Friday, June 28, 2024

The Blessed Hope

Broadcast 4078
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Romans 8:22-23 (NET) "For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers together until now. Not only this, but we ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we eagerly await our adoption, the redemption of our bodies."

Whenever you hear of an earthquake, a tsunami, or a volcanic eruption, it is a sign that creation is groaning and suffering. Whenever you struggle to pray, struggle to meditate on God's Word, or struggle with the flesh, it is a sign that you too are groaning. God didn't make us to struggle; God created us to enter into His rest.

The firstfruits of the Spirit are manifestations of the Holy Spirit within us. When a believer begins to interface with the power of the Holy Spirit, he would immediately realize that there is much more for him in God, but he would also realize that there is a great hindrance to walking in these realities.

It takes a level of spiritual maturity and walk with the Spirit to realize that our spirits are groaning in expectation of something. Very much like the way a woman in labor groans in expectation. But what is this expectation for which creation and believers who have the firstfruits of the Spirit await in groaning? It is the resurrection of the dead. This is when mortality shall put on immortality. This is when our bodies would be changed to glorious bodies that cannot die, grow old, or decay. These bodies have the capacity to reveal our true nature as sons of God. When the resurrection happens, creation too would be set free from its bondage of corruption. This earth would begin to work properly and would be able to relate with man according to the original design. During the millennial reign of Christ and the saints on this earth, the earth would know such peace and harmony that has never been experienced. We would take charge of every territory on earth and bring peace to the nations.

Go into today with the hope of our calling sure in your heart. When the Lord returns, the dead in Christ shall rise first, then those who are alive and remain in Him would also resurrect into the glorious body that can manifest the glory and power of God in ways our minds are too limited to fully comprehend right now.
Abraham Damilola Arigi

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