Saturday, November 25, 2023

Our Confidence And Hope

Broadcast 3861
Audio Version link is at the end of this message

Hebrews 3:6 (NET) But Christ is faithful as a son over God’s house. We are of his house, if in fact we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope we take pride in.

When Jide accepted Christ and became a Christian, because of the sound teachings he was exposed to through the books he read, he had great confidence in the Lord and in the word of God. Some of the older Christians in Jide's church were complaining that ‘Jide is too confident’, but Jide insisted that he was only standing on God's word. That was why he had more results than them. The first time they went for evangelism together, Jide prayed for a very sick man, and he prayed with confidence that the man was going to instantly recover, and that was what happened.

Because we have received the [Holy] Spirit of sonship, every Christian should have the confidence that whenever he asks anything according to God's will, God hears him(see 1 John 5:14). We know God's will through the written word. For example, it is the will of God for you not to be sick (see 1 Pet 2:24), it is the will of God for you not to be in poverty(1 Cor 8:9). But it is not the will of God for you to marry an unbeliever, no matter how nice the person may be (see 2 Cor 6:14).

Go into today remembering that one very important attribute every Christian must have is confidence. We appropriate our power as members of God's household when we are confident.

Christians who have lost their confidence shrink in fear and can suffer the fate of mere men. What many Christians need is more confidence and boldness, not necessarily more faith. For “if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20 (NET)

Ask the Lord to fill your heart with confidence.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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