Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Separation unto sanctification


Broadcast 3562

2 Corinthians 6:17-18 (NET) Therefore “come out from their midst, and be separate,” says the Lord, “and touch no unclean thing, and I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters,” says the All-Powerful Lord.

Daniele was confused because she did not understand why God treated Helen better than her. She had observed, documented, and come to the conclusion that God had favorites and might be a little partial. But she couldn't be more wrong.

Unlike her, when Helen gave her life to Christ, she gave it fully. She was submitted to discipleship and when her discipler advised her to separate from her worldly friends, she did so because she wanted to be sanctified unto the Lord alone. Because of this, she grew and started to practically enjoy the fatherhood of God and know the voice of the Lord.

Daniele, on the other hand, remained a baby Christian who wanted the best of both worlds. She wanted to belong to Jesus but didn't want to miss out on the world. Because of this lack of separation and sanctification, she could not enjoy the fatherhood of God. She knew this because she saw the privileges Helen enjoyed through her robust relationship with her heavenly Father.

Scripture does not say those who believe are automatically sons of God, it says God gives them the power to become sons of God (see John 1:12). This power helps us to separate ourselves from the world and be sanctified unto God.

As revealed in today's Bible verse, God's fatherhood will only be experienced by those who separate themselves from the world.

Go into today remembering that you can actually walk in the sonship of God. The key to this is separation unto sanctification.

Prayer: Lord, please help me separate myself from the world and enjoy the fatherhood of God.
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—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In One Year: Revelation 18-22 (In Devotional Audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Monday, January 30, 2023

The Spirit of Christ

Broadcast 3562 
Romans 8:9 (NET) You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this person does not belong to him.

Tony accepted the Lord Jesus in a neighborhood house fellowship. Because the leader of the fellowship sensed that Tony needed to be ministered to for deliverance, he told Tony to wait behind and be ministered to. That day, Tony was delivered of demonic possession and baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. His heart was so filled with joy that it was evident to his friends and neighbors that "something has changed about Tony".

Tony had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit but he needed to learn of Christ and become like Christ. This is what is called discipleship. The indwelling Holy Spirit within him changed his appetites and gave him a desire for the word and presence of God.

Even though Tony received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, if he does not continue to abide in Christ and bring forth fruit, he would be as a branch cast out and trampled underfoot of men(John 15:6, Matthew 5:13).

After believing in the Lord Jesus and receiving the Holy Spirit, it is important we grow and walk in the spirit(Character) of Christ because it is only those who have the spirit of Christ that belong to Him.

Go into today remembering that it is not just those that say “Lord, Lord”, but those that do the will of God are those who will enter the kingdom of heaven(see Matthew 7:21). If Jesus is truly your Lord, then you will do His will.

Prayer: Father, help me abide in Christ and be fruitful. Help me live a life that is ruled by Your will, In Jesus' name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Download the Audio Version of this Devotional Here: http://bit.ly/aud2429

Bible In One Year: Song of Solomon 7-8 (In Devotional Audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Streamglobe Devotional is nondenominational and interdenominational

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Sunday, January 29, 2023

Why Ask?

Broadcast 3561
Matthew 7:11 (NKJV) If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!
Most good earthly fathers and mothers don't have to wait for their children to ask them for things they need before they give them. Sometimes, our earthly fathers and mothers are the ones to notice that we have a need and meet it before we even realize that we have such needs.

But God is more gracious than the best parents in this world. As a matter of fact, when you compare the goodness of the best man to that of God, that man would seem like an evil person. That's why Jesus said in today's Bible verse that 'if ye then, being evil... '

Why then do we need to ask our heavenly Father before we receive certain things from Him? Why does He keep encouraging us in different parts of His word to ask in order to receive (see Psalm 2:8, Matt 7:7, James 1:5, James 4:2b, etc)? Being so good and loving and kind, why doesn't He just give us all we need and we not needing to ask Him first?

When God made man after His image and likeness, He created in man the ability to have self-will and self-government, and man was to live by submitting this will and government to God. Through the fall, man declared independence from God, and in effect, disconnected himself from the life and government of God. Because God had already given man dominion over this realm(see Psa 115:16, ps 8:6) and God does not go back on His word, man was now the master of his destiny and Satan his master through sin.

Now that God is redeeming man from the fall, He needs men to ask Him before He can do certain things for them. Asking God concerning your needs [and wants] does not inform Him about them (He already knows them), asking Him gives Him the spiritual legal license and access to invade your life and help you. Many times, He needs us to give Him this license by asking Him, that’s why He keeps reminding us to ask.

Because of the fall, almost every action of man is saying to God that "I do not need you. I can survive on my own". Asking God would undo that and say "I need you". And there are times we need to continually consciously keep asking so as to sufficiently undo the rebellion that the accuser of brethren is using as a legal ground against us.

