Thursday, October 31, 2024

The Resurrection and the Life

Broadcast 4201
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John 11:25 (NLT) Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.
When Lazarus was resurrected by Jesus, he came forth with his grave clothes on, because he would be naked without it.

After Jesus resurrected, the cloth used to wrap His body was still in the grave (John 20:5-7) because He did not need it anymore. He now had a glorified body that didn’t need a cloth to be clothed.

Jesus’ disciples found it a little difficult to recognize Him because the body he resurrected with was different from the one he died with. He resurrected with the glorified body. This glorified body cannot be killed. It does not need doors to come into a building, but can be made to pass through a wall. These glorious bodies are what will reveal our true nature as sons of God (Rom 8:19). This body of flesh is greatly limiting us from walking in our sonship.

The redemption of the body will usher us into the hope of our calling. This is when these vile bodies of ours will be changed into glorious bodies like the one Jesus has right now. This is when we will rule all things with the Lord (see 1 Cor 6:2-3) and be rewarded according to our work here on earth (Rom 2:6, 1 Cor :12-15).

Jesus did not only die to save us from our sins, He resurrected to usher into our lives of the greatest power ever known in all of creation. This is the same power that will cause us to resurrect the way He did.

Go into today remembering that anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus will not only resurrect with the glorious body but will have abundant life here on earth because Jesus is the resurrection and the Life.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Obadiah (in today's audio)

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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Path to True Freedom 3

Broadcast 4200
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1 Corinthians 1:18 (NET)  For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

As Colyn continued his journey of discipleship, he found himself faced with new challenges that tested his commitment to live by the philosophy of the cross. With Dante's guidance, he began to recognize these trials not as setbacks but as opportunities to deepen his trust in God and rely on the Holy Spirit’s strength, rather than his own. Colyn learned that following Jesus wasn't just about occasional self-denial but a daily surrender, choosing God's will over his own desires in each situation.

One evening, Colyn shared his struggles with Dante, expressing frustration over how difficult it was to resist certain temptations. Dante listened and then reminded him of Jesus' words in Matthew 16:24: “If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” Dante explained that discipleship is a lifelong journey of transformation, and part of that journey involves trusting God through difficult moments. "Each time we choose God’s will over our own," Dante said, "we’re becoming more like Christ."

With a renewed perspective, Colyn began approaching each challenge with a prayerful heart, asking the Holy Spirit to strengthen him to make choices that honored God. He found that the more he trusted in the Lord and practiced daily self-denial, the easier it became to resist temptations. His relationship with Christ grew deeper, and he saw the fruits of this obedience in his life—a growing peace, confidence in God’s faithfulness, and freedom from the old sins that once enslaved him.

Go into today reminded that discipleship is a daily choice to let go of the old life and embrace the divine nature you now have in Christ Jesus. Embrace the philosophy of the cross, knowing that each step of surrender and obedience brings you closer to the fullness of life Jesus promised. Embracing the philosophy of the cross might seem foolish to the unregenerated mind, but it is the secret of our power over the flesh.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to walk in daily surrender, choosing Your will over my own. Strengthen me to take up my cross each day and live out my faith in every moment. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Proverbs 26-27 (in today's audio)

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Monday, October 28, 2024

The Path to True Freedom 2

Broadcast 4199
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Matthew 16:24 (NET): "Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.'"

Colyn started meeting regularly with Dante for discipleship. At first, it wasn’t easy. Dante encouraged him to dig deeper into the Word and to spend focused time in prayer each day. There were times Colyn felt too busy or too tired, but Dante reminded him that discipleship requires commitment and discipline. Through these sessions, Colyn began to see that many of his struggles were rooted in areas he hadn’t fully surrendered to Christ. Dante explained that embracing the philosophy of the cross—a life of self-denial and obedience—was essential to true freedom.

One day, Colyn asked Dante how he managed to find freedom from his old habits. Dante explained that he found deliverance by continually choosing to die to his old self and letting the Spirit guide him each day. "The more I embraced the cross," Dante said, "the more I realized that freedom comes when I let go of my own desires and fully depend on Christ’s strength." He shared Galatians 5:24: "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."

As Colyn embraced this cross-centered mindset, he began experiencing real change. He found a growing strength to overcome the temptations that once held him captive, and he learned that discipleship was a journey leading to true freedom through self-denial, obedience, and walking by the Spirit.

Go into today with a renewed commitment to discipleship, remembering that the path to freedom in Christ requires letting go of self and taking up the cross. When you walk closely with Jesus, He empowers you to overcome the flesh and live out God’s extraordinary plans for your life.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me the grace to fully embrace the philosophy of the cross. Help me to grow as Your disciple, walking by Your Spirit and finding freedom in Your truth. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Psalms 114-116 (in today's audio)

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Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Path to True Freedom

Broadcast 4198
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Matthew 16:24 (NET): "Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.'"

Colyn accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior in high school. He knew that God had plans for him that were greater than anything he could imagine. However, he also recognized that the devil was his enemy, trying to pull him away from God’s purpose. Though Colyn wanted to walk in God’s will, certain sins remained strongholds in his life. He prayed, fasted, and tried various ways to overcome, but these struggles seemed to overpower his efforts.

When Colyn reconnected with his friend Dante, he was amazed. During their high school years, Dante was deep into substances and other vices. But now, Dante was free and thriving in his faith. Colyn, still battling his old habits, asked Dante how he found such freedom. Dante explained that he was properly discipled by a believer who loved him and committed to seeing him truly free. Colyn realized he had never fully understood discipleship, and he humbly asked Dante to guide him on this path.

