Saturday, April 27, 2024

The new Covenant 2

Broadcast 4015
Click here for the audio version:

Hebrews 10:16 (NET) “This is the covenant that I will establish with them after those days, says the Lord. I will put my laws on their hearts and I will inscribe them on their minds,”

Sandra felt like she was beyond repair. Growing up in church, she knew all about guilt and shame because of the mistakes she made. Despite once leading the choir, she never really grasped what it meant to trust Jesus for salvation. She thought it was all about trying hard and being strong-willed.

It wasn't until Sandra turned 30 that her roommate shared the gospel with her on her birthday. Suddenly, she realized she had never truly put her faith in Jesus for salvation.

But when she finally did, something incredible happened. God transformed her from the inside out. He wrote His laws on her heart and mind. Her desires and attitudes began to change. Her secret? It was her unwavering faith in Jesus as her Savior. She knew that as long as Jesus was alive, she was safe. She trusted Him completely and obeyed Him absolutely. 

Yet, it wasn't just her faith that changed her. It was also God's promise in the new covenant. God had committed to transforming her, and He kept His word.

Remember this today: If you trust Jesus for your salvation, you're part of a covenant with God. And God's promise in that covenant is to change you from the inside out, making you more like Him.

Thanks to the new covenant, even those born with a sinful nature can be transformed into saints with God's holy nature. It's all about putting your faith in Jesus. He'll do the rest.
—Abrahan Damilola Arigi

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