Friday, April 19, 2024

God Keeps His Covenants II

Broadcast 4006
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Genesis 15:18 (NET) reads, "That day the Lord made a covenant with Abram: 'To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates River.'"
Mr. Clement had a very successful business with a track record of entering very successful contracts and deals. When he started grooming his first son to take over the business, one of the most important lessons he taught him was how to determine the companies and people he could enter serious business deals, contracts, and agreements with. He said if a man does not keep to time and does not keep his words, he will most likely not keep to the terms of your contracts. He said if a man is patently unfaithful to his wife, he will not be faithful to your contract with him. No wise person enters a serious contract/Covenant with an unfaithful party.

The second Covenant we see in scripture is the covenant God made with Abraham. By this time, Abraham had charted a trajectory of life that demonstrated complete faith and faithfulness. This faith manifested in the fact that Abraham obeyed every command and requirement of God. Every Covenant that God ever had with people always had a requirement of faith and faithfulness on their part. And those who will continue to enjoy the covenant of Abraham, for example, must have the faith of Abraham.

Go into today remembering that God does not activate His Covenants with unfaithful people. Faith and faithfulness are like two sides of the same coin.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Mark 3-4 (In Today's Audio)

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