Go into today remembering that prayer is earthly permission for heavenly invasion. Let heaven invade your life today with God’s goodness.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to give you the grace to always pray according to His will.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Download the Audio Version of this Devotional Here: http://bit.ly/aud3561

Yearly Bible Plan: Psalms 149-150 (In Devotional Audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Saturday, January 28, 2023

Receive with Thanksgiving

Broadcast 3560

 1 Timothy 4:4-5 (NET) For every creation of God is good and no food is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving. For it is sanctified by God’s word and by prayer.

Growing up, we used to drink soya milk and eat other meals made with soy. As we grew older, we were told that soya wasn't good because it caused infertility issues. I remember we no longer consumed it for some time until much later when some medical experts said soya oil is one of the best oils to consume. Today, I have read several articles that insist that soya oil is one of the most dangerous oils to consume because it messes with certain body hormones. Butter which was once said to be unhealthy is now highly recommended as one of the best oils for daily consumption.

Today, there may be many things we consume that may not be good for our bodies, but we do not know. Some may even be consumed because we were told that they are good while they are really not good for the body.

For the believer in Christ, we are not under any laws regarding the food we eat. As long as we receive our food with thanksgiving, it would be sanctified and made good for us. It is very important for the believer today to understand and believe this truth so that he would have the required faith to connect with this reality.

Many diseases are caused by the wrong diet. Many times, people don't even know what in their diet is culpable. But for the believer who serves the Lord(as we all should), the Lord promises to bless our food and our water and take sickness and disease from us (see Exodus 23:25).

It is an error to make a doctrine out of matters of diet, but it is very easy to fall into this trap and spend more time talking about diet than talking about Jesus. Let's be careful that we don't expose ourselves to elemental spirits but live in the liberty that Christ has purchased for us.

To the best of your knowledge, eat as healthy as possible, but be careful not to let your trust in Christ's grace for divine health be replaced with trust in a diet plan. It has been proven time and time again that there is more to life than food...(see Matthew 12:23).

Go into today remembering to receive every food set before you with thanksgiving so that it would be sanctified and made good for you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the food that You provide. I ask that you give me a thankful heart always, In Jesus' name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Bible Plan: Esther 6-10 (In Devotional Audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Friday, January 27, 2023

Faith Boosting Practices 2

Broadcast 3559

Psalms 112:9 (KJV) He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honour.

Kelvin was so sick that everyone thought he was going to die. But he trusted in the miracle healing power of God and refused to give up. After a while,  he observed that because his healing did not come as fast as he was used to seeing it come, his faith started to wane.

One evening while he was praying, he felt led to give an unusually large donation to a church charity outreach. As soon as he made the donation, faith filled his heart again and he began to get well miraculously. He didn't start getting well because his offering acquired his healing, he started getting well because that act of giving boosted his faith. Faith is the vehicle through which the resources of God(like healing) are transmitted into our lives.

It has been said that money is congealed life. For example, a person works for a month and a sum of money is given to him in exchange for one month of his life. No one gives sacrificially to a God he does not believe exists and would reward him. One of the greatest demonstrations of faith in God is giving. When you give to God or because of a consciousness of God's existence, it demonstrates faith in God, and it can serve as a faith booster. Faith is accounted for as righteousness in God's kingdom(Romans 4:3). For a believer, giving demonstrates faith, and faith demonstrates righteousness. You can see that today’s Bible verse links giving to righteousness.

Go into today remembering that when you give sacrificially because of God, it is an act of faith that can help boost your faith. This faith can transport divine healing, prosperity, favor, etc, into your life.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Download the Audio Version of this Devotional Here: www.bit.ly/aud3559

Yearly Bible Plan: Deuteronomy 32-34 (In Devotional Audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Streamglobe Devotional is nondenominational and interdenominational

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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Faith Boosting Practices 1

Broadcast 3558
Psalms 95:6-7 (KJV) O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.
A certain American president went on a state visit to a very popular Arab country. It so happened that when the monarch of that country(who was a much older man) presented him with a gift, the president bowed to collect the gift. This singular incident outraged many of his political opponents back home. The fact that the president of the most powerful nation on earth bowed to the monarch of another nation was an issue they were not willing to quietly overlook.

The truth is, many people would inadvertently find themselves bowing in courtesy when they're giving or receiving something from someone they truly respect.

In worship, bowing and kneeling can be a mindless religious routine or an act of pure faith. If you truly believe that you are praying to the Almighty God who is present before you, I believe it would reflect in your posture.

The next time you present yourself before God in prayer, remember to assume the posture that you would assume if the Lord were [physically] present, because He is. Doing so could boost your faith in the place of prayer. Spiritual realities and substances like faith affect outward expressions, but many times, outward expressions could trigger them.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Download the Audio Version Here ☞ https://bit.ly/audio3558

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Yearly Bible Plan: Jude (In Devotional Audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Love the perfect bond

Broadcast 3557

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Colossians 3:14 (NET)And to all these virtues add love, which is the perfect bond.

For the first time in his life, Kayode was truly happy because he felt loved and accepted. In the church, he was loved by people he did not know before. Even though he came from a broken home, he was now a member of an unbreakable family.

One thing Christians are known for the most is their love for one another. Jesus states this in John 13:35: "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."