Every believer is called to be a disciple, and discipleship is God’s way of transforming believers into saints. It’s also the primary mission of the local church. But to be a disciple, a person must be teachable, humble, and willing to live to please God rather than themselves. Jesus taught that discipleship requires self-denial, taking up one’s cross, and following Him. 

Taking up your cross in those days meant carrying your death sentence. The cross was used to execute criminals, and criminals were made to carry their cross to the point of their execution. Those who will be disciples of Christ must crucify their self-serving agenda and no longer live to please themselves. This means they must accept that life for them is no longer about pleasing themselves but about pleasing God. 

Go into today remembering that true freedom from the flesh is found on the path of the cross. Trust in God’s perfect plan and choose to deny yourself daily, knowing that His purposes for you far surpass anything you could plan on your own.

Prayer: Lord, give me the strength to deny myself, take up my cross, and follow You wholeheartedly. I trust Your plan for my life. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: II Chronicles 6-10 (in today's audio)

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Saturday, October 26, 2024

Called and Sanctified

Broadcast 4197
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1 Corinthians 1:1-2 (NKJV): "Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother, to the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all who in every place call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours."

The book of 1 Corinthians is a letter written by Paul to the church in Corinth. Paul likely dictated the letter while Sosthenes, a former synagogue ruler in Corinth (Acts 18:17), wrote it down. Sosthenes played a significant role in supporting Paul's ministry to the Corinthians.

Corinth, a major city in southern Greece, was home to many who accepted the gospel through Paul’s apostolic work. But, like any other church, the believers in Corinth had their unique challenges and temptations. This letter was meant to encourage them and address their concerns.

In 1 Corinthians 1:2, Paul refers to the Corinthian Christians as *sanctified in Christ Jesus* and *called to be saints*. In today’s world, saints are often seen as exceptional holy individuals, but in the New Testament Church, we are all called to this sainthood. We have been sanctified, set apart by God, to live lives that bear witness to His power and glory. As believers, we are empowered to reflect the supernatural power of God, living free from the corruption of the world.

Go into today thanking God for calling you to be a saint.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to empower you to live a life that reflects His power and glory.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: 
Numbers 25-28 (in today's audio)

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Friday, October 25, 2024

Living in Expectation of Christ's Return

Broadcast 4196
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1 Corinthians 1:6-7 (NET): "Just as the testimony about Christ has been confirmed among you—so that you do not lack any spiritual gift as you wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ."
In the early church, there was a common expectation: the believers were eagerly waiting for the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. They anticipated His return, hoping that it would happen in their lifetime because they understood that His coming would reveal their true glory and power on earth.

When the Lord returns, believers will be transformed into His glorious likeness. Our imperfect, mortal bodies will be changed into the likeness of His glorified body (Philippians 3:21). He will come with great power, subjecting all things to His authority, and every knee will bow before Him (Romans 14:11-12). We will rule and reign with Him, judging the world and even angels (1 Corinthians 6:2-3). This is the future awaiting every believer in Christ.

Living with the consciousness of Christ’s return changes how we live. Without this awareness, believers can fall into faithlessness and spiritual weakness, making it harder to draw others to the truth. But when we live with a sense of expectation, knowing that we will give an account of our lives and stewardship, we are reminded that we are pilgrims on a mission in this world. This heavenly mindset empowers us to live victoriously, as agents of God's kingdom.

Go into today remembering that as believers, our focus must be on things above. We are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus lives, and we are eagerly awaiting His return (Philippians 3:20). Let this truth shape your life and guide your actions.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: 
Hebrews 1-4 (in today's audio)

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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Lordship of Christ

Broadcast 4195
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Romans 10:9 (NIV) "If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

Being a Christian means accepting Jesus Christ as both your Lord and Savior. As your Savior, He delivers you from the bondage of sin, death, and the devil. His salvation is total, freeing you not only from spiritual oppression but also from psychological, emotional, and physical bondage. Jesus liberates you from addictions and other forms of captivity, heals your body, and gives you a new life that strengthens your mortal body.

Declaring Jesus as your Lord means surrendering the ownership and control of your life to Him. You no longer live to please yourself but live to please Him. By acknowledging His Lordship, you also accept that He takes responsibility for your life. When you truly believe and declare that "Jesus is Lord" (Romans 10:9), you are sealing a deal that transfers the ownership of your life to Christ.

Accepting Christ’s Lordship also brings His protection and provision into your life. Just as you entrust someone with something only when you want them to take responsibility, so it is with Jesus. Many believers struggle to see His power in their lives because they have not fully surrendered control to Him. Jesus cannot share the ownership of your life; He must be Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all. When you give Him full control, you will experience the incomparable benefits of His Lordship.

Dear Lord, I ask that You take full control of every aspect of my life from this moment. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: 
John 19-21 (in today's audio)

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Trusting in God Alone

Broadcast 4194
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Psalms 91:2 (NKJV) "...My God, in Him I will trust."

After graduating from university, Lekan hoped his uncle, a managing director of a big company, would help him secure a good job. But as time passed and nothing happened, he grew frustrated. It wasn’t until he turned to God in prayer that he realized his trust for a job was more in his uncle than in God (see Jeremiah 17:5, Psalm 146:3).

Whoever you trust and depend on is essentially who or what you consider your god. This is why Jesus warned us more about trusting in wealth (Mammon) than even about serving the devil, because it's easy for people, especially those who are wealthy, to rely on money for security. The Bible specifically advises those who are rich in this world not to put their trust in money but in God, the ultimate source of all blessings (see 1 Timothy 6:17).

