Saturday, November 16, 2024

Filled with the knowledge of His will

Broadcast 4215
Listen to today's audio (with audio Bible):
Colossians 1:9 (NET) For this reason we also, from the day we heard about you, have not ceased praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding

Chris and Thomas both accepted the Lord Jesus on the same day. Chris humbly submitted himself to discipleship and was accountable to the brethren who were discipling them while Tom was too proud to submit to anyone because he felt he was rich.

Two years passed and Chris was now spiritually mature, exercising authority over unclean spirits and walking in his dominion as a son of God. But Tom was still a spiritual baby whose life was filled with fear. He was regularly tormented by unclean spirits and this manifested in sicknesses and afflictions. Chris was the one who usually prayed for him and he would receive certain relief.

From the day apostle Paul heard of the faith of the Colossians, he didn't cease to pray for them that they would be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding. He prayed this way because he understood that it was possible for people to believe, but yet remain spiritually unwise, not understanding the will of the Lord(Ephesians 5:17).

If the devil did not succeed in keeping people spiritually blind and hindering them from the light of the knowledge of God through Christ Jesus, he would do everything to keep them spiritually nearsighted so they won't understand [and walk in] the will of God, and as a result, walk shy of their allotted spiritual authority and benefits. Spiritually unwise believers don't pose too much of a threat to the devil and are not very useful in the hand of God.

This is the reason why after believing in the Lord Jesus, you need to become a disciple. A disciple is a student or apprentice, and in order for anyone to be an apprentice, he needs to humble himself and learn from those ahead of him. It is those who continue in Christ's word that are true disciples (see John 8:31-32). They are those that arrive at the knowledge of the truth and walk in spiritual liberty.

Go into today knowing that submitting to discipleship is the key to growing in the knowledge of the will of God. A proud heart cannot be discipled. The last time you learned and grew in the kingdom of God was the last time your heart was humble. Many believers have had stunted growth because they became proud and stopped learning when they saw spiritual gifts in their lives, etc.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, please deliver me from every pride that hinders me from learning and growing in your kingdom. Help me walk in the fulness of your will for me. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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