There is nothing that binds people together like true Christian love. It is powerful. The devil is powerless against it.

Many times, we are generally afraid to love people because love makes us vulnerable. But when we love people for Christ’s sake, it makes us powerful.

The surest way to reap love is to sow love. If your marriage is suffering under forces that seek to break it, begin to sow love like never before. Begin to take out extra time to pray for your spouse. Give your time and resources like never before. Begin to sow love in larger proportions and wait for the bountiful harvest. Love is indeed the perfect bond. It will keep you together.

Go into today remembering that the only thing we are to owe people is love (Rom 13:8). Because you are now born again, you have the power to love people. This is the most fruitful manifestation of the divine nature.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Acts 25-26 (In Devotional Audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

People of Love

Broadcast 3556

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Colossians 3:14 (NET) And to all these virtues add love, which is the perfect bond.

When Kayode first believed, he didn’t know how to love people. The only person he had ever loved was himself. His parents did not love him, and no one ever showed him love before he met his roommate who preached to him and led him to Christ.

Because he was attending a living Christian fellowship, one of the first things he was taught as a new believer was to love. He was told that he now had the capacity and the ability to love God and love people...

You may be asking if it is possible to teach a person to love. Yes. The easiest way is teaching by example. Older women in the church are even to teach younger women to love their husbands and their children (see Titus 2:4).

A person who loves will give his time and his resources to the one he loves. For example, It takes love to give your time to pray for someone else. It takes love to inconvenience yourself to give your money to someone who is not you.

As children of God, we have been empowered to love. Whether we feel it or not, we now have the power to love people, whether they deserve it or not (remember that God loved us when we did not deserve it). The power of love is the most powerful in the universe. Only those who are born of God have this power to love the way God does (1 John 4:7-8).

Go into today remembering that Christians are to be people of love (John 13:35).
Prayer: Ask the Lord to make you a person of love.
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—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Revelation 12-17 (In Devotional Audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Streamglobe Devotional is nondenominational and interdenominational

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Monday, January 23, 2023

Our daily bread

Broadcast 3556

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Matthew 6:11 (KJV) Give us this day our daily bread.

Because of a new special assignment at work, Harry was going to be traveling frequently. Two weeks before he got the assignment, he saw in a dream that he was involved in a ghastly motor accident. So when this new assignment came, he was greatly troubled because he knew he was going to be traveling a lot by road and by air. He decided to seek the Lord concerning his fears (Psalm 34:4).

One morning during this period of seeking the Lord, he woke up with the words of Psalm 121:7-8 in his heart. He continued to confess it. It says "[t]he LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore."

That was the word of God for Harry in that season(day). Because of this word, his fears were allayed and he became bold and confident that he would be safe from all harm and danger, and that was exactly what happened. He finished that assignment successfully without any accidents and got a huge promotion thereafter.

Remember that the Lord is the one who says "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God'(Matthew 4:4). Our bodies need physical bread to survive, but the bread for our spirits is the living Word of God. When we ask our Heavenly Father to "give us this day our daily bread", we are not only asking for physical bread for the body but also asking for spiritual bread for the inner man. There is a word from God that can carry us through every season -- that is also our daily bread.

Go into today with the knowledge that there is a word from the Lord for you for every day(season) of your life. Your [spiritual] strength and prosperity depend on it.

Prayer: Lord, teach me to wait on you and receive bread to carry me through every season(day) of my life. Amen.
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—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in One Year: Song of Solomon 5-6 (In today's audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Streamglobe Devotional is nondenominational and interdenominational

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Sunday, January 22, 2023

Only Possible By God's Power

Broadcast 3554

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Mark 10:27 (NKJV) But Jesus looked at them and said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible."
Read Mark 10:24-26

One reason Froid found it difficult to accept the gospel was that he did not think it was possible for him to be saved. Being extremely intelligent, he had done his calculations and seen that salvation for him was practically impossible. (But he was wrong because he did not factor in the power of God. He only factored in human willpower). He knew that truly believing in the Lord Jesus meant he would forsake his life and livelihood-- a life he had spent very many years building. His biggest accomplishments in life were things done in direct rebellion against the kingdom of God, and he knew he would have to forsake all that if he wanted the salvation of Christ.

When Jesus said that those who trust in their riches cannot inherit the kingdom of God (Mark 10:24), it was such a revolutionary statement that He had to encourage His disciples by making the statement in today’s Bible verse--Salvation is only possible with God's help (Grace).

Before anybody can enter the kingdom of God, he must put his trust completely in the Lord Jesus (even this is done through the help of God). Have you seen the way little children completely trust their parents and have no other option but their parents? That's how we must trust in God in order to partake in His kingdom and power (see Mark 10:15).

One sign that a person has truly received God's kingdom is that they would walk in the power of Christ (Mark 16:17-18). The most remarkable and powerful thing this power does is to free us from the power of sin. This power also performs miracles and solves problems, etc.