True trust in God means acknowledging that all good things come from Him, and people or systems are merely instruments He uses. God remains the source of your help, whether or not the channels you expect are available.

As you go into today, remember that trusting in the Lord is always better than trusting in people or wealth. People fail, money fails, but those who trust in the Lord will remain secure and unshaken (see Psalm 125:1).

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you trust Him with all your heart.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: 
Amos 5-9 (in today's audio)

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Walking in the Blessing of Abraham

Broadcast 41913
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Galatians 3:13-14 (KJV): Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

After Sesugh received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, his life began to change. He no longer felt like a victim of circumstances or bound by family curses. He understood that because of Christ, he was free from all curses, including those that seemed to plague his family line. But beyond this newfound freedom, Sesugh realized that the blessing of Abraham was now fully available to him. This blessing wasn’t just about material prosperity but about living in the fullness of God’s plan and purpose.

The blessing of Abraham encompasses righteousness, divine favor, and the power to walk in God's promises. It is not limited to earthly wealth but also includes spiritual riches. Abraham was blessed because of his faith in God, and in the same way, through faith in Jesus Christ, believers can partake in this blessing. Sesugh understood that the key to living out this blessing was not only receiving the Holy Spirit but walking in spirit.

Many believers, like Sesugh, struggle with the mindset of being cursed, even after they come to Christ. It’s important to remember that the curse of the law has been broken through Jesus, and we now have access to the same covenant blessings that Abraham received. But to truly walk in the blessing of Abraham, we must align our minds with the truth of God’s Word and by faith, walk in the divine nature. It is impossible to walk in the divine nature and be under curses at the same time. Walking in the flesh provides the platform for curses while walking in the spirit provides the platform for blessings.

Just as Sesugh learned, believers must continually renew their minds by feeding on God’s Word and maintaining a vibrant relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth, reminding us of who we are in Christ and empowering us to live in the reality of the blessing. When we walk in obedience to the Word of God and live by the Spirit, we experience the fullness of the blessing—righteousness, peace, joy, and provision.

Go into today remembering that you are no longer under any curse but under the blessing of Abraham. Keep walking in faith, in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, and watch God’s blessing manifest in every area of your life.

Prayer Confession: Lord, I thank You for redeeming me from every curse through the blood of Jesus. I declare that I walk in the blessings of Abraham, and I live by the Spirit. Every promise You have made to me in Your Word is yes and amen in Christ. In Jesus' name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: 
Proverbs 25 (in today's audio)

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Monday, October 21, 2024

Redeemed From Curses

Broadcast 41912
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Galatians 3:13-14 (KJV): Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Sesugh believed strongly that his family was under a curse. Over time, he noticed patterns that made him feel he was also suffering the effects of this curse. Concerned, he shared his worries with Pastor Dan, a man he had seen demonstrate God’s power to heal and deliver. Pastor Dan asked him an important question:

Pastor Dan: “Have you believed in the Lord Jesus?”

Sesugh: “Yes, I have.”

Pastor Dan: “Have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit?”

Sesugh: “I’m not sure, sir.”

Pastor Dan: “If you're unsure, then you likely haven’t. When you’re baptized in the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, you’ll know. Galatians 3:13-14 shows that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. In exchange, we’ve received the unbeatable blessing of Abraham. The proof of this is that we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who empowers us to walk in the spirit. Walking in the spirit means walking in the divine nature, as opposed to walking in the flesh, which is the Adamic sinful nature we were all born with”

After this conversation, Sesugh became eager to be baptized in the Holy Spirit so he could walk in the spirit.

Curses come in different forms and vary in strength. The most powerful are those described as ‘the curse of the law,’ which provides the legality for the enforcement of all other curses. Yet, even these are removed through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. If Christ’s sacrifice can remove the curse of the law, how much more can it overcome lesser curses from demons and principalities?

The evidence that a believer has been delivered from generational curses and now walks in the blessing of Abraham is the gift of the spirit. When you walk in the Spirit—the divine nature—you no longer live in the flesh or under any curse (see Galatians 3:14). The Holy Spirit empowers us to access our blessings in Christ and live above the power of curses.

Go into today celebrating the Holy Spirit within you. Make it a daily habit to pray in the Spirit, as this is a powerful way to appropriate your blessings. Remember, all spiritual blessings are received by faith. So stop believing you are under any curse and start believing that you have the blessing of Abraham.

Prayer Confession:

Because Christ became a curse for me on the cross, I am no longer under any curse. I walk in the blessings of Abraham, and I live daily by the Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi
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Bible In 1 Year: Psalms 111-113 (in today's audio)

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Sunday, October 20, 2024

Jesus: Our Access to God

Broadcast 4191
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1 Corinthians 1:30-31 (NKJV): But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God--and righteousness and sanctification and redemption-- that, as it is written, "He who glories, let him glory in the Lord."

Before Ogundare became a believer, he had delved deeply into the occult and was exposed to the darkest spiritual realms. He once had a business rivalry with a Christian and decided to take the battle to the spirit realm to gain an advantage. However, it was there that he discovered that God is the Holy King of eternity, and Christians are indeed God’s children, whom He protects jealously. What ultimately drew Ogundare to become a believer was his realization that Christians had direct access to a relationship with this almighty God.

Because Ogundare understood spiritual things and protocols, he was amazed at how ordinary mortal humans could have a relationship with such a holy and great God. Even powerful spirits could not meet God’s standard. He knew that a relationship with spiritual authorities required wisdom, and he was aware that humans did not naturally possess the spiritual wisdom necessary to relate to God. It was then he discovered that Jesus had become the wisdom of God for us. Through Jesus, we are able to have a relationship with God.

