Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Fruit of the Spirit 6

Broadcast 3975
Click here for the audio version: https://streamglobe.org/aud3975

Galatians 5:22 (NET) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness

After Lanre's adoptive mother gave her life to Christ, she became very sorry for the way she treated Lanre all his life. He was a very little boy when he lost his Mom, her younger sister, and had to come live with her. No one knew who his dad was. But that was not the reason she nursed resentment in her heart towards Lanre. The real reason was because of the way her husband died. Her husband died in a car crash, and he was with Lanre's mother on that trip. Rumors abounded as to why the two of them were together on that trip. It was rumored that they were having an affair and they were going on a weekend getaway when they got in that fatal crash.

Lanre never knew this. He was just a year old when he lost his mom. He was living with his grandma when this happened. The trauma of his mom's passing was the reason his grandma was no longer able to take care of him. He now had to be raised by his mother's sister. The wife of his mother's alleged lover.

It wasn't until after Lanre's adopted mother received the Holy Spirit that she was able to get over the hurt of what happened to her first husband and sister 28 years ago. Because of the hurt and insecurity that she inherited from her first marriage, her second marriage was a colossal failure. She never knew real peace until she made Jesus the Lord of her life. This peace wasn't the result of the situation of things around her, it was the product of a change of heart and nature.

The understanding that all things are under God's control is the key to our peace as God's children. Nothing can happen to you by accident. God is in control of your life and times if you are in Christ.

Go into today asking the Lord to help you abide in Him and comprehend all the practical ramifications of what it means to be in Him.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Job 15-16 In Today's Audio)

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