Saturday, April 6, 2024

Understanding lawlessness

Broadcast 3993
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 1 John 3:4 (NET) Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; indeed, sin is lawlessness.

The reason why the physical phenomenon called gravity is rightfully called 'the law of gravity' is because it is a constant phenomenon guiding the physical order of things. Without the existence of gravity, there wouldn’t be the space-time continuum, and life on Earth would be physically impossible.

Anyone who chooses to violate the law of gravity does so at his own peril. He is lawless in the physical context. Such a person would most likely suffer physical death or great harm. A good example is if someone chooses to jump out of a flying aircraft without wearing a parachute.

There is a law guiding life in the absolute[spirit] realm too. Sin is a violation of this law of life.

If a Christian chooses to live in sin, he is like the person who jumps out of a flying aircraft. Even though by the superior divine law of life in Christ Jesus, he received the power to overcome the (spiritually natural) law of sin and death, if he chooses to live in sin again, he is transgressing the law of life and falling out to be a victim of the law of sin and death again.

In the new covenant, God does not just instruct us to be righteous; He empowers us to walk righteously. He empowers us to be Holy by giving us the Holy Spirit. We take advantage of God's empowerment by yielding to the Holy Spirit and guiding our lives according to God's word.

Go into today determined to yield to the Holy Spirit and live your life according to God's word. Yielding to the Holy Spirit becomes possible when you are conscious of His presence continually.

Ask the Father to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Ask the Lord to help you to always be conscious of the Holy Spirit's presence within you.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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