in your heart.

Prayer: thank you Lord for bringing me into new life by your word and spirit. Please help me grow and become more like you. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: Haggai
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Monday, December 12, 2022

The Cost of Your Salvation

Broadcast 3513

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1 Peter 1:18-19 (NKJV) knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.

If God became a man, the best he would be called would be the 'Son of God' because technically, God is not a man (man is limited, God is unlimited) and a man is not God (see Num 23:19). That’s why even though Jesus is God [come in the flesh], He is rightfully called the SON OF GOD.

God became a man and the name of that man is Jesus Christ. God becoming a man could happen only once, and that’s why Jesus is the ONLY begotten Son of God. Yet God was willing to sacrifice He who is His only image (see Heb 1:3) in this [three-dimensional] realm.

So powerful was this sacrifice that the second person of the Godhead practically had to leave heaven to become a man and remain a man for all eternity. After His resurrection, Jesus remains a man--even today (see 1 Tim 2:5). In order for Him to regain His glory as God, God had to exalt Him and give Him a name that is above other names (Phil 2:9, Heb 2:9).

The next time the devil tries to trivialize your salvation or make you feel small, weak and irrelevant, remind him that your salvation was paid for by the life of his creator and sustainer. Nothing in all of eternity is as expensive as your salvation.

Knowing how much it cost God to save you; how that He gave His life for you, the most reasonable thing to do in response is to offer yourself to God and live for Him (see Rom 12:1-2).

Prayer: ask the Lord to help you walk in a way that is worthy of His great call (Eph 4:1).
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: Ecclesiastes 5-6 (in today's audio)
Credits: Bible(Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Purpose of Trials

Broadcast 3513

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Romans 5:3-5 (NLT)We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

Lamide understood that all the trials and temptations she faced were working something eternally powerful in her life, therefore she rejoiced and did not draw back in faith. During this period, she developed great strength of character and became a person of great integrity and true love. As a result of this, she now always maintained a clear conscience before the Lord. This made it much easier for her to receive from the Lord and Great miracles started happening when she prayed.

Lamide got to this point of causing miracles to happen because the trials she went through developed endurance in her, and this endurance helped her develop strength of character which facilitated a constantly clear conscience before God and all men.

1 John 3:21-22 (GW) says: Dear friends, if our conscience doesn’t condemn us, we can boldly look to God and receive from Him anything we ask. We receive it because we obey His commandments and do what pleases him.

Strength of character is possible when a believer develops endurance and temperance. One effective way a believer develops endurance is through trials. That's why God says we should rejoice when we face them (see James 1:2-3).

Go into today knowing that trials and persecutions will only help you grow stronger and better. Remember that because you are in Christ, you will always overcome(see Romans 8:37, 1 John 5:4).

Prayer: Father, please help me always maintain a clear conscience before you and before all men (see Acts 24:16). Deliver me from an evil conscience In Jesus' name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Psalms 128-130 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible(Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Saturday, December 10, 2022

Jesus Our Advocate

Broadcast 3512

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1 Timothy 2:5 (KJV) For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus

Tanya was asked why she always loved to direct her prayers to God through the saints of old.
"Why do you pray to the saints?" her friend asked.
She replied: "because they are human and they are with God. They understand what it means to be human and they can help intercede for me more effectively".
Her friend responded by telling her that Jesus is also human and He intercedes for us.
Tanya had a hard time believing that Jesus is still human. She had to be shown in scripture. After this, she understood why she didn't need to pray to any other human.

In today's Bible verse, Jesus is referred to as "the man Christ Jesus". Even after His resurrection and glorification, He still chose to remain a man for our sake.

Tanya's reasoning (and that of many like her who pray to the saints) makes a lot of sense. It is true that a human who had gone to be with God is more effective in interceding for us, and we need that.
God understands this. That was one of the reasons Christ came as a man like us. After His death, burial and resurrection, he remains a man. Today, we can pray in His name and pray to Him, knowing that He is not untouched by the feelings of our infirmities. He knows what it is like to be human and weak. He understands. He knows how to strengthen us.

Many condemn themselves because they believe God has condemned them already. They do not realize that God wants to accept them more than they want to come to Him.
You see, it is impossible to have the kind of bold faith that moves mountains if our consciences are heavy(see Proverbs 28:1). Only the blood of Jesus is powerful enough to cleanse us from a defiled conscience. This happens by accepting and appropriating the sacrifice of Christ. He suffered and died for us so that we may be forgiven and free.

Christ is on our side. He lives to daily make intersessions for us(Hebrews 7:25), and because of this, we are overcomers: we live above the power of sin and the devil; we live lives regulated and empowered by God's grace.

Go into today thanking the Lord for becoming a man and remaining a man for the purpose of saving and perfecting you.

Prayer: ask the Lord to help you love Him more and more. Ask for grace to stand for Him today.
Confession: I'm fruitful in every good work. I'm growing in the knowledge of the Lord and pleasing Him in all things. Amen.
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— Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: II Chronicles 33-36 (In Devotional Audio)
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Friday, December 9, 2022

Beware of covetousness 2

Broadcast 3511

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Hebrews 13:5-6 (KJV) Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.