Today's Bible verses mention four key requirements for having a relationship with Almighty God: redemption, sanctification, righteousness, and [spiritual] wisdom. As sinful and mortal beings, we could never achieve these on our own. But Christ Jesus has become all these for us who believe, and that is why we can have a relationship with God. This is why no one who truly knows God can take credit for it. Instead, they are always grateful to Jesus.

Go into today thanking the Lord for being the reason you have a relationship with Almighty God.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi
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Bible In 1 Year: Philemon (in today's audio)

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Saturday, October 19, 2024

Are You Growing in Faith and Love?

Broadcast 4190
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2 Thessalonians 1:3-4 (NET): We ought to thank God always for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith flourishes more and more and the love of each one of you all for one another is ever greater. As a result, we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and afflictions you are enduring.

Gregory accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord because he was surrounded by challenges, and coming to Jesus truly brought him relief. But as he studied the Bible, he realized that there were men who suffered and even died because of their faith in Christ. "What is the difference between me and these people?" he wondered. Seeking answers, Gregory began to study how the Apostles of Christ lived, and he soon discovered they had one thing in common: they all endured persecution.

If all you know about God are His gifts and benevolence, you are still a spiritual child. Every responsible adult has responsibilities, many of which require some level of endurance. A mature son of God may willingly endure suffering—not because he cannot escape, but because he knows his pain will bring relief, comfort, and freedom to others in the body of Christ.

The measure of your growth in faith and love can be seen by how much you are willing and able to give and endure for Christ. It is through people like this that God’s power is manifested in its fullness.

If you desire to experience God’s power in its purest form, you must be willing to endure anything for Christ (see Romans 8:17, 2 Timothy 2:12).

Meditate on Mark 10:29-31 today:

“And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life. But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.”

Prayer: I receive grace to grow in faith and love, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
—Dr. Emmanuel James
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Bible In 1 Year: John 16-18 (in today's audio)

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Under God's covering

Broadcast 4189
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Psalms 91:4 (NKJV): He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

Before Ogundare became a believer, he had delved deeply into the occult and was exposed to the darkest spiritual realms. He once had a business rivalry with a Christian and decided to take the battle to the spirit realm to gain an advantage. However, it was there that he discovered that God is the Holy King of eternity, and Christians are indeed God’s children, whom He protects jealously. What ultimately drew Ogundare to become a believer was his realization that Christians had direct access to a relationship with this almighty God.

Because Ogundare understood spiritual things and protocols, he was amazed at how ordinary mortal humans could have a relationship with such a holy and great God. Even powerful spirits could not meet God’s standard. He knew that a relationship with spiritual authorities required wisdom, and he was aware that humans did not naturally possess the spiritual wisdom necessary to relate to God. It was then he discovered that Jesus had become the wisdom of God for us. Through Jesus, we are able to have a relationship with God.

Today's Bible verses mention four key requirements for having a relationship with Almighty God: redemption, sanctification, righteousness, and [spiritual] wisdom. As sinful and mortal beings, we could never achieve these on our own. But Christ Jesus has become all these for us who believe, and that is why we can have a relationship with God. This is why no one who truly knows God can take credit for it. Instead, they are always grateful to Jesus.

Go into today thanking the Lord for being the reason you have a relationship with Almighty God.
—Abraham Dami Arigi
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Bible In 1 Year: II Chronicles 1-5 (in today's audio)

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Friday, October 18, 2024

God's Principle of faithfulness

Broadcast 4188
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Matthew 25:23 (KJV): His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
Larry became deeply envious of Sunday, who had grown into a celebrated figure known all over the world. He couldn’t understand why Sunday had become so great while he, Larry, had not—especially since they were once close, and he knew he was more intelligent, gifted, and talented than Sunday. Larry had always believed that God destined him for greatness, but all he saw in his life were struggles. Now over 45, he was facing what some might call a mid-life crisis, realizing that the success and greatness he had hoped for might never come.

As Larry reflected on what led people to their greatness, he noticed a principle that was missing in his life: faithfulness. Unlike Sunday, Larry had not been very reliable or consistent, especially in areas that didn’t bring instant gratification. He realized that God gives greatness, but one of the key principles in the kingdom of God is faithfulness in small things and in someone else’s work (see Luke 16:10,12). Unlike Sunday, Larry was too proud to commit to anything that didn’t originate from him.

There are many ways to achieve greatness in the world, but in God’s kingdom, greatness is only given to those who are faithful in little. When you are faithful with little, much will be entrusted to you—that is the kingdom way (see Luke 16:10,12). Many who rise quickly to fame or success without being tested in faithfulness often fall. It’s possible to create your own path to greatness, but if it doesn’t come from the Lord, you’ll have to sustain it by your own means, and eventually, those means will run dry.

Go into today remembering that God promotes those who have proven their faithfulness in the little things. Also remember that comparing yourself with others is unwise (2 Corinthians 10:12).

Prayer: Lord, give me the grace and wisdom to be faithful and consistent. Amen.
—Abraham Dami Arigi
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Bible In 1 Year: Numbers 21-24(in today's audio)

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Watch your company

Broadcast 4187
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1 Corinthians 5:9-11 (NET): I wrote you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people. In no way did I mean the immoral people of this world, or the greedy and swindlers and idolaters, since you would then have to go out of the world. But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who calls himself a Christian who is sexually immoral, or greedy, or an idolater, or verbally abusive, or a drunkard, or a swindler. Do not even eat with such a person.

