Broadcast 4261
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Romans 8:13 (NET) "For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live."
After Daniele accepted the Lord Jesus, she knew something had changed within her. She was alive toward God and keenly aware of His love for her. Sins she once committed without remorse now weighed heavily on her conscience.
However, Daniele continued living with her boyfriend, convincing herself that she could abstain from immorality. For two weeks, she succeeded, but eventually, she fell back into sin. This time, she felt deep sorrow for sinning against her Lord and heavenly Father. She also felt defiled and distant from God.
As weeks turned into months, Daniele didn't repent and return fully to the Lord. Over time, she noticed that she no longer felt different from her old self before she became a believer. She experienced spiritual death—separation from the vibrant life of God.
When Adam sinned against God, he experienced death—a disconnection from the life of God, as God warned (see Genesis 2:17). Fear, shame, and guilt, which are foreign to the divine nature, became his immediate companions (see Genesis 3:8-10). His nature became similar to the fallen angels who also rebelled against God and disconnected from His nature and life. For instance, the devil is a liar, and fallen humanity also lies. The devil is self-centered, and so is fallen man. These vices are not part of the divine nature but are symptoms of death—separation from God.
When we receive the Lord Jesus, we are born again and reconnected to God, brought from death to life. However, we must allow the divine nature in our spirits to dominate us and actively put to death the sinful nature of the flesh. The more we walk in the Spirit and yield to the divine nature, the more we mortify the deeds of the flesh. But if we continue to live according to the flesh, the new life we received in Christ can weaken and ultimately die.
Walking in the flesh is akin to drinking poison—it destroys the new man and leads to spiritual death. Walking in the Spirit, however, nourishes the divine nature and brings life.
Action Point:
Go into today determined to walk in the Spirit and put to death the deeds of the flesh. Confess any sin, repent sincerely, and trust the Holy Spirit to empower you to live in the fullness of God's life.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi
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Bible In 1 Year: Nehemiah 1-4 (in today's audio)
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