Monday, June 10, 2024

False Doctrines: Guard Your Heart 2

Broadcast 4059
Click here for the audio version:
1 Timothy 1:5 (NET) But the aim of our instruction is love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.

After Jake left that campus fellowship, he started looking for another fellowship to join himself to because he understood that being part of a Christian fellowship on campus was essential to his spiritual well-being.

From time to time, Jake came in contact with certain brethren who were genuine. Unlike most believers he met who were worldly, their faith in Christ was sincere and he could discern this. He started observing that many of these sincere brethren were members of a particular campus fellowship. This was how he knew where he was to join himself.

Because Jake prayed to the Lord for direction concerning what fellowship to join, the Lord answered his prayer by giving him the wisdom to discern brethren and understand that every sound fellowship would have sound brethren.

At the end of the teachings, exegesis, falling under the anointing, miraculous manifestations, etc, what sound doctrine and fellowship should produce in believers is Love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and sincere faith(see Bible Text above).

A believer who is spiritually healthy would be filled with pure love for his brethren and charity for the world. Impure love is "do me I do you" love. It is a love that is based on an expectation of reward.

It is not possible to have a good conscience when you have bad conduct. Only sincere faith can produce pure love and a good conscience.

Go into today knowing that Faith which is predicated on material gain is not sincere. Every faith is a substance of things hoped for. If the hope of a person's faith begins and ends with financial and material settlement in this world, his faith cannot be sincere, and it is only sincere faith that can produce pure love and a good conscience.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, purify my motives and desires. Let my faith be pure and sincere. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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