Monday, October 7, 2024

Receive one another 2

Broadcast 4178
Listen to today's audio (with audio Bible):

 Romans 15:7 (NET) Receive one another, then, just as Christ also received you, to God’s glory.

Remi wondered why most of the people he tried to disciple were not growing spiritually. He began to feel like a failure in ministry because he knew a large part of his calling was to disciple people, but he was struggling with this. He observed that Mr. Wellington, on the other hand, had a great track record of discipling even the most notorious sinners who became believers. After years of struggle, Remi humbled himself and decided to ask Mr. Wellington about the secret to his success in discipling so many people.

After they discussed for some time, Mr. Wellington revealed that his secret was faith. He explained that even though many of the young men he discipled had been really bad, he discipled them in faith, seeing them as saints, even though they were not yet behaving like saints. He said he had high expectations of them, and they knew it. He prayed for them daily and refused to see them as they were but instead saw them as Christ saw them. Mr. Wellington’s key was that he received new believers the way Christ received them. Though he was aware of their issues, he focused on who they were becoming in Christ.

Faith is a very powerful thing. If you believe someone is evil and will do wrong to you, it might be to you according to your faith. Conversely, if, because of God's word, you believe someone is good and will be a blessing, it will be to you according to your faith. If you disciple people but expect the worst from them, you won't succeed because you lack the faith necessary to disciple them.

Go into today remembering that if you receive your brethren the way Christ receives us, you will ultimately see their most beautiful side and have a fruitful relationship with them.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me see Your brethren the way You see us. Help me to please You in all things and be fruitful in every good work. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Proverbs 22 (in today's audio)

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