Saturday, March 9, 2024

This Liberty of the Spirit

Broadcast 3966
Click here for the audio version:

2 Corinthians 3:17 (KJV) Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
“Bro, you have to come to my fellowship, Man. You’ve got to experience koinonia at No Holds Barred Christian Centre” And so Lanre went on and on trying to get Eddy to commit to coming with him to his place of worship.

“Lanre, but I thought I had told you I’m a worker in my fellowship and might not be able to come with you?”

“I know, I know. Okay, we are having a special weekend program this Saturday, surely you can make it as it doesn’t coincide with your fellowship’s day of service”

“Alright, cool”

And so, on the said Saturday, Lanre took Eddy to fellowship and it was a wonderful time of worship and the word. On their way back, Lanre was all pumped up and was asking Eddy;

“So what do you think, was I right or what? Was fellowship not a bomb?”

“Well, I don’t know about explosives, but it was a great time of worship, I did learn a lot and was grateful for the flow of the things of the Spirit in the meeting”, replied Eddy.

“I told you man, here we are not constricted in our expression of worship, you could see the liberty of the Spirit; people were free to express themselves any way they choose in the presence of God”

“Are you referring to the blowing of whistles, the lifting of plastic chairs and running wildly while the choir sang ‘radical for Jesus’, as well as the intermittent screams of ’Preach on Papa!’ and ‘Glory!!!’ at the top of your lungs during the sermon?”

“Well, not only that, but yeah, that included”.

“Okay Lanre, here is the thing; I think you are conflating issues here. The liberty of the Spirit is the blood-bought freedom of the believer, being administered and administrated by the Holy Spirit to remove every legal hindrance that would keep us from becoming like Jesus. This is the freedom that grants that we can hear God’s word and receive revelation, experience the fullness of the presence of God by the Holy Spirit, and grow in knowledge and stature to become like Jesus.

It is a freedom to walk in righteousness rather than under the constricting hold and bond of the sinful nature, it is a freedom to cast out devils rather than be under their subjugating oppressive tendencies, it is a freedom to become all that the word of God reveals that we are to be.

It is a transformative freedom that changes us into the image of God with the help of the Holy Spirit, you’ll see that for yourself when you read 2 Corinthians 3 verses 17&18. So, no Lanre, that part wasn’t the liberty of the Spirit, at best it was the liberty for exuberance.”

You are truly free if, through the help of the Holy Spirit, God is consistently and continually finding expression in your life in increasing measures. Are you free? Go into today rejoicing that Christ has purchased your freedom and now you have the liberty to live for and serve him.
—Ikechukwu Mpama
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