One of the reasons Gerald grew so rapidly in his walk with the Lord was that pleasing God was always paramount in his decision-making process. There was a time he had the opportunity to make a lot of money through a particular kind of business speculation, but his biggest concern was not that the business could make money, it was knowing if such a business pleases the Lord. When he discovered that the Lord might not be pleased with such a move, he abandoned it completely. Many of his "Christian brethren" rebuked and called him names, but he knew they didn't care about displeasing the Lord if a lot of money was to be made. He, however, grew in authority and power when they were still at the mercy of elemental spirits.

Colossians 3:5 reveals that covetousness [in the heart of a believer] is idolatry. Covetousness or greed in the heart of a believer is idolatry because covetousness means the love of money. When a person loves money, he will serve money rather than God. Money can easily take the place of God in a man's life. That's why the love of money is idolatry.

The Lord Jesus says this:
Matthew 6:24 (NET) “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Unlike the old Testament saints, it is very difficult for a new testament believer to be lured into the idolatry of pagan worship, but the same old temptation of idolatry remains today, the idol is mammon.

We know the way God felt when His people went into idolatry in the Old Testament(that was their major stumbling block). Many of them attempted to combine idol worship with the worship of God, but we know how that worked out— disaster.

God(who never changes) still feels the same way about idol worship today, whether it is the worship of pagan gods or the worship of mammon.

Go into today remembering that one of the most subtle entanglements against your spiritual progress is the idolatry called the love of money. Determine to love God practically by making pleasing God the major deciding factor in your life choices. The desire to get more money would be the most common rival.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: Deuteronomy 10-12 (in today's audio)

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Thursday, December 8, 2022

Beware of Covetousness

Broadcast 3510

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Matthew 6:24 (NET) “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

It wasn't long after Gerald rededicated his life to Christ that he was faced with the temptation to make some quick money [in an unrighteous way] . Because he was now born again and his conscience now alive, he felt a check in his spirit concerning that "opportunity" to make quick money. He wanted to be sure that he was not doing anything that didn't please the Lord. Unfortunately, when he discussed his concerns with one of his Christian brothers in the church, he could see that the brother was not truly interested in knowing whether it was the will of God for one to make money that way, the brother was only interested in making more money. Gerald almost got led astray by that brother, but his discipler came along and showed him why making money that way was unrighteous.

When it comes to matters of money, more believers stumble there than matters of demonic attacks or most other kinds of temptation. The biggest contender with God for your love is mammon. If a believer is not intentional and deliberate about overcoming the love of mammon, he would be cut in it without knowing how much his heart has been consumed by it. Remember, you cannot love God and mammon.

When a believer is not willing to know [and submit to] God's opinion and will when it comes to matters of getting money, it is a sign that he is now enslaved by mammon. On the resurrection morning, many will realize how much ground they lost because their hearts were enslaved by the love of money. May we not be found weeping and gnashing our teeth on that day.

Go into today remembering that one of the biggest threats to your spiritual life is the love of money. There is more warning about this in the Bible by the Lord and His apostles than there is warning about most other tricks of the devil. (see Luke 12:15, Luke 8:14, Hebrews 13:5, 1 Timothy 6:6-10, Ephesians 5:3-5).

Pray: Lord, deliver me from the love of money and help me love you in truth. Help me know that it pays much more to love you than to love mammon.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: I Peter 1-3
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Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Living according to faith

Broadcast 3509

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Hebrews 11:22 (NET) By faith Joseph, at the end of his life, mentioned the exodus of the sons of Israel and gave instructions about his burial.

Gerald had many Christian friends and colleagues who laughed at him when he started taking his walk with God more seriously. The difference between him and them was that he truly believed the full message of the gospel while many of them either did not understand the full message of the gospel or did not truly believe it.

The gospel message, if properly understood, will produce similar results in the hearts of those who have truly believed it. It would always produce repentance and transformation into the nature of Christ (Romans 8:29). A man who truly understands the full gospel message and believes it cannot be materialistic. His worldview and value system will be shaped according to God’s word, and his appetite will be for what pleases God alone. A man who truly understands the message of the kingdom will not rest until he sees the nature of Christ formed in him because he understands that he would be evaluated according to how much he had been transformed to this nature. A man who understands the message of the kingdom would want Jesus to return sooner rather than later because he knows that the literal coming of Jesus would usher him into literal glory and power.

From today's Bible verse can see that because Joseph had faith(believed the word of God given to his great-grandfather), he understood that the people of Israel (who were not yet slaves at the time) would come out of Egypt the way they did, and he was very particular about where his remains would be buried. He insisted that his bones be buried in the promised land. What Joseph believed affected the things he did and his plans for the future.

Go into today remembering that faith without works is dead. If you truly believe the message of the kingdom, this faith would manifest in the way you live your life. It would affect the way you raise your children and your plans for the future.
— Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In 1 Year: Acts 11-12 (In today's audio)
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Fulfilling Ministry

Broadcast 4154 Listen to today's audio (with audio Bible): Watch today's video: R...