Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Fulfilling Ministry 2

Broadcast 4157
Listen to today's audio (with audio Bible): streamglobe.org/aud4157
Watch today's video: streamglobe.org/vid4157
Romans 12:5-6 (NET) says, "So we who are many are one body in Christ, and individually we are members who belong to one another. And we have different gifts according to the grace given to us. If the gift is prophecy, that individual must use it in proportion to his faith."

Jake admired Pastor John’s powerful preaching and desperately wanted to be like him. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t preach like Pastor John. Even though Jake knew he was called to minister to the church, he felt like a failure because his preaching style didn’t match what he saw in Pastor John.

It wasn’t until Jake realized that God never intended for us all to be the same that things began to change for him. Just as the human body has many parts with different functions, the members of Christ’s body have different gifts and roles. Some are called to preach, others to teach, some to prophesy, and others to excel in administration.

Jake discovered that while he wasn’t called to preach like Pastor John, he had been gifted by God to teach the Word with clarity and depth. Once he accepted his own unique calling and stopped comparing himself to others, he found God’s grace and fruitfulness in his ministry.

The body of Christ functions best when each member uses their gifts for God’s purposes. It’s essential that we hone and use the abilities God has given us, rather than hiding them due to comparison or competition. Trying to be someone else only hinders the potential God has placed within you, just as the eye would fail if it tried to taste food like the tongue.

Go into today determined to sharpen and utilize your unique abilities for the advancement of God’s kingdom. Comparing yourself with others is unwise, and God has equipped you with specific gifts for a reason.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me understand and fulfill Your call for my life. Help me embrace my unique gifts and play my part in advancing Your kingdom agenda. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi
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Bible In 1 Year: Proverbs 17-18 (in today's audio)

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