Tuesday, April 16, 2024

God Keeps His Covenants

Broadcast 4004
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Numbers 23:19 (NET) reads, "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a human being, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not make it happen?"
The first time we see the word Covenant in the Bible was in Genesis 6:18 where God instructed Noah to embark on the project of building a gigantic vessel or ark for the preservation of his family and the animals. That was a project that altered the trajectory of Noah's life. It took Noah over 100 years to build that ark. Now, you need to realize that Noah was doing this against all odds. He was building an ark to preserve his family from a flood. A flood was something that had never happened on Earth before; in fact, it had never rained on Earth before this time. Building the ark was a sacrifice and a pure act of faith and obedience.

A covenant is an agreement or contract between two parties. Both parties have their defined roles, and integrity demands that when one party fulfills his role, the other party must fulfill their corresponding role as prescribed by the contract. A covenant is as useful as the integrity of those entering it.

When God enters a covenant with people, it means they have their part to play, and He has His. If God says He will do something, you can be sure He will because He keeps His word. As long as Noah remained in faith and obeyed God [by building the ark, etc.], God was committed to preserving him, his family, and the animals with him.

There are a number of Covenants mentioned in scripture. For example, the old Covenant demanded that the people of Israel lived under the law, and God would consequently be their God and father, protect and provide for them.

Go into today remembering that God is a covenant-keeping God because He is faithful and true – a Person of integrity.
—SD Abraham

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Bible In 1 Year: Job 23-24 (In Today's Audio)

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