Go into today remembering that because of faith in Christ and Christ alone, you will inherit God’s Kingdom for all eternity. Hallelujah!
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible in One Year: Psalms 146-148 (In today's audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Streamglobe Devotional is nondenominational and interdenominational

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Saturday, January 21, 2023

Members Of One Body


Broadcast 3553

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1 Corinthians 12:15-16 (NKJV)If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body," is it therefore not of the body?
On social media, Ugochukwu was very fond of criticizing church leaders. Even though he was a believer, because he was not called into the ministry of teaching or preaching (all five-fold ministry offices involve teaching and/or preaching), he did not properly reckon himself as a part of the body but felt it was OK for him to stand apart from the church and criticize it publicly. Through his actions, he was saying ‘I am not of the body’.

One of the loudest ways a believer can say ‘I am not of the body’ is by joining unbelievers and enemies of Christ to publicly malign and criticize the church and its ministers. This post is in no way giving leeway to ministers who err but is a reminder to believers that many [trumped up] attacks on erring ministers have an underlining agenda to destroy the credibility of the body of Christ as a whole. It is foolishness to be part of this as a member of the body.

Not being a preacher, Ugochukwu didn't feel like a part of the body of Christ the way he should, but this didn't change the fact that through faith in Christ, he was indeed a part of the body. It took him time to realize that his habit of publicly criticizing ministers of the body of Christ was a major limiting factor in his walk with the Lord. He could not walk in divine health and healing because of this.

Go into today remembering that through faith in Christ Jesus, you are a member of the body of Christ. Do not be tempted to feel you are less a member than those who are at the forefront of ministry. Some of the unseen parts of the body are the most important.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you rightly discern His body and draw from all the benefits that His body provides.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible in One Year: Esther 1-5 (In today's audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Streamglobe Devotional is nondenominational and interdenominational

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Friday, January 20, 2023

Pray and do not lose heart

Broadcast 3552

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Luke 18:1 (NET) Then Jesus told them a parable to show them they should always pray and not lose heart.

Sandra had prayed over her health condition for months, but it did not appear there was any improvement. She had read many faith-building books and believed that God would heal her, but it seemed that her prayers were not getting answered. She started losing heart and her faith started to wane. But one morning, she was listening to an audio Bible when she heard the word of the Lord in today's Bible verse. At that moment, she decided not to give up but to persist in prayer until she saw what God had promised her. That was exactly what happened. After the sixteenth month of continuing to believe in the Lord for her healing, she was completely healed of a medical condition that had no cure.

If all prayers were answered immediately, the Lord would not have needed to teach us the lesson of Luke 18:1-8. Sometimes, for certain spiritually legal reasons, answers to prayers may tarry, and if we will get them, we would need to tarry in prayer.

The most important fight you would have to fight in this life is the fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12). Without your faith, you're nothing (Heb 11:6). When people stop praying the way they always used to, it is an indication that their faith is waning. 

Today, remember that "though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry" (Hab 2:3). As long as your faith does not wane, you will see the hand of God.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 29-31 (In Devotional Audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Streamglobe Devotional is nondenominational and interdenominational

Contact us (WhatsApp): +15155195600, +234813822454
Listen to Streamglobe 24/7 Christian Radio here☞ https://streamglobe.radio

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Death to the Old Nature 2

Broadcast 3551

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Colossians 3:7-8 (NET) You also lived your lives in this way at one time, when you used to live among them. But now, put off all such things as anger, rage, malice, slander, abusive language from your mouth.

There was a time in my life that I realized it was very difficult for me to forgive those who offended me. Even though I was already a believer baptized in the Holy Spirit, I didn’t realize that unforgiveness and malice were so dangerous until I realized they were hindering my fruitfulness in God's kingdom.

The sins mentioned above are those that can be in the life of a believer and he may not take them seriously. Unlike the sins mentioned in Col 3:5, these ones do not feel as defiling as them but they defile the spirit, thus hindering fellowship with God and spiritual growth. We are to put them off because they are not consistent with our new divine nature.

As you go into today, examine yourself under the light of God’s word. Ask the Lord to help you put off anything that is not in His nature.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please help me put off everything in me that does not please you, In Jesus' name. Amen.
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—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: III John (In Devotional Audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Streamglobe Devotional is nondenominational and interdenominational

Contact us (WhatsApp): +15155195600, +234813822454
Listen to Streamglobe 24/7 Christian Radio here☞ https://streamglobe.radio

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Death to the Old Nature

Broadcast 3550
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Colossians 3:5-6 (NET) So put to death whatever in your nature belongs to the earth: sexual immorality, impurity, shameful passion, evil desire, and greed which is idolatry. Because of these things the wrath of God is coming on the sons of disobedience.

Fola was terribly afflicted in her body and she did not understand why this kept going on. She cried to the Lord for help.
One Saturday morning, Pastor Clara felt led to go pray for Fola. But before she started praying, she felt led to ask Fola certain questions. It became clear to pastor Clara that Fola was still living like an unbeliever, even though she was very committed to the church. Fola’s sinful life was the reason she was afflicted. She repented and confessed her faults to Pastor Clara and she became healed after Pastor Clara prayed for her and anointed her with oil. (see James 5:13-16).

