Friday, December 30, 2022

The Spirit of Truth

Broadcast 3531

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John 16:13 (ISV) “Yet when the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own accord, but will speak whatever he hears and will declare to you the things that are to come.”
Every single day presents us with opportunities to make choices and decisions. Where you are today is a result of all the choices and decisions you made in past years. As a believer, you will daily be confronted with opportunities to choose or decide to stand for the Lord Jesus or to turn your back on Him. In that very hour when you come face to face with such options, the decisions you will make will be dependent on the truth you know.

When you succumb to temptation and sin, you are turning your back on Jesus. When you decide to honor the Lord Jesus and refuse to give in to that temptation no matter the cost, you have chosen to stand for the Lord Jesus. But, you see, in the hour of temptation, the devil does not fill your mind with hatred for God, but rather he makes you forget the laws of God temporarily. If you forget the word of God in the hour of temptation, it implies that the word of God is not dwelling in your heart richly, and you are defenseless against the devil.

One of the reasons you need the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth is that He will bring to your mind the truth you need just at the very minute you need it, whether little or much. All the forces of darkness want to obscure the truth in the hour of temptation and confuse you. But the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, will bring to your remembrance whatever measure of truth you need to be faithful and choose Jesus above every other thing no matter the cost. This will only happen if you allow Him to lead you.

Dear believer, open your heart to Him today and welcome Him. He is the Spirit of Truth, He will lead you into all truth.

Prayer: Ask that the Holy Spirit will fill your heart today, and lead you
—Ubokudom Otuekong

Yearly Bible Plan: Deuteronomy 20-22 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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