Monday, March 11, 2024

Where is My Fear?

Broadcast 3968
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Malachi 1:6 (BBE) A son gives honour to his father, and a servant has fear of his master: If then I am your father, where is my honour? And if I am a master, where is the fear of me? Says the Lord of armies to you, O priests, who give no value to my name. And you say, How have we not given value to your name?
There was an interesting encounter in the book of Genesis between Jacob and his in-laws. After spending a total of 20 years with his in-laws, 14 of which he had spent working for the bride price of Rachel, his beloved, and Leah, Rachel’s sister. It came to a point that Jacob began to observe that the disposition of his in-laws toward him had changed for the worse. And so one day, Jacob upped and absconded with his family away from his in-laws, ignorant of the fact that Rachel had also confiscated the family idols of her father. As soon as the in-laws realized what had happened, they chased him. And when they caught up with him, they were wroth with Jacob and said they would have harmed him if not for a warning issued to them by God.

When Jacob was responding, of particular interest was how he referred to the Lord God. While Laban had described him as ‘the God of your father’, Jacob referred to Him as ‘The fear of Isaac’ (See Genesis 31:42). This is a curious but instructive description. It basically meant that Isaac ordered his life in such a way that anyone who knew him well knew that there was One whom he feared and revered (above all) and that this shaped his life.

Again, in Malachi, the Lord was basically saying, if indeed I was your Master, you would fear me. The proof that they did not fear Him included their audacity to disdain Him by offering to Him What they wouldn’t dare offer to their governors, by so doing, the Lord said they by their actions were saying that ‘the table of the Lord was of no importance’ (See Malachi 1:7-8).

The fear of the Lord is a critical ingredient in following the Lord as a servant follows his master. Without it, a man cannot begin to walk in the wisdom of the Lord. Friend, there is a force that is motivating your life choices, Apostle Paul spoke about knowing the ‘fear of the Lord’ and the constraining power of God’s love. A man might be motivated by the fear of poverty, fear of rejection, fear of failure, the list is endless, but hear the admonition of the Lord by the Prophet Isaiah, ‘Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself, and let him be your fear and let him be your dread’ (Isaiah 8:13)

Go into today determined to walk in the fear of the Lord all life-long.
—Ikechukwu Mpama
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