The reason why believers must put to death whatever is in their nature that belongs to the earth is that we do not want to be partakers in the wrath of God that is coming on the sons of disobedience. Many believers suffer many things that they are not to suffer because they are still living like unbelievers.

Go into today determining to mortify everything in you that is not in conformity to the nature of Christ.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you to this end.
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—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Acts 23-24 (In Devotional Audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Church Leadership 2

Broadcast 3549
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1 Timothy 3:1-7 (NET) This saying is trustworthy: “If someone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a good work.” The overseer then must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, an able teacher, not a drunkard, not violent, but gentle, not contentious, free from the love of money. He must manage his own household well and keep his children in control without losing his dignity.
But if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for the church of God? He must not be a recent convert or he may become arrogant and fall into the punishment that the devil will exact. And he must be well thought of by those outside the faith, so that he may not fall into disgrace and be caught by the devil’s trap.

Tade was appointed to the highest level of leadership of his local church assembly, but he realized that immediately after his appointment, he started facing terrible and unbearable demonic attacks. Also, he found that he didn't have the spiritual authority that was expected to come with his ordination into that exalted church leadership office.

As he continued to inquire of the Lord, it became clear to him and the leadership in the church that he was so afflicted because he was wrongly appointed into church leadership. He was not qualified and did not have the required spiritual authority to handle such a position. He was only physically occupying a seat, but spiritually, he had no authority.

We see from today's Bible verse the criteria for those who are to be appointed to the highest level of leadership in the church. One thing we must note is that these criteria are God's will and not man's idea. If a man is appointed to the highest level of church leadership but does not meet these criteria, he would only be a physical figurehead and not be able to wield the spiritual authority of his office.

So great is the authority of the church leadership that the judgment of the church should be more feared and respected than the judgment of any human court(see 1 Corinthians 6:1-4). When the church binds a thing on earth, it is bound in the heavens also(Matthew 16:18). But all of this is only possible when those who occupy the top leadership of the church are qualified for the leadership.

If a man meets these criteria mentioned in today's Bible text, it is an indication that he has the required stature and spiritual capacity to be appointed into the highest level of leadership in the church.

Go into today remembering that the spiritual authority and capacity you have is directly a result of your submission to the Lord.

Prayer: Lord, let every aspect of my life reflect my submission to your authority. Amen.
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—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Revelation 7-11 (in Devotional Audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Monday, January 16, 2023

Receiving & Walking in Spiritual Gifts


Broadcast 3548

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1 Corinthians 12:11 (NKJV) But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

Aarav had always wanted to walk in the prophetic gifts because he had seen the benefits firsthand. He always assumed he had received the [baptism of the] Holy Spirit, but through diligent study of the word, he realized he was not yet baptized in the Holy Spirit because he saw from scripture that everyone who was baptized knew for sure that they had received the Holy Spirit. But he wasn't sure.

Aarav was invited to attend an interdenominational Holy Ghost all-night prayer meeting. He decided to participate in this meeting because he was told that people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit there. During the meeting, the minister of God invited all those who wanted to receive the Holy Ghost to come forward to be ministered to. As soon as the minister laid his hand on Aarav’s head, Aarav felt great power come upon him that made his body quiver. The next thing he could remember was that he started speaking in tongues and prophesying. That was the day Aarav received the spiritual gifts of tongues and prophesy. With time, he observed that he now had the gift of "discerning of spirits" and the ability to know things supernaturally (word of knowledge).

Spiritual gifts are distributed by the Holy Spirit as He wills. The Holy Spirit not only gives us spiritual gifts, but He is also the one who powers (or works) them. So walking in communion with the Holy Spirit is the key to walking and excelling in your spiritual gifts. Receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit is key to receiving spiritual gifts.

Go into today remembering that God wants you to walk in spiritual gifts so you can be more fruitful.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to deliver you from everything that hinders your communion with the Holy Spirit.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Song of Solomon 3-4
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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Sunday, January 15, 2023

Church Leadership

Broadcast 3547

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1 Timothy 3:1-2 (NET) This saying is trustworthy: “If someone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a good work.” The overseer then must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, an able teacher

Apostle Paul's first letter to Timothy was very instructive. It was written to give Timothy a guide for his assignment of establishing the churches and appointing reliable leadership that would continue the work.
In today's verse, we see Apostle Paul guiding Timothy on those who are to be appointed as overseers or bishops over a local church.

The first thing we can observe here is that the position of overseer in God's house is open to any believer who can meet up with these criteria. It is not necessarily reserved for those who occupy the ministry offices but for those who have had a track record of faithfulness in their service to the Lord.

Another thing I would love to point out here is that the leadership of the local church was not given to one man but to a group of bishops or overseers. This is the same pattern we see in the first church in Jerusalem. The apostles were the overseer of the church in Jerusalem. Even though Peter was the one who preached in Acts 2 and 3, it was the [plurality of the] apostles that oversaw the church and made the crucial decisions like appointing deacons, etc. Peter was accountable to them. For example, he owed them an explanation when he acted outside their tradition by preaching in the house of a Gentile (see Acts 11:1-18).

