Saturday, August 3, 2024

Life in the Spirit 5

Broadcast 4113
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Romans 8:6-7 (NET): "For the outlook of the flesh is death, but the outlook of the Spirit is life and peace, because the outlook of the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to the law of God, nor is it able to do so."

Before Tochukwu realized how much his outlook was still shaped by the flesh (the old Adamic sinful nature), he assumed he was serving God, but he was ruled by self-centeredness and the love of money. Because of this, his spiritual life did not grow, even though he was very active in church activities. He saw that he had no authority over demons and was unable to resist the devil. After he realized that his outlook on life was the fundamental problem, he was delivered from the dominion of spiritual death.

The outlook of the flesh is a self-centered, worldly mindset that gravitates toward the love of money and is prey to the deceitfulness of riches. The deceitfulness of riches is the lie that says all you need to be happy and fulfilled in life is more money. It claims that a man's life consists of the abundance of his possessions. Even though fulfillment is not achieved when a person gets all the money they thought would bring fulfillment, they assume the answer is to get more money. This deceitfulness keeps people enslaved to Mammon, and slavery to Mammon ensures they are under the dominion of Satan.

Today's Bible verses reveal that a believer with a fleshly, worldly outlook will struggle with their spiritual life. By faith in Christ Jesus, we have received spiritual life, but a fleshly outlook seeks to hinder this life from finding expression in our daily lives.

Go into today resting and finding security in the Lord, understanding that He cares for you and will take care of you. Determine to allow the Holy Spirit, through God's Word, to shape your outlook on life and cause you to walk in the life of God.

Prayer: Dear Father, please deliver me from every worldly and fleshly outlook on life. Help me to excel in spiritual life and please You in all regards. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: 2 Kings 1-5 (in today's audio)

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