Sunday, December 31, 2023

Devices of the devil

Broadcast 3896
The Audio Version link is at the end of this message

2 Corinthians 2:11 (KJV) …Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
In the Book of Judges, we see that Samson had a peculiar gift of power. He did wonderful things: he could remove city gates with his hands, kill lions, win battles alone, and break off any chain. As long as his consecration was maintained, Samson could do all these wonders by the power of God. But Samson failed when he fell into immorality and broke the Lord’s testimony (personalized instruction).

I have noticed that when many of us first met Christ, we were more zealous and could even tell which direction [of ministry] God is leading us. But as time passes, many of us lose sight of our calling and begin to only wish we would make heaven.

One of the devices of Satan is to corrupt that part of you or gift in you that should be used for God’s kingdom. For example, a prophet who should see and hear from God may begin to watch immoral movies and listen to worldly music, thereby corrupting his vision. This will eventually exaggerate his weaknesses so much that his strengths are pushed to a corner.

One way not to fall into these devices is to maintain a steady and constant relationship with God through fellowship with the Holy Spirit and fellowship with God’s children, the study of the word of God and praying always. Remember that if God will not help you, you cannot help yourself. Read Psalm 60:11

Go into today knowing that when we are yielded to God, the devil will not be able to get an advantage over us.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you fulfill your destiny and be fruitful in every good work.
—Dr. Emmanuel James

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