Go into today knowing that the greatest authority in the body of Christ is wielded by the church leadership. Those who attain this position are believers who have had a track record of faithfulness. Any believer can attain the zenith of kingdom authority if he would remain faithful. Faithfulness is the key to greatness in God's kingdom.

Prayer: Ask the Lord for the grace to be faithful.
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—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Psalms 143-145 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Saturday, January 14, 2023

His Ways

Broadcast 3546

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Psalms 25:9 (NET) The meek will he guide in judgment and the meek will he teach his way

Tosin was seething with anger as the message was going on. “How dare she make him the subject of her sermon? Just because she is a leader in fellowship doesn’t give her the right to embarrass him” He was going to give it to her once the service was over. However, even as angry as he was, he had a restrain in his spirit to not vent his anger on Sister Debby as planned, a part of him didn’t want to go with that nudge, but he knew that that was the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Just as the world has its customs and ways of doing things, there are also ways of perceiving life and doing things in God’s Kingdom and they are opposed to each other. Unless one begins to learn and act in the ways of God, he will act and live just like a wicked and unrighteous man (See Isaiah 55:7-9). One task a believer must preoccupy himself with is to know the Lord; to know His person and His ways. This requires great humility because this demands that the person acknowledges that all he knows amounts to nothing so he can begin to learn what is truly something.

It is this meekness that is highlighted in James 1 verse 21 “Wherefore laying aside all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls”. As one receives the word with meekness, his mind gets renewed and he gets transformed. This transformation is what produces maturity in believers that the beauty and nature of Jesus become easily displayed and manifested through one’s life.

It is a sad sight to see men and women who profess to be believers live as though they had never met the Lord. When you see believers who have no qualms living in immorality, swindling their friends and customers, who hold and carry grudges refusing to forgive, who strife and seek to have their way at all times. This is not God’s design. God’s design is that every believer becomes like Christ (See Romans 8:29). This is only achieved through committed and conscious learning and discipleship.

Go into today determined to know the Lord through submitting in meekness to learning and discipleship.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Bible In One Year: Nehemiah 10-13 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Friday, January 13, 2023

Way to Kingdom Greatness

Broadcast 3545

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1 Timothy 3:13 (KJV) For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

After Enyo served as a deaconess in her church for seven months, she realized that her boldness and spiritual might was greatly increased. She now had the ability to cast out demons and walk in the supernatural power of God. She saw that she now had the authority to rebuke sickness and disease. Her children who used to be very sickly were no longer falling sick because of her spiritual cover. Her mother who was dying of diabetes became miraculously healed when Enyo laid her hand on her and prayed for her from the standpoint of her new level of authority.

This was not always the case with Enyo. She didn't have the boldness to walk in her authority as a child of God, but her service as a deacon obtained for her a good degree: a higher level of kingdom authority.

Do you notice how much boldness and authority Stephen, Philip, and the other deacons appointed in the early church exerted after they were appointed (see Acts 6)? That is what the office of a deacon does to those who embrace it wholeheartedly and serve diligently. They obtain a good degree and great boldness in their faith.

Deacons are primarily ministers in the church who handle physical matters of administration, serving tables, etc. Their job in the church may not look as dignified as that of the elders or bishops, but such selfless service is the fastest way to kingdom greatness.

Those who run away from responsibility and work in the church of God are running away from an opportunity to increase their level of spiritual boldness and authority.

The advantages of advancing in kingdom greatness transcend time and space, they are eternal. When the kingdom comes, some will inherit thrones while some will suffer loss and only be saved as though through fire(see 1 Corinthians 3:13-15). Our promotion in God's kingdom is determined by our faithfulness to kingdom service.

Go into today remembering that the way to eternal greatness is service in the kingdom of God.

Prayer: Lord, please give me the strength to serve you acceptably. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 26-28 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Thursday, January 12, 2023

Children of Your Father

Broadcast 3544

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Job 31:29-30 (GNB) I have never been glad when my enemies suffered, or pleased when they met with disaster; I have never sinned by praying for their death

Don’t you find it interesting that long before Matthew 5:43-44, Job had this same understanding that it doesn’t please God when we rejoice at the downfall of others, even those we consider our enemies? Perhaps, this was why David would mourn Saul the way he did (2 Samuel 1:1-27).

God has said, ‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay’ (Romans 12:9), and this is because God alone has the moral authority to carry out judgment. It is a well-known legal maxim that he who comes into equity must come with clean hands, and then you hear Jesus say, ‘he that hath no sin, let him cast the first stone’.

When we repay evil for evil, we are appealing to judgment over mercy and submitting ourselves to be judged with the same standard and consideration with which we judged; suffice it to say that no man would live if God were to treat us in that way.

Now, beyond just allowing God exact judgment, we are not to gloat. Granted that your enemies might be reaping their just recompense of reward, yet, it should never serve as an occasion to gloat. This is because God delights in mercy and forgiveness, and He wills that all will access His grace and mercy.

So when next you are tempted to gloat, remind yourself the words of Matthew 5:43-45: ‘Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.’

