Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Buy gold from me

Broadcast 3823
Rev 3:18 (NET)...take my advice and buy gold from me refined by fire so you can become rich! Buy from me white clothing so you can be clothed and your shameful nakedness will not be exposed, and buy eye salve to put on your eyes so you can see!

Femi had believed in the Lord Jesus and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. He had also been properly taught and knew how to wield his spiritual power of faith. Unfortunately, all he really wanted out of life was more and more money, he didn’t care much about the kingdom of God. He just wanted to get more money in life. This was all he used his faith [spiritual power] to acquire.

If a Christian spends his life serving mammon, he is buying what the devil has to offer. He may or may not be rich in this world, but he is poor in the kingdom of heaven because he has spent his life serving mammon at the expense of serving God.

When a Christian spends his life serving God, he is buying what Jesus offers (see Rev 3:18). He may or may not be rich in this world, but he is rich in the kingdom of God because he has spent his life acquiring true riches that will last for all eternity.

Do not forget that God knows the things you need even before you know you need them. The cattle on a thousand hills belong to Him (Ps 50:7). This means at any time, God has at least 1000 ways of providing for you [when you seek Him above all else]. When God makes you rich, He adds no sorrow to it.

Go into today knowing that as a child of God, you have the purchasing power. You can either choose to spend your spiritual capital seeking mammon and earthly riches or spend it seeking the kingdom and eternal wealth of Christ.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: John 16-18 (In today's audio)

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