Because William was a believer, he would have never been that close to Tega if Tega had not also claimed to be a believer. William knew about God’s instruction not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14), but he wasn’t aware of the instruction in today’s verses that says not to keep company with anyone who claims to be a believer but lives immorally or like an unbeliever. This was the reason why Will struggled in his walk with the Lord.

Many believers have fallen into Satan’s trap by associating with so-called Christians who are actually unbelievers (wolves in sheep’s clothing) or believers with deep spiritual problems, who should be on spiritual quarantine.

Go into today remembering to guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the springs of life (see Proverbs 4:23). One way to guard your heart is by carefully choosing the company you keep. A person who will walk in the blessing of heaven is one who is mindful of their associations and who delights in the Word of the Lord (see Psalm 1:1-3).

Prayer: Lord, help me from this day to keep company with those who will help me delight in Your Word and grow.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Philemon (in today's audio)

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Guarding your heart

Broadcast 4186
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Philippians 4:8 (NET): Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things.

For the first time in her life, Bidemi felt truly happy and content. She hadn’t realized how much she had grown spiritually until she reflected on how her life used to be, even after she became a believer. She recalled that her happiness increased when she stopped focusing on the things that were not going well and started thanking the Lord for what was going well in her life.

When a believer spends time dwelling on the negatives, sadness becomes inevitable, and they will fail to walk in the fruit of the Spirit of joy. Without joy, spiritual strength diminishes, because the joy of the Lord is your strength (see Nehemiah 8:10). It is with joy that we draw from the wells of salvation (Isaiah 12:3).

The devil understands that if you lose your joy and become burdened, your spirit will weaken, making it easier for you to fall into temptation.

Go into today remembering that what you allow your mind to dwell on is crucial. It’s important to remain joyful because the joy of the Lord is your strength. Refuse to let your heart be consumed by negative thoughts, and always thank the Lord for what He has done and what He will do.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you fix your heart on the things He approves (see Philippians 4:8).
—Abraham Dami Arigi
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Bible In 1 Year: Amos 1-4 (in today's audio)

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Monday, October 14, 2024

Conquering Fear

Broadcast 4185
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Psalms 23:4 (KJV): Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Danladi accepted the Lord Jesus while serving in the military, inspired by the boldness and fearlessness of some of his Christian colleagues in the face of enemy fire. During one deployment, he observed how these soldiers, even in the midst of the fiercest battles, were full of courage and confidence, unafraid of untimely death. Among them, Donald stood out as someone Danladi liked fighting alongside because he always felt safer with him. While many soldiers were gripped with fear, these Christian soldiers would confidently quote Bible verses like Psalm 23, and their courage was contagious. After returning home from the battlefield, Danladi decided to become a Christian, convicted by the unwavering faith of his colleagues.

Sadly, unlike Danladi’s colleagues, many Christians today experience fear just as unbelievers do, because they fail to grasp that if the Lord is truly their Shepherd, He will be with them even through the darkest valleys. This fear disconnects them from the grace and protection of the Lord (Hebrews 11:6). The victory that overcomes the dark forces of this world is activated through our faith. Ongoing fear often indicates a weakening faith.

Go into today remembering that if you truly believe the Lord is with you, living in constant fear of what the enemy can do is an insult to Him. As believers, we shouldn’t live fearful lives because we know that the Lord is with us.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to forgive any faithlessness in your heart and grant you the understanding to never live in fear again.
—Abraham Dami Arigi
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Bible In 1 Year: Proverbs 23-24 (in today's audio)

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Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Overcomer

Broadcast 4184
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1 Timothy 1:18-19 (NET) I put this charge before you, Timothy my child, in keeping with the prophecies once spoken about you, in order that with such encouragement you may fight the good fight. To do this you must hold firmly to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and so have suffered shipwreck in regard to the faith.
Apart from being physically fit and having the right weapons, battle formations, and tactics, every serious military unit understands the power of morale. If the soldiers are depressed and discouraged, they may lose the battle, even if they have the best weapons and skills.

Today’s scripture shows us that prophecies provide encouragement, and with this encouragement, we are to fight the good fight. There may be specific prophecies you’ve received concerning your life—these should be remembered and used as weapons in spiritual warfare, because prophecies are the Word of God. And we know that the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. There are also general prophecies about us in scripture. Meditating on God’s Word until His promises and prophecies become personal to you is just as powerful as remembering specific prophecies spoken over your life.

But notice from today’s scripture that to fight the good fight, you must hold firmly to both faith and a good conscience. Those whose consciences are defiled lose the morale for spiritual warfare and victory. A defiled conscience punctures and erodes faith, and without faith, we cannot overcome—because the victory that overcomes the world is our faith (1 John 5:4).

Go into today remembering that life in this present world is an opportunity for you to be an overcomer. This means there is warfare, and the only way to continue overcoming is by holding on to faith and a good conscience.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you avoid anything that defiles your conscience.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Psalms 108-110 (in today's audio)

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Loving God

Broadcast 4183
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John 14:23 (KJV) Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
When Tamara decided she wanted to know God more and grow spiritually, she disconnected from her godless friends, started taking church and the Word of God seriously, and repented of all her known sins. As she grew in the knowledge of God's will, her deepest desire became to please God. Because of her genuine love for the Lord and her desire to live for Him, God manifested Himself to her in extraordinary ways. She experienced His power and glory. Through her, demonic bondage and oppression ceased in her family, and some of her family members were even miraculously healed from terminal illnesses—all because of her strong relationship with God.