Go into today meditating on these words of Jesus.

Make this confession: I am of God, I walk in love, I walk in forgiveness, I do not repay evil for evil and do not rejoice in evil but take delight in all that is good. Amen.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Yearly Bible Reading: II John (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Holding firmly to our confidence

Broadcast 3543

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Hebrews 3:5-6 (NET) Now Moses was faithful in all God’s house as a servant, to testify to the things that would be spoken. But Christ is faithful as a son over God’s house. We are of his house, if in fact we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope we take pride in.

When Sesugh met Seth in the youth coups orientation camp, he knew he was not talking to an ordinary young man. There was this confidence and intelligence that Seth had that made him stand out. He never scrambled for things like others, but he always got his way around because he exhibited a level of intelligence and clear-headedness that was not common in such a camp full of young people.

When Sesugh found out that Seth was a prince, and indeed the heir to the throne of a very significant kingdom and lots of Estate, he said "I knew it, I always knew there was something different about Seth. The way he carried himself and the way he behaved as if he had such a great reputation to protect".

The hope that we possess as believers makes us keep ourselves pure (see 1 John 3:3). It gives us confidence that money cannot afford. This Hope is the well from which our faith springs(Heb 11:1). The Lord Jesus is coming back to give us His kingdom. When he appears, our mortal bodies will be changed according to the likeness of His glorious body (see Philippians 3:20-21). We will literally inherit the earth and every other thing that belongs to God in the universe. The Holy Spirit substantiates this knowledge in our hearts to the point that it begins to affect the way we live and even our demeanor. No one can intimidate us. They will even at some point, start asking about the hope that we possess(see 1 Peter 3:15) because our hope and confidence with be evident.

Go into today knowing that this Hope and confidence we have motivates us to sanctify ourselves and keep ourselves pure. As long as this happens, we can be sure that we are members of the family of God. Jesus is our elder brother and we are joint heirs with Him (see Romans 8:17).
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: Acts 21-22 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Beyond the Fog and the Haze

Broadcast 3542

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Ephesians 3:19 (AMP) [That you may really come] to know [practically through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!

Pa Lekan was beside himself with amusement as he watched his children and grandchildren run around frantically trying to put up a last-minute surprise party for their mother and grandmother, his wife, to celebrate her 70th birthday. Everything seemed set: jollof-rice, well-spiced just like she loves it, smoothies, cake, and peppered gizzard. The sitting room was well decorated with balloons, ribbons, and messages of all shapes and sizes prominent of which read: “Seventy Looks Good On You”. Everything was set except for the special gift that she would cherish greatly.

Tunde suggested they replaced her car with a new one, Shola opined that they get her gold or diamond trinkets of the highest quality. The suggestions just kept rolling in until out of sheer exhaustion, they decided to seek their father’s opinion and he simply informed them that if they could just sacrifice a weekend, along with their kids, and spend it with her, she would cherish that the most beyond any gift they could afford.

There is a knowledge that comes from walking experientially with a person, this knowledge runs deep like deep waters. It is what makes couples who have lived harmoniously for a long time to know so much of the other that they can basically finish each other’s sentences, and tell what the other person is thinking and feeling to a great extent. The more people get to know each other the more they can communicate richly non-verbally.

It is important that a man spends his youth walking with the Lord and growing in the knowledge of Him through His word, fellowship of prayers, and practical obedience to the Holy Spirit. The more a man does this the more his being gets flooded with the Presence of God.

Go into today determined to know God more intimately and through fellowship and practical obedience.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Bible In One Year: Revelation 1-6 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Monday, January 9, 2023

Anxiety is a Grace Inhibitor

Broadcast 3541

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Philippians 4:6 (NET) Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God.

While Ranjit was a little boy living with his wealthy parents, he never heard his parents argue or worry about money. But when he was ten, his parents let him go live with his cousins in Germany. They didn't want him to become spoilt like all the other rich 'trust-fund babies' they saw around. When Ranjit started living with his cousins, for the first time in his life, he saw people talking, worrying, and planning about money. Before this time, he didn't know money was something to ever worry about or talk about because his parents were so rich.

When people know that there is an abundance of something, you rarely hear them talking about it.
For example, as important as the oxygen we breathe is to our physical existence, because here on earth we have an abundance of it, you don't hear people talking about air or worrying if there would be enough air for them to breathe till the end of the year.

In the kingdom of God, there is a superabundance of everything. So it is very out of place when believers become anxious about anything. The fact that you can't see the air does not mean it does not exist. The fact that you can't see a thing you want does not mean God has not provided it. You connect with the reality of God's abundance by expelling anxiety and walking in faith.

Anxiety is an inhibitor of grace. Whenever a believer is anxious about walking in any spiritual blessing he has received, that anxiety would only help to hinder the manifestation of that blessing.
When you speak in tongues, do you worry and think about the words you would say? Do you listen to every word you say to see whether it sounds right? If you did, you wouldn't flow in that gift. The truth is that you have no anxiety about tongues when you speak in tongues. Maybe that's why you walk in that gift so effortlessly. The same principle applies to other spiritual blessings and gifts.