God loves us so much that He has made us His children and heirs to His eternal kingdom. To accomplish this, He was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for us. Jesus died on the cross, not for anything He desired for Himself, but to bring us into His glory. We can neither add to nor subtract from God's greatness. All He does for us is out of His love for us, not for His own benefit. Love, by its nature, does not seek its own gain.

The devil doesn’t want you to believe that God truly loves you, because he knows that understanding God's love will motivate you to love Him in return. And when people truly love God, the devil loses his power in their lives. In fact, all things will ultimately work together for their good.

Go into today remembering that this life is like a test to reveal those who truly love God. Those who love Him will see His glory and inherit His eternal kingdom. Ask the Lord to help you love and please Him in every area of your life.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: I Chronicles 25-29 (in today's audio)

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Friday, October 11, 2024

Grace and Health

Broadcast 4182
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James 5:16 (NLT) Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.
Andrew was very sick. He prayed about it, but the sickness didn’t go away. Normally, he would pray in the spirit for a while if he felt the symptoms of any sickness, and it would leave. He had lived like this in God’s divine health without using any drugs for years.

But this time, he prayed and prayed, and the symptoms of the sickness did not go away. He confessed the word of God and did everything he knew to do. He even saw a doctor and used drugs, but he was still sick and getting weaker. He later decided to call his pastor to pray for him and lay hands on him. While talking with his pastor, he saw the need to confess a sin that had kept him in guilt for some time.

After confessing the sin to his pastor, for the first time in months, his conscience was clear before God like it used to be. He started recovering the next day.

Christians who walk in grace through constant fellowship with the Lord also walk in divine health. Unknown to Andrew, the hidden guilt in his heart was the reason why the grace of God for divine health was no longer flowing in his life.

The source of our grace is our fellowship with the Lord God. Nothing hinders this fellowship like a guilty conscience.

Go into today remembering that the source of your healing and good health is your constant fellowship with the Lord. This fellowship supplies the grace we need for life and godliness.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you walk in closer fellowship with Him from today.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Numbers 17-20 (in today's audio)

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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Faith comes by hearing

Broadcast 4181
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Romans 10:17 (NKJV) "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
When Kalu got to university, he started attending a fellowship that believed in the baptism and power of the Holy Spirit. He saw people who had just become born again prophesying and casting out demons, but he had been a believer for years and wasn’t walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. This was because his faith had never been stirred in that direction.

But as Kalu began receiving teachings about spiritual gifts and power, he realized that his ability and faith to walk in them started growing. This faith came by hearing.

I've seen many Christians who excel in virtue and character but do not abound in the power of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. Many have been cheated by the enemy because of this. On the other hand, some Christians, despite lacking in Christian character and virtue, walk in undeniable spiritual power and authority. They are like the Corinthians who were rich in spiritual gifts but still carnal (see 1 Cor 1:7, 3:3). Such Christians have the faith to walk in spiritual gifts because they have been taught about them.

Go into today remembering that faith to walk in spiritual gifts and power comes from proper teaching in that area. This applies to all things available to us in Christ. Also, remember that being unfruitful is a significant risk (see John 15:2, Matt 7:19). Your fruit includes both the fruit of the Spirit and spiritual gifts.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you abound in spiritual fruit and gifts. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Titus (in today's audio)

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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The attitude of growth

Broadcast 4180
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1 Corinthians 4:16-17 (KJV) Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me. For this cause have I sent unto you Timotheus, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in Christ, as I teach everywhere in every church.
After Jide became a believer in the Lord Jesus, he found it very difficult to submit to anyone. Because he was highly intelligent, he started reading the Bible from cover to cover and memorized much of it. Many times, he didn’t see the need to attend church because he felt he already knew what the pastor was going to teach. He was not accountable to anyone, not even the person through whom the gospel came to him.

This was why Jide was not growing as he should. He was still a very weak and vulnerable believer. His heart was still full of many works of the flesh like pride, greed, lust, and selfishness.

One of the attributes of believers who have truly yielded to the Lordship of Jesus is submission to one another in the fear of the Lord (see Ephesians 5:21). God has placed people ahead of us in the faith, and we are expected to follow their example in righteousness, faith, and good deeds. There are many things we learn by simply following those who have gone ahead of us in the faith. These are things that would have taken us much longer to discover on our own.

Go into today remembering that a great part of the power-producing virtues and disciplines of our faith is learned by imitating those who have gone ahead of us in the faith (see Hebrews 6:12). Ask the Lord to guide you to the right mentors and teachers.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to walk in humility and submit to those You have placed ahead of me in the faith. Guide me to the right mentors and teachers who will help me grow and mature in Christ. In Jesus' name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: John 13-15 (in today's audio)

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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Receive one another 3

Broadcast 4179
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Romans 15:7 (NET) Receive one another, then, just as Christ also received you, to God’s glory.
Bill was very happy to be part of the Christian community in his small town because they made him feel loved and accepted. He had never known the love and acceptance of a family until he believed in Christ Jesus and became a member of the church. He never felt alone again because he had brethren who truly considered him to be their brother. This healthy church environment was the reason Bill grew so fast in the knowledge of the truth.

Remember, when you came to Christ, you were a hopeless sinner, with a way of thinking that was contrary to His. But He accepted you, and He continues to intercede for you and do everything necessary to make you truly holy and glorious.

Go into today remembering that God expects us to accept one another just as Christ accepted us. We are to forbear with one another and choose to focus on the good rather than the flaws in the brethren we interact with.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for accepting me despite my imperfections. Help me to extend this same grace to my brethren, seeing them through Your eyes of love and acceptance. Teach me to walk in love, patience, and understanding, so I can glorify You in my relationships with others. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: 
Joel 1-3 (in today's audio)

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Monday, October 7, 2024

Receive one another 2

Broadcast 4178
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 Romans 15:7 (NET) Receive one another, then, just as Christ also received you, to God’s glory.

Remi wondered why most of the people he tried to disciple were not growing spiritually. He began to feel like a failure in ministry because he knew a large part of his calling was to disciple people, but he was struggling with this. He observed that Mr. Wellington, on the other hand, had a great track record of discipling even the most notorious sinners who became believers. After years of struggle, Remi humbled himself and decided to ask Mr. Wellington about the secret to his success in discipling so many people.

After they discussed for some time, Mr. Wellington revealed that his secret was faith. He explained that even though many of the young men he discipled had been really bad, he discipled them in faith, seeing them as saints, even though they were not yet behaving like saints. He said he had high expectations of them, and they knew it. He prayed for them daily and refused to see them as they were but instead saw them as Christ saw them. Mr. Wellington’s key was that he received new believers the way Christ received them. Though he was aware of their issues, he focused on who they were becoming in Christ.

Faith is a very powerful thing. If you believe someone is evil and will do wrong to you, it might be to you according to your faith. Conversely, if, because of God's word, you believe someone is good and will be a blessing, it will be to you according to your faith. If you disciple people but expect the worst from them, you won't succeed because you lack the faith necessary to disciple them.

Go into today remembering that if you receive your brethren the way Christ receives us, you will ultimately see their most beautiful side and have a fruitful relationship with them.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me see Your brethren the way You see us. Help me to please You in all things and be fruitful in every good work. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Proverbs 22 (in today's audio)

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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Receive one another

Broadcast 4177
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Romans 15:7 (NET) Receive one another, then, just as Christ also received you, to God’s glory.

Even though Luis knew that Samuel was now a believer, he didn’t like him and didn’t want to be associated with him because Samuel was from another race and a lower economic class. Samuel felt lonely in that church because many of the members were cold and distant toward him due to the rough life he had lived and the color of his skin. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington, however, were the ones God used to comfort Samuel. They received him as Christ received them. Because of their maturity, Samuel was encouraged and discipled.

Despite our imperfections and flaws, Christ received us and made us His family in love. He believes the best about us. He doesn’t deal with us according to what we were or what we are but according to what we shall be. He sees us through the lens of love and overlooks our many imperfections while interceding for us before the Father and helping us become better every day.

Go into today remembering that the way Jesus receives us is the way we are also to receive one another as members of His body.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, please help me to see myself the way You see me. Help me to see others the way You see them. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Psalms 105-107 (in today's audio)

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We are Royalty

Broadcast 4176
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Ephesians 4:1-2 (NIV) As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Demian was very upset with the way Joseph treated him. He wanted to retaliate and start a fight in class, but he remembered that he was royalty, and members of his household didn’t behave that way. He simply shrugged off the negative emotion and promptly reported Joseph’s abuse to the appropriate authorities.

There were so many things commoners could do that Demian just couldn’t because he was a prince in that kingdom.

As believers in the Lord Jesus, we have a high calling to become like Christ. God has predestined us to be conformed to the image of His Son so that Christ may be the firstborn among many brethren (see Romans 8:29). The way we track our progress is by the degree to which we are being transformed into the image of Christ.

God has called us to be princes and priests in His eternal kingdom. We must behave as such. We shouldn’t be found with the same value system as the children of the world.

Go into today remembering that God has called us to the high calling of becoming His sons. We are a royal priesthood and should behave as such. One of the major attributes we must have is humility and gentleness.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: I Chronicles 20-24 (in today's audio)

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Friday, October 4, 2024

Knowing God

Broadcast 4175
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John‬ ‭17‬:‭3‬‭ (NKJV‬‬) And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
In the verse above, we learn that the ultimate gift of eternal life is the privilege of knowing God. This means that the primary goal of becoming a Christian and receiving the divine life is that we know Christ and experience fellowship with Him. Although this journey will last throughout all eternity, it is one we must embark on during our earthly sojourn.

Many times, believers get caught up in the motions of Christianity, going to prayer meetings, Bible studies, Sunday services, and worship concerts, but we become farther from that ultimate goal. We may know a lot about our church and its traditions. We may even know a lot about Jesus and possess vast knowledge of scriptures. But to what end? If all our Christian worship and service don’t bring us closer to knowing Him, then something somewhere is fundamentally wrong.

Brethren, we must go back to the basics. We must seek to know Him. When we decidedly fix our hearts on Him in this way, then everything that we do becomes full of the hope and possibility of discovering Him in new and unexpected ways. Evangelism becomes an avenue to learn about His love and compassion for all men, while worship becomes a time to experience His holy nature. He begins to use even our mundane daily experiences to teach us who He is.

I believe this is the intimate relationship that God desires to have with us. We should not settle for anything less. The Lord is looking to reveal Himself to people with genuine hunger and passion for Him and nothing else. So let’s lay aside all our distractions and reach for Him alone.

Prayer: Father, please help me to truly know You. I want to experience true fellowship and intimacy with You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
—Kanyinsola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Numbers 13-16 (in today's audio)

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Why We Need Peace

Broadcast 4174
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 1 Timothy 2:1-4 (KJV) I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

In today's political environment, especially in democracies where leaders are elected, many people struggle to support those in power if they didn't vote for them. However, this mindset overlooks a critical reality: the success or failure of leaders directly affects the peace and stability of the nation. Throughout history, countless lives have been lost because of the failures of those in authority, leading to wars, unrest, and suffering.