Go into today remembering that a spiritual gift will flow when there is no pressure or anxiety in your heart concerning it, but only faith and assurance that you would walk effortlessly in it because God has given it to you.

Prayer: Lord, deliver me from all forms of anxiety so I can walk in the fullness of Your grace. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: Song of Solomon 1-2 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Riches the Lord Gives

Broadcast 3540

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2 Corinthians 8:9 (NET) For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that although he was rich, he became poor for your sakes, so that you by his poverty could become rich. 

If the Lord Jesus was rich but became poor so that through His poverty we might be made rich, the kind of riches He gives is the kind of riches that He has.

There are riches that the devil can give, but this is different from that that Jesus gives. You see, the blessing of the Lord, makes rich, and He adds no sorrow(see Prov 10:22). The empowerment from the devil may make one rich, but he would add much sorrow. A spirit cannot give you something without leaving its fingerprint in your life. Every spirit apart from the Holy Spirit that enriches people leaves its fingerprint of sorrow and destruction in their lives and lineage.

The man the Lord blesses is the man who focuses on Him and not on riches. One way to know such a man is by checking how he responds to God’s word. Such a person delights in the word of God (see Psalm 1:1-3).

Go into today knowing that the type of riches Jesus gives is eternal, nothing of this realm can affect it; it manifests in this realm and yet cannot be affected by the forces in this realm.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please empower me to walk in the riches of Christ, in Jesus' name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: Psalms 140-142 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Saturday, January 7, 2023

God's commandments

Broadcast 3539

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Ephesians 6:4 (NET) Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but raise them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Ekele observed that he was so bitter against his dad that when he heard that his dad was so sick that he might die, he felt nothing. His relationship with his father was rocky from when he was a teenager. His father always provoked him to anger, but his father never knew the extent of the hurt his actions inflicted on his children. Because Ekele was now a husband and father, it was easier for him to understand why his father did the things he did. Ekele eventually brought himself to forgive his father.

One thing I've observed about God's commandments to us is that they are not unnecessary. God never commands us to do the good things we would naturally do, nor does He command us not to do the evil things we would naturally not do. If God says to love your neighbor as yourself, it is because loving your neighbor is not the natural thing for the natural (Adamic) man; taking advantage of your neighbor seems more natural. But you will never see a commandment in scripture for parents to love their children, even though that is the perfect will of God. Loving your Children happens naturally, even for the Adamic man, so such a commandment is not necessary.

So when you see a commandment in scripture like the one we have in today’s Bible verse, it is because what you are told not to do will most naturally happen, if you're not careful. Children are more conditioned to the loving care and affectionate temperament of their mothers, so if fathers are not careful, they would find that they almost naturally provoke their children to anger without even realizing the extent to which they are hurting their children. If you're raising your children according to your feelings and native temperament as a male man, you will most likely provoke them to anger and resentment. But if you will raise them as God raises us, using the Lord's standards and mirroring His temperament, you will succeed. 

Go into today remembering that God's commandments to us are not grievous, but they help us lead wise and productive lives that honor Him.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: Nehemiah 5-9 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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Friday, January 6, 2023

Knowing The Ways Of The Lord

Broadcast 3538

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Psalm 25:4 (KJV) “Shew me thy ways, O Lord ; teach me thy paths."
Cleo loved ice cream so much that she would sometime spend her last cash buying it. Her friend wasn't particularly comfortable with her excessive spending on ice creams so she downloaded recipes for making ice creams online, watched some YouTube videos, and made her own ice cream for Cleo. “Thank you, but the one from that store has a unique taste that yours doesn't have" Cleo said. “Yes, I noticed it too, I think that store has some secrets that I don't know, I wish they could share them with me” Cloe's friend responded.

Cloe's friend couldn't make ice cream with the taste that Cleo loved because the secret was hidden from her. In the same way, we will not be able to serve the Lord the way He wants unless His secrets are revealed to us.

According to Psalms 25:14 (NIV), “The LORD confides in those who fear Him; He makes His covenant known to them.” The ways of the Lord are His secrets, they are revealed only to His trusted friends. If you want to know the ways of the Lord, you must show yourself to be trustworthy.

It is good to have known the Lord as your savior, that however isn't all that there is in God, you need to learn how to become friends with God such that He can confide in you. It is only those in whom He can confide that His secrets are revealed.

It is the secrets of the Lord that you know that determines the level of victory you will enjoy. Moses for instance became great because he knew the ways of the Lord, the things that frightened the children of Israel didn't frighten him because of his knowledge of God.

Go into today knowing that you can have more of God by learning His ways and becoming His friend. This begins by determining to obey Him in all things. John 14:15 says, “If ye love me, keep my commandments."

Prayer: Lord Jesus, please give me the grace to obey you in all things so I can know Your ways and walk in your mighty power.
—Dr. Emmanuel James

Bible in 1 Year: Deuteronomy 23-25 (In Devotional Audio)
Credits: Bible (Bible Experience, Zondervan)

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