As Christians, we are called to pray for our leaders because peaceful societies allow for the spread of the gospel. When a nation experiences peace, people have the opportunity to hear the gospel and be discipled. In contrast, war and instability create chaos, making it difficult for people to focus on spiritual matters.

The gospel of Christ thrives in peace, and we, as the Church, have the authority to bring peace to our nations through prayer. Proverbs 21:1 reminds us that the heart of a king is in the hand of the Lord, and He can direct it according to His will. By praying for those in authority, we are aligning ourselves with God's plan for peace and the propagation of the gospel.

Go into today remembering that the advancement of the gospel is the most important work happening in the world. When we pray with this in mind, our prayers are powerful and effective, and God answers.

Prayer: Father, make me an instrument for the advancement of Your gospel. Help me to remember the importance of praying for leaders and bringing peace into my nation. Deliver me from self-centeredness, in Jesus' name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: II Timothy 3-4 (in today's audio)

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Thursday, October 3, 2024

A Perfect Heart

Broadcast 4173
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1 Chronicles 28:9 (KJV) And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off forever.

During the holidays, Ben was excited to spend time playing video games. However, his father had noticed Ben's tendency toward excessive play and set daily tasks and chores for him to complete before he could play. Even though there was time left for fun, Ben resented the chores and grudgingly did them, putting in minimal effort. As a result, he missed out on learning and growing through the tasks, viewing them as punishment instead of an opportunity.

Like Ben, we may sometimes serve the Lord with half-heartedness. A perfect heart goes beyond just completing tasks—it reflects our attitude and disposition in doing them. The New English Translation describes this as "a submissive attitude and a willing spirit." If we do things grudgingly or without commitment, we are not serving God with a perfect heart.

God desires us to serve Him with a willing and joyful heart. In 1 Chronicles 29:9, the people of Israel rejoiced because they offered to the Lord willingly with a perfect heart. A perfect heart is also one that is free from offense and fully devoted to God. We see an example in King Amaziah, who did what was right but not with a perfect heart (2 Chronicles 25:2).

As today's Bible verse reminds us, the Lord searches all hearts and understands our thoughts. He rewards those who seek Him with sincerity and devotion.

Go into today remembering that God's eyes are searching for those whose hearts are perfect towards Him, and He desires to strengthen and bless them (2 Chronicles 16:9).

Prayer: Lord, help me serve You with a perfect heart and a willing spirit. May I know You more and live in a way that pleases You. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: John 10-12 (in today's audio)

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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bearing Fruits 3

Broadcast 4172
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Colossians 1:10 (KJV) That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.
Weeks passed, and Brian could no longer bear the toll his compromise had taken. Not only was his fellowship with the Lord unfruitful, but his academics also suffered. The energy and zest he once had were drained because he was no longer drawing strength from the Lord. This realization pushed him to quickly repent and leave the frat group.

The joy of the Lord gives us the strength to live fruitfully as God's children. When we receive the life of Christ and crucify the Adamic life (our old sinful nature), we must remain connected to Christ to continue drawing from His strength. Abiding in Christ means allowing the power of the old nature to die, making us fully dependent on the divine life of Christ. If we disconnect from this life, we would become weak and miserable because the old life no longer sustains us, and without Christ, we are powerless.

Those who have experienced the blessedness of walking in the Spirit know that if the Holy Spirit is grieved and His joy diminishes, even ordinary tasks become burdensome. Truly, for such disciples, apart from Christ, they can do nothing (John 15:5).

As today's Bible verse reminds us, God’s plan is for us to be fruitful in every good work. This fruitfulness comes when we abide in Christ and allow His divine nature to replace our old nature. It is through His strength that we can live effectively and fulfill God’s purposes.

Go into today remembering that those who are in Christ are ineffective without the power of the Holy Spirit. But with the Holy Spirit, nothing good that God has purposed shall be impossible.

Prayer: Lord, help me to continually abide in You and draw from Your strength so I may walk in fruitfulness and fulfill Your purpose for my life. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Hosea 8-14 (in today's audio)

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Bearing Fruits 2

Broadcast 4171
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Ephesians 4:30 (NET) And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

When Brian got into college, peer pressure led him to join a fraternity group that was worldly and borderline demonic. His involvement exposed him to vices he had never encountered growing up. All the while, the Holy Spirit within him was grieved, but Brian, enamored by the excitement of campus life and his new friends, ignored the Spirit’s promptings. Though he wasn’t actively engaging in the sinful activities, he knew his association with ungodly company displeased the Lord.

Weeks passed, and Brian noticed that the joy of the Lord, which had become part of his life since he gave his life to Christ, was fading. As the Holy Spirit was grieved, Brian’s spiritual strength waned. The temptations that once didn’t bother him now became real struggles. His ability to resist sin was compromised because he was losing spiritual strength.

The joy of the Lord is our strength, and the Holy Spirit dwells within us, rejoicing over us with singing(see Zephaniah 3:17). When we are filled with the Spirit, joy and singing often follow(see Ephesians 5:18-20). But when a believer grieves the Holy Spirit by walking in disobedience or aligning with the ungodly, that joy is diminished, and with it, spiritual strength.

Go into today remembering that the joy of the Lord, which comes from walking in step with the Spirit, is your strength. A life that pleases the Lord keeps that joy flowing and empowers you to resist temptation and walk victoriously.

Prayer: Lord, help me continually walk in the Spirit and bring joy to Your heart. May Your joy be my strength each day. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Proverbs 20-21 (in today's audio)

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Do not walk in the flesh 4

Broadcast 4265 Click here for the audio version (with audio Bible): Romans 8:3-4 (NET